
Active member
Jun 17, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Meaty, Sophie, & sometimes fosters
Hi everybully!

Our precious ten-year-old was recently diagnosed with collapsed trachea and
bronchiectasis. Our vets are pawsome, and we trust them implicitly; HOWEVER,
it is always nice to hear peoples' personal stories! I'd reallllly appreciate any
info, tips, what worked, what didn't. How was your baby's quality of life, etc?

We went through several meds because the rescue vet misdiagnosed him. Ugh, she
did NOT seem very concerned about much of anything, which really bothers me. I feel
that she kind of blew it off and just said he had "kennel cough." Umm....NO !!!

A few months after he adopted us, his "cough" became CONSTANT. It was horrible!
We knew he had to be exhausted ! At first, our pawsome vets tried different meds,
(including a narcotic cough suppressant), and he was better, but only temporarily.

On a third visit and more x-rays, the vet then said it was collapsed trachea AND
bronchiectasis. He is now on Prednisone, which has completely stopped the cough.
BUT---as we all know, Pred has its own problems! Our poor lil' guy also has
spinal issues and difficulty walking, so we're afraid that since pred can POSSIBLY cause muscle-wasting,
is it worth it?

Has anybully here had a dog (or other pet) on Prednisone (or other steroid) LONG-TERM?
How did it affect them? Was it worth it to help their main health problem?

We had a long talk with the vet the other day, since we're becoming more concerned
about long-term prednisone. He said there are other steroids we could try that have
less side effects.

I purposely have NOT googled, because I wanted to avoid "horror stories", plus---as I said,
we trust our vet. But recently, we're noticing more negative side effects. Trying to figure
out the best thing for our sweet guy.
I'd appreciate hearing your experiences !!! THANK YOU !!!
Prednisone is simply a bandaid. Doesnā€™t cure. You probably know Iā€™m more on the holistic side. Get a diffuser going where he sleeps, add Frankincense n heā€™ll breathe it in. Will definitely help. Get some fractionated coconut oil, use about 1/2 cup n with his health issue I would add 15 drops of frankincense. Shake well, start massaging around the lungs n trachea (neck to lungs). Massage once a day. Iā€™m telling you this cause thatā€™s definitely the route I would be going on if it was my dogs. At the end of the day, itā€™s your fur baby n up to you which route to follow. If you stick to prednisone make sure you feed him a good probiotic as thatā€™s a med which destroys an immune system.
[MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]....Thank you for your response.

Your last sentence makes me feel SO terrible that I didn't know this! And
I DO know
how important probiotics are when taking an antibiotic---but not when taking prednisone!!
It angers me so much that some vets and "hooman" doctors don't share this important info!!!

When he first came to rescue, he
had a VERY serious UTI and had to be on 2 (or was it THREE?) different courses
of different antibiotics. Then a few weeks later, even MORE antibiotics for a different
problem. Poor baby has probably no immune system left!
*ONE* downfall of rescue is not knowing their HISTORY !!!! :(

I've chatted with many women who were upset that they were taking an antib., then ended up with a secondary
infection (aka "superinfection")--- most often of their urinary tract. When I told them to try an OTC probiotic, Greek yogurt, Kombucha, etc. they were so happy to learn this info. BUT----again I ask--WHY haven't doctors/ nurses/ pharmacists told us this valuable info ! ? ! ?
I have no experience with long term pred usage or the health issues you mentioned. I will add you all to my prayers.

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[MENTION=16009]TooTooMommy[/MENTION] youā€™ll get good vets n bad ones there for the $$ only. Like human doctors. Sadly as patients we need to become our own doctor n yes with logic of course. Any antibiotics or any strong meds, you needs to give or up the probiotics. I use in in food wise as fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies. I use oil of oregano every other day as maintenance. What you can also do is seek a holistic vet. Find a well reputable one n just sit down n talk with him/her. Ask questions!!
Iā€™ve done Prednisone short term but I personally wouldnā€™t do long term. Temaril-P is another option which is a different steroid but I know some vets prefer that over Prednisone. I think you need to weigh the pros and cons of long term steroid use. My Frenchie has disc issues and arthritis and I know that turmeric paste definitely helps with his joints and limping/stiffness.

