Nyala had a flashback...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
I noticed Jake kind of limping this evening. Looked under his paw and saw a little raw scrap probably done on our earlier walk. I took out the bag balm and one sock. Nyala like flipped. Her head going left n right looking for something none stop. Jake came up to me n I put some BB on his paw. Nyala went up to Jake head butting him, licking his face, going in circles around him. Smelling the sock..... She just wouldnā€™t settle down. Then it hit me, that BB and the sock, last time Iā€™ve used it was on Duke. Duke wore socks for a few months on n off before he pass cause of his indigital cysts. For the ones that says dogs forgets.... better think twice.
You are correct [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION], dogs remember things for their whole lives. If they know someone when they are a pup-they always remember.(good or bad) That probably made you sad......
Sweet girl.
People often think bullyā€™s arenā€™t that clever we all know they are wrong! They miss nothing!! Hope Nyla wasnā€™t too sad.
The sock was washed n stored so she must of still smell Duke. She was ok just sat on my feet so I petted her little head with some ear scratching. She settled down n went off to bed.
Wow... they know a scent that is for sure and she was looking for him

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Poor Nyala ! Lucky she has Jake now otherwise she'd be a lot sadder. You're a great owner for stepping up and getting Jake. According to Wikipedia bulldog are number 136th out of 138 for Working/Obedience Intelligence. Only ones worse are Basenjis and Afghan Hounds. Luckily they make up for it with their looks and personality :)
Poor Nyala ! Lucky she has Jake now otherwise she'd be a lot sadder. You're a great owner for stepping up and getting Jake. According to Wikipedia bulldog are number 136th out of 138 for Working/Obedience Intelligence. Only ones worse are Basenjis and Afghan Hounds. Luckily they make up for it with their looks and personality :)

Lol true

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