UPDATE ** Puppy cough, phlegm, productive


May 1, 2022
Bulldog(s) Names
Louise and Chief

Took her to the vet, the vet says her lungs look horrible, she for sure has bronchitis if not pneumonia.
Started her on antibiotics and an expectorant , a script for a nebulizer to start breathing treatments and follow up in a week.
The vet also confirmed what the previous emergency vet said which was that she has an abnormally small trachea, even for a bulldog. And that she would likely suffer with this her whole life.
Here is a side view of her trachea on the x ray. I donā€™t have anything to compare it to. It worries me because I just love her so much and donā€™t want her to suffer her whole life with breathing problems.
I also realized that Vicks vaporub is toxic and gave her a good bath to get it off and took out the vapo pads from the humidifier. I canā€™t believe I thought I was helping and itā€™s actually toxic šŸ˜«
Sheā€™s doing ok but she didnā€™t eat her food tonight. She ate 2 tsp of plain greek yogurt with her meds. I gave her 1st breathing treatment and now sheā€™s just really tired, sleeping. I prayed over her body. Iā€™m hoping and praying she gets through this quickly and I can keep her comfortable, healthy and happy for many years to come.

Original post:

Hey yā€™all! Itā€™s me again, the newbie! This video is from yesterday and my girl Lou is still coughing her little lungs off. I spoke with the breeder yesterday and he said to give dimetap grape flavor every 4 hours or so, and to use Vicks vapor rub on her throat and nose.
Iā€™m bringing her and Chief to the vet tomorrow at 2. Sheā€™s still eating and drinking but is now coughing up clear mucus. Her nasal drainage is clear. Sheā€™s still rolling on the floor fighting/play fighting with chief. Looking for reassurance as well as remedies for healing. Sheā€™s getting the dimetap twice a day, Vicks vapor rub on throat area, I bought frankincense a moment ago. Will start humidifier tonight. šŸ˜­šŸ˜«
Poor baby is scaring me with the constant hacking. She was born feb 4.

Well I was going to add the video of her horrible coughing but I canā€™t figure out how to add anything but a photo. Anyone know how?


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Hey yā€™all! Itā€™s me again, the newbie! This video is from yesterday and my girl Lou is still coughing her little lungs off. I spoke with the breeder yesterday and he said to give dimetap grape flavor every 4 hours or so, and to use Vicks vapor rub on her throat and nose.
Iā€™m bringing her and Chief to the vet tomorrow at 2. Sheā€™s still eating and drinking but is now coughing up clear mucus. Her nasal drainage is clear. Sheā€™s still rolling on the floor fighting/play fighting with chief. Looking for reassurance as well as remedies for healing. Sheā€™s getting the dimetap twice a day, Vicks vapor rub on throat area, I bought frankincense a moment ago. Will start humidifier tonight. šŸ˜­šŸ˜«
Poor baby is scaring me with the constant hacking. She was born feb 4.

Well I was going to add the video of her horrible coughing but I canā€™t figure out how to add anything but a photo. Anyone know how?

Sorry to hear about her cough, does she show any of the following symptoms(other than coughing up stuff):

Noisy breathing
Exercise intolerance(some dogs donā€™t show that sign)

This could be elongated soft palate if she shows any of the above signs. Which can cause pneumonia which could be the coughing up stuff She is doing.
Hey yā€™all! Itā€™s me again, the newbie! This video is from yesterday and my girl Lou is still coughing her little lungs off. I spoke with the breeder yesterday and he said to give dimetap grape flavor every 4 hours or so, and to use Vicks vapor rub on her throat and nose.
Iā€™m bringing her and Chief to the vet tomorrow at 2. Sheā€™s still eating and drinking but is now coughing up clear mucus. Her nasal drainage is clear. Sheā€™s still rolling on the floor fighting/play fighting with chief. Looking for reassurance as well as remedies for healing. Sheā€™s getting the dimetap twice a day, Vicks vapor rub on throat area, I bought frankincense a moment ago. Will start humidifier tonight. šŸ˜­šŸ˜«
Poor baby is scaring me with the constant hacking. She was born feb 4.

