General Question 1st Heat, Swollen Vulva


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Jun 23, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Sir Winston Churchill , Queen Elizabeth II
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My 7 mo old OEB is experiencing her 1st heat. Her vulva is very swollen. Is that normal? I also have a 3 yr old male (intact) that believe Lizzy needs help keeping it clean. Iā€™m guessing his (help) may be contributing to the swelling. Iā€™m scheduling an appointment to see the vet for a wellness check, but getting in takes forever. Thanks for your feedback (in advance).
Hello! Just joined- 1st post.

My 7 mo old OEB is experiencing her 1st heat. Her vulva is very swollen. Is that normal? I also have a 3 yr old male (intact) that believe Lizzy needs help keeping it clean. Iā€™m guessing his (help) may be contributing to the swelling. Iā€™m scheduling an appointment to see the vet for a wellness check, but getting in takes forever. Thanks for your feedback (in advance).

Their lady bits do get swollen during a heat. If your male dog is still intact, they should probably be kept separate.

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It is very normal. You most definitely need to keep them separate. She is much too young to have puppies and it happens in a blink of an eye when the time is "right".

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