
New member
Nov 29, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
Jax and Domino
Hiā€¦ I joined back in 2017 when I was considering getting a Bulldog to do some research.
Fast forward to 2021ā€¦.got that bully..a rescue, got another rescue and became a volunteer for our rescue. We lost our first rescue this year (we rescue seniors). So while doing a rescue transport last week I became attached to my transport dog (occupational hazard). So we now have added foster parent to our resume!

Our senior foster boy is most likely a dumped puppy mill breeder. He has a bad bacterial skin infection that went untreated but is responding to treatment. Unfortunately he also has a seriously enlarged heart, so he will not be put up for adoption but instead will stay with us.

So.. hereā€™s where Iā€™m looking for suggestions! He has licked his face raw. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up the infection, but with him constantly licking his face healing that is going to be difficult.
I have a lick mat for a distraction, but how do I manage the dry out his poor face? Anyone have a product or technique to suggest?


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Thank you, I read your link and another. Lol Iā€™m old enough to remember styptic pencils, so this makes sense. I did see some concerns about it getting into the blood stream or effecting lytes , so since he has a heart condition and on Lasix, It wouldnā€™t be my first choice, but since it would be short term Iā€™m not ruling it out.
[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]... any insight?

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