Well I was going to add the video of her horrible coughing but I canā€™t figure out how to add anything but a photo. Anyone know how?

Also there is a supplement you can get for throat, I just seen a review about coughing and hacking.

I attached a screenshot of it.

Keep us updated!
Hope she gets better soon

Sorry to hear about her cough, does she show any of the following symptoms(other than coughing up stuff):

Noisy breathing
Exercise intolerance(some dogs donā€™t show that sign)

This could be elongated soft palate if she shows any of the above signs. Which can cause pneumonia which could be the coughing up stuff She is doing.
1 ) Noisy breathing, yes a lot of times but not always. She wheezes at times which usually leads to a lot of forceful coughing and gagging and eventually producing some kind of clear mucus. She will be walking around normal with no obvious breathing sounds and then Iā€™ll start hearing the loud wet breathing wheezing sounds.
2) Snoring - slightly but nothing too noticeable.
3 ) Choking? This oneā€™s tricky. I wish I could show the video, she was doing a couple of coughs and opened her mouth really wide as if it was a mix between a yawn and trying to get up a hair ball.
But the coughing doesnā€™t seem to be correlated with food/water. Her appetite hasnā€™t been just amazing but she will definitely eat, no choking observed.
4) exercise intolerance? Not really. She will start panting hard when chief wonā€™t stop messing with her. Sheā€™s 2 weeks older than him but heā€™s almost double her size and she does not back down. I have to separate them in order to make sure she gets enough rest with her being sick and the breeder telling me she needs to be low stress plenty of rest to get through this virus or whatever sheā€™s got.
I ended up setting up the humidifier with Vicks vapo pads today throughout the day and also a diffuser with a couple drops of frankincense going right next to it. I set those up on the coffee table next to the couch I had her on. I now put the diffuser and humidifier right next to her kennel.

The breeder did mention that his main concern would be if it turned into pneumonia. Iā€™ll definitely be addressing this tomorrow at the vet appointment.
Sheā€™s been taking naps (I gave her Benadryl a few hrs ago) and she will wake up with a coughing episode sounding like sheā€™s almost throwing up, then lay back down and go to sleep.

I wish there were something else I could give her to amp up her immune system to kick this sickness out.
Also there is a supplement you can get for throat, I just seen a review about coughing and hacking.

I attached a screenshot of it.

Keep us updated!
Hope she gets better soon

View attachment 122734
Thank you so much!
I was just wondering earlier if I could give her a little honey?? I give that to my children when they have nasty coughs and it usually helps a bit.
Thank you so much!
I was just wondering earlier if I could give her a little honey?? I give that to my children when they have nasty coughs and it usually helps a bit.

Yes you can give her a little bit of honey.

Go to: Dogs naturally magazine.com and get the honey article for the dosagešŸ˜Š
1 ) Noisy breathing, yes a lot of times but not always. She wheezes at times which usually leads to a lot of forceful coughing and gagging and eventually producing some kind of clear mucus. She will be walking around normal with no obvious breathing sounds and then Iā€™ll start hearing the loud wet breathing wheezing sounds.
2) Snoring - slightly but nothing too noticeable.
3 ) Choking? This oneā€™s tricky. I wish I could show the video, she was doing a couple of coughs and opened her mouth really wide as if it was a mix between a yawn and trying to get up a hair ball.
But the coughing doesnā€™t seem to be correlated with food/water. Her appetite hasnā€™t been just amazing but she will definitely eat, no choking observed.
4) exercise intolerance? Not really. She will start panting hard when chief wonā€™t stop messing with her. Sheā€™s 2 weeks older than him but heā€™s almost double her size and she does not back down. I have to separate them in order to make sure she gets enough rest with her being sick and the breeder telling me she needs to be low stress plenty of rest to get through this virus or whatever sheā€™s got.
I ended up setting up the humidifier with Vicks vapo pads today throughout the day and also a diffuser with a couple drops of frankincense going right next to it. I set those up on the coffee table next to the couch I had her on. I now put the diffuser and humidifier right next to her kennel.

