My only thought is grab the dog by the skin flaps in the top front of the thighs. Dogs hate that. You do risk them turning on you but you are in a good position to turn them on their back and make them submit. Hope I never have to try that one.
I think I would step on their back leg or foot before reaching out with arms or hands.
Wow I am very sorry to hear that happened to your EB. But I want to commend you for your bravery!!! A dog attack is a very scary experience and for you to be able to think and execute the digging your nails into the other dogs mouth is extraordinary! You are soo brave!!! My EB has been a victim as well unfortunately to a full grown Dalmatian dog and it locked his jaw to the back of my EBs neck and would not let go! Very very traumatizing experience. Since then we have been very cautious with other dogs and always alert. My wife and I have been able to avoid other attacks by just putting our dog behind us and screaming as loud as you can to the other dog! I know itā€™s odd but it has worked. My wifeā€™s has been able to do that as well when she has walked our dog by herself and loose dogs are aggressively coming toward our dog.
Wow I am very sorry to hear that happened to your EB. But I want to commend you for your bravery!!! A dog attack is a very scary experience and for you to be able to think and execute the digging your nails into the other dogs mouth is extraordinary! You are soo brave!!! My EB has been a victim as well unfortunately to a full grown Dalmatian dog and it locked his jaw to the back of my EBs neck and would not let go! Very very traumatizing experience. Since then we have been very cautious with other dogs and always alert. My wife and I have been able to avoid other attacks by just putting our dog behind us and screaming as loud as you can to the other dog! I know itā€™s odd but it has worked. My wifeā€™s has been able to do that as well when she has walked our dog by herself and loose dogs are aggressively coming toward our dog.
Thank you so much! Itā€™s the worst experience ever! Sorry for the late reply
Wow I am very sorry to hear that happened to your EB. But I want to commend you for your bravery!!! A dog attack is a very scary experience and for you to be able to think and execute the digging your nails into the other dogs mouth is extraordinary! You are soo brave!!! My EB has been a victim as well unfortunately to a full grown Dalmatian dog and it locked his jaw to the back of my EBs neck and would not let go! Very very traumatizing experience. Since then we have been very cautious with other dogs and always alert. My wife and I have been able to avoid other attacks by just putting our dog behind us and screaming as loud as you can to the other dog! I know itā€™s odd but it has worked. My wifeā€™s has been able to do that as well when she has walked our dog by herself and loose dogs are aggressively coming toward our dog.
Sorry for the late reply still getting use to this website šŸ™ˆ thank you so much! It was petrifying itā€™s now been 2 months since it happened and luckily Bear is absolutely fine with other dogs in fact I think they find him annoying because all he wants to do is play lol. Iā€™m so sorry that it happened to you guys aswell I wouldnā€™t wish it upon my worst enemy. Sounds awful but I honestly thought once the dog would let go that Bears cheek would be hanging off or something :( We are definitely a bit more cautious around other dogs more so my mum especially french bulldogs. Iā€™ve tried telling her that you canā€™t be put off the breed and to try not to feel anxious around other dogs as I donā€™t want Bear to sense it. Although I canā€™t blame the way sheā€™s feeling after what we went through. It really is scary isnā€™t it when a dogs jaw locks on your fur baby :( I will definitely bare in mind your advice for future thank you!
Hereā€™s a pic of Bear fully recovered and a happy boy!


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Hi guys,
Iā€™m just looking for some advice reallyā€¦
So last night I was out for a walk with my dog at our local field, out of nowhere a dog (French Bulldog) runs at Bear and attacks him. He grabbed him by his cheek and pinned him to the floor. I was with my dad who has grown up with dogs and almost confident that if a dog ever attacked Bear he could get him off of them. That wasnā€™t the case the dogs jaw locked and my poor boy was pinned to the ground screaming, my dad immediately shoved his fingers in this dogs mouth trying to open it and it wouldnā€™t budge. After what felt like forever of him being pinned I decided I needed to do something as my dad couldnā€™t get his mouth open so I shoved my fingers into this dogs mouth and dug my nails in to the roof of his mouth and it worked he got off of him. I know that I didnā€™t deal with it correctly but Iā€™ve never been in that position before and to be honest I froze at first and didnā€™t know what to do. My dad is currently having an operation as we speak to have metal put in his finger as his finger is ruined. I have also been x-rayed as my finger has an incision and hurts quite bad it turns out my ligaments are damaged. Bears face was really swollen so we took him to the vets and turns out his wound is infected so heā€™s now on anti inflammatries and antibiotics.
Now the question isā€¦ if this happens again what do I do???
I couldnā€™t sleep last night literally kept replaying what happened in my head Iā€™m devastated so I want to do anything possible to stop this from happening again.

Picture attached just to spread his cuteness lol.

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Pretty scary for you all and for that I am sorry. To break up a fight, the best method is grabbing the rear legs of the attacker and lifting him/her off of the ground. They will let go. That will break the fight up, but of course then it is what to do with the dog that you are hanging on to.....................

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