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Yes as Citti mentioned definitely this tumeric recipe will also help. Many members do use it:yes:

In a younger dog that's not looking at a life or death situation I would not be pro-prednisone. In an older dog(8+ years) I would definitely consider long-term, low-dose Pred if there were no other means to provide quality of life, or just life.
I rescued my Dozer at 1 year old. At 2 YO his allergies started raging. Allergy testing revealed allergy to most everything. Shots plus Hill's Allergy Diet helped immensely but still were not enough. At around 5-6 YO we put him on low dose Pred. He lived to almost 10...passing from CHF.
Collapsed Trache is nothing to mess around with and usually progresses to the negative.
I would certainly consider Prednisone as a means of providing comfort in his final days whether that be 4 days, 4 weeks, or 4 years. You and your Vet would have to figure out what would be the least amount necessary to give him the Max relief.
Hopefully, your Vet can prescribe an alternate medication that will provide relief with minimal side effects. If you find something please report back and let us know what that is.
Thank you for alllll the wonder-bull replies, everybully !!! :)
BTT to see if anybully else has experience with collapsed trachea and/or
Things are NOT great, the prednisone HAD to stop for so many reasons. Soo many OTHER problems, too, but I don't want to write a novel. @helsonwheels ---I started running a vaporizer, but it doesn't seem to help. On another site, I read about eucalyptus oil in the vaporizer helping a doggie SO much, but that's not the case here. Maybe because he has collapsed trachea AND bronchiectasis.

I am going to make that turmeric paste TODAY---as soon as I
get back from the store....thank you!

I would LOVE to
take him to a holistic vet, but hubbs does not. We DID try that a few times----CBD oils, acupuncture, nothing helped any of our doggies, so hubbs isn't
willing to try it again.

There was a recent day where I broke down and wondered if it
was "that time". Like I said, he has lots of other health issues, too.

We're considering trying the inhalation/ aerosol meds. Our vet said it's very expensive, but they have a way of getting the meds from Canada. We don't care about expense, really, but it'd be nice to save a bit. We just want our baby to have good quality of life !!!! I am HOPING some hoomans here have been through this before, and can share their experience. TIA!
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[MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]....Thank you for your response.

Your last sentence makes me feel SO terrible that I didn't know this! And
I DO know
how important probiotics are when taking an antibiotic---but not when taking prednisone!!
It angers me so much that some vets and "hooman" doctors don't share this important info!!!

When he first came to rescue, he
had a VERY serious UTI and had to be on 2 (or was it THREE?) different courses
of different antibiotics. Then a few weeks later, even MORE antibiotics for a different
problem. Poor baby has probably no immune system left!
*ONE* downfall of rescue is not knowing their HISTORY !!!! :(

I've chatted with many women who were upset that they were taking an antib., then ended up with a secondary
infection (aka "superinfection")--- most often of their urinary tract. When I told them to try an OTC probiotic, Greek yogurt, Kombucha, etc. they were so happy to learn this info. BUT----again I ask--WHY haven't doctors/ nurses/ pharmacists told us this valuable info ! ? ! ?
God donā€™t feel bad. Like you I learned the hard way. Iā€™ve been doing this for decades so itā€™s a habit to read all ingredient. If I canā€™t pronounce it, stays there. :)

Medical Field they learn pills only. Easier to use a pen n give a prescription than research what Mother Nature has for us. At the end of the day staying healthy is basically what you eat. Humans or pets same thing. Btw Kombucha is great so long itā€™s not spicy hot for the dogs. Youā€™ll create another issue with their stools. :)
Things are NOT great, the prednisone HAD to stop for so many reasons. Soo many OTHER problems, too, but I don't want to write a novel. @helsonwheels ---I started running a vaporizer, but it doesn't seem to help. On another site, I read about eucalyptus oil in the vaporizer helping a doggie SO much, but that's not the case here. Maybe because he has collapsed trachea AND bronchiectasis.

I am going to make that turmeric paste TODAY---as soon as I
get back from the store....thank you!

I would LOVE to
take him to a holistic vet, but hubbs does not. We DID try that a few times----CBD oils, acupuncture, nothing helped any of our doggies, so hubbs isn't
willing to try it again.

There was a recent day where I broke down and wondered if it
was "that time". Like I said, he has lots of other health issues, too.

We're considering trying the inhalation/ aerosol meds. Our vet said it's very expensive, but they have a way of getting the meds from Canada. We don't care about expense, really, but it'd be nice to save a bit. We just want our baby to have good quality of life !!!! I am HOPING some hoomans here have been through this before, and can share their experience. TIA!
Sending lots of healing prayersā€¦.

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