The breeder did mention that his main concern would be if it turned into pneumonia. Iā€™ll definitely be addressing this tomorrow at the vet appointment.
Sheā€™s been taking naps (I gave her Benadryl a few hrs ago) and she will wake up with a coughing episode sounding like sheā€™s almost throwing up, then lay back down and go to sleep.

I wish there were something else I could give her to amp up her immune system to kick this sickness out.

It sounds like it could be Elongated Soft Palate causing this which can cause aspiration pneumonia.

There is a surgery for this palate.

Noisy breathing is one of the big signs of needing soft palate surgery.
It blocks the airway unfortunately and that causes these symptoms which can lead to pneumonia which is not good.

I would mention it to the vet tomorrow.

Keep us updated on how the vet appointment goes and how she is doing!
Ok... she needs to be seen by the vet ASAP!!! Any type of breathing issue or productive cough can become extremely serious in Brach breed dogs, and needs to be evaluated by a professional. I would highly caution giving a dog under a year old honey, because they are still developing their immune systems. I've also never heard of giving a young puppy vapor rub or dimetapp. She may have an elongated palate and this is something to be discussed w/your vet, but right now this cough needs to be dealt with before discussing surgery. I can't stress enough to find a vet who is specialized in working w/EBD...
I also have never heard of giving a dog Dimetapp or Vicks. While we can give thoughts as to what could be the issue, we are not vets so please have your puppy properly diagnosed by a bulldog knowledgeable vet.

Good luck!
camphor (vicks) is toxic to dogs. I wouldn't use it - but if you must, would be very careful with it. And I would 100% NOT put it near the nose
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camphor (vicks) is toxic to dogs. I wouldn't use it - but if you must, would be very careful with it. And I would 100% NOT put it near the nose
Thank you so much for pointing this out. The breeder actually told me to be generous with it and COAT her fur and apply under her nose šŸ˜–
Youā€™re right.. itā€™s toxic. I also had the Vicks vaporub pads going in the humidifier and now I feel really bad for doing that. Iā€™m really new to this dog owning stuff and Iā€™m doing my best. I just want her well. She is literally the BEST EVER! Sheā€™s sooo smart and sweet and she absolutely loves being with me no matter what Iā€™m doing. I wonder if thereā€™s anything that can be done about an abnormally small trachea? šŸ˜¢
Thank you so much for pointing this out. The breeder actually told me to be generous with it and COAT her fur and apply under her nose šŸ˜–
Youā€™re right.. itā€™s toxic. I also had the Vicks vaporub pads going in the humidifier and now I feel really bad for doing that. Iā€™m really new to this dog owning stuff and Iā€™m doing my best. I just want her well. She is literally the BEST EVER! Sheā€™s sooo smart and sweet and she absolutely loves being with me no matter what Iā€™m doing. I wonder if thereā€™s anything that can be done about an abnormally small trachea? šŸ˜¢
Any updateā€¦ how is she?
Any updateā€¦ how is she?
Sheā€™s getting a little better but still coughing and wheezing a lot. Went to the vet Thursday and the vet prescribed more antibiotics and a low dose steroid. Will see the vet again next week.
My bulldog puppy is doing the same thing! I got her at 5 months old and the breeder said she was a little raspy but she got a clean bill of health. Fast forward a few weeks and I ended up at the ER vet with her because she got aspiration pneumonia (thank God for pet insurance). At the ER vet they said she has a narrow trachea and will need palate surgery and possibly nares. She spent almost a week at the ER vet and was doing great. Then about two weeks later she had a relapse but not as serious, she was put on oxygen for an hour and sent home with antibiotics. She just had an appointment with the surgeon and will be having palate surgery on the 29th of this month. Im extremely nervous and scared about this surgery but the vet did explain in great detail and said she will be fine because she is young, not over weight and has a neck. He also said her nares do not need to be done but that he was going to remove the sacs in her throat because they can cause breathing issues as well and she doesnt need them. Hoping your puppy is doing better now!!

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