
New member
Aug 23, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Porter and Pearl
image.jpgHi, my wife and I are heartbroken at recent events. First we are new here.
We have owned 4 bullies,2 pugs,Newfoundland and Great Pyrenees Over the last 45 years.
We currently have two litter mates ,brother and sister.
Our current situation is rather dire. These two were great for a year but he exhibited aggression towards the female which she returned in kind. This to the point of true dog fighting at the oddest times. They play great but at other times there will be a trigger that sets them off. He has also developed aggressive guarding with things. Not your usual toy or food. Random objects,my sons shoes with his feet in them....tv remote...kitchen towels or pot holderā€™s.....drop a random object on the floor...heā€™s there...bottle cap,keys etc. If he captures them he will not relinquish...and growls and bites if you do challenge him...but a play toy..no problem.
He now has no bite inhibition having seriously Bitten my son and my wife was collateral damage as I grabbed him during a fight with the female that had gone really badly.
He has been vet checked and I currently have him separated and We tend him as always. He is now his former loving self and is sitting with me head on my shoe..with no problem. I play with him...tug ...chase....ball rolling and he has no problems...I even dropped my phone and he ignored it.
So here is the urgency...upon consultations with a trainer and our vet he should be rehomed (more later) or Euthenized.
He canā€™t live here as there is no way he can be around our female(his sister).
He can only go to a dog trainer or behaviourilist....someone who understands his issues.
He really is a great and very well cared for 2 yr old male..neutered.

He canā€™t go to an apartment or home with kids or grandkids because of his object focus. This is a very narrow focus but we believe it is only fair to warn and ultimately humane for him. We will not give him to anyone who canā€™t demonstrate these parameters. We donā€™t mean to overstate but we do love him and donā€™t want the even remotest possibility that he would end up going somewhere he shouldnā€™t go.
Also a tight timeframe....our home doesnā€™t accommodate this well and the possibility of them getting together is real and inevitable.
Attached is a puppy photo..additional pics available..this was the only one in my tablet..


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So sorry to here this all happened... unfortunately it is not uncommon to happen with litters mates.

You are correct, they need to be only dog ā€”- I wish the best and hope you find a great new home for him

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Thanks for the reply...we are looking for any help or suggestions. He really is a good dog with issues. He cd be great in the right environment/home. He has AKC papers. We will ship him USA...with proper vet credentials...ie.. Vet approval
So sorry to here this all happened... unfortunately it is not uncommon to happen with litters mates.

You are correct, they need to be only dog ā€“- I wish the best and hope you find a great new home for him

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Thanks for the reply...we are looking for any help or suggestions. He really is a good dog with issues. He cd be great in the right environment/home. He has AKC papers. We will ship him USA...with proper vet credentials...ie.. Vet approval

You have a tough road ahead, since bite inhibition is gone most rescues will not take him so a trainer helping you rehome is the best option to successfully finding a great new home. I wish I knew someone to help you

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Id give it more time and try to train, worst case someone should adopt him especially if hes healthy and young. I would never euthanize him though even if i couldnt find a new home
Thanks, itā€™s the last thing we want to do but unfortunately this situation is not sustainable. We donā€™t have a doorway between our basement room and upstairs. The basement area we have him in does have a doorway but no where else...impossible to maintain a barricade between them and it is inevitable that the two dogs will meet...if another fight ensues it may be far more serious as no one will intervene. Additionally it is living space my son uses and that may also be difficult as Porter is attracted to his shoes....again a potential serious problem. We have put a lot of thought into how to prevent this. I realize it is impossible for anyone to see our exact circumstance from my few words. We will do our level best to find that person but the long term prognosis is bad.
Id give it more time and try to train, worst case someone should adopt him especially if hes healthy and young. I would never euthanize him though even if i couldnt find a new home
Anybody know of any trainers or behaviouralists in Illinois we can call for consultation.
Anybody know of any trainers or behaviouralists in Illinois we can call for consultation.

call your vet or other vet offices, also contact dog daycares or groomers.... they may have contacts. Even a local rescue will be able to provide some references
Unfortunately, bite inhibition cannot be trained back into any dog...once gone, it's gone. This is my opinion based on over a thousand rescued Bulldogs. No reputable rescue group will take a known biter. Trying to self-place is your best bet. However, you must be open and honest about his aggression tendencies or you leave yourself open to a huge liability...in re-homing a known biter.
Until re-homing...
Playing tug needs to stop. Remove anything guard-able from his environment.
My first guess is that he's guarding you...and in your absence, the next Alpha(if there is one) at any given time. When you aren't around he may assume the Alpha role.
You did not mention this, but I recommend against dosing any medication(doggie-downers) in an effort to suppress aggression. They won't work. At this point, medication will only serve to mute the signals of imminent attack...signals that might otherwise help ward off undesired behavior.
This breaks my heart. I really hope you find someone willing to take him. Is he like that just because there are other dogs around? I pray that you find someone for that kind soul. It would be a horrible tragedy for him to have to be put down.
Iā€™m sorry I have been away a cpl days....we have him quarantined for now with me in my home office. I am with him for about 12 hours and am doing my best to work with him. He will actually listen to my no and not take a treat until he is told to. He quickly does down stay. He is his normal loving self absent the triggers. I have not tempted him with known triggers nor am I allowing him contact with his sister. We have reached out to a behaviouralist nearby who I Am meeting in a Few days. I also have found a cpl of rehoming situations that might work out with trainers who are single with their own homes. We havenā€™t given up on him or our efforts. Thanks for your insights and well wishes. Again if anyone knows of any alternatives to what lies ahead I will be around and appreciate all suggestions.
Iā€™m sorry I have been away a cpl days....we have him quarantined for now with me in my home office. I am with him for about 12 hours and am doing my best to work with him. He will actually listen to my no and not take a treat until he is told to. He quickly does down stay. He is his normal loving self absent the triggers. I have not tempted him with known triggers nor am I allowing him contact with his sister. We have reached out to a behaviouralist nearby who I Am meeting in a Few days. I also have found a cpl of rehoming situations that might work out with trainers who are single with their own homes. We havenā€™t given up on him or our efforts. Thanks for your insights and well wishes. Again if anyone knows of any alternatives to what lies ahead I will be around and appreciate all suggestions.

please keep posted... thank you for being so loving and committed to helping him in all possible ways

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