
Well-known member
Community Veteran
Nov 16, 2012
Venice, FL.
Bulldog(s) Names
Jackson, Bogey (granddog) Ruger (granddog)
Good morning!
Jackson will be 1 in 2 weeks! He is social, loveable, but in bulldog terms, very stubborn! I can usually redirect him in controlled situations, but lately we have VERY BAD behavior and I am at a loss for how to correct. Hoping all you great bulldog gurus can help!
We spend alot of time outside. We live on the main drag of our newly formed Community. Because of all the construction, of course there are loud trucks coming and going. Cars do not bother Jackson at all. But if a loud truck, motorcycle, lawnmower etc, goes by, HE GOES BALLISTIC!! I mean, I have all I can do to hold him back, as he sounds like a lion going after prey. This morning, it was a leafblower my neighbor was using. He was lunging, growling and any command that I used ( which he responds to inside the house) was completely ignored. Jackson is a walker, so I love taking him out, and he gets plenty of exercise, even in the Florida heat, but I am so afraid the leash or harness will snap! Any suggestions on how to break this bad and dangerous behavior? I have a wonderful young girl in the neighborhood that loves to walk him, but I have not let her since this started. I have all I can do to hold him back. HELP!!!!!


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Oh gosh... I'm SO sorry, what a pain!!! Does he enjoy going on the walks? I would think that redirection would help... STOP the walk when he acts crazy, and once he calms down resume. I have an issue walking my two now, they have decided to start fighting so I have to walk them individually and I honestly just stopped the walks. I hate it for them, and I know they are missing them... but now w/the humidity it's too hot to walk now.
Agree wit tracy.... when he gets like that or you see something will send him in that behavior, put him in a sit stay and don't continue till he settles down
I had same issue with Jake as he came from a farm n never saw anyone but the breeder. I basically started his walks on side streets from a very busy blvd. Definitely he was on a harness n not on a collar. Took a few months and now he can walk on the busy blvd. That being said, if I use the lawnmower or weed whacker he goes for it. If the smoke detector goes which by fluke it happened once only, he attacked my leg. Go figure. When I take the Dyson vacuum, he wants to attacks it. I started to put him in the kennel, lock the door n I vacuum away. I now can leave him out n he won’t touch it. But the difference with yours n mine, I got he was 2.5 yrs old. Yours should of been use to nose exposure. Next time your neighbors are cutting lawns or using a gardening tool get him on the harness/leash, sit far away with him n talk to him. He will make the link there’s no danger with noises. Btw, a year already? That was fast! He’s a beauty...
Agree wit tracy.... when he gets like that or you see something will send him in that behavior, put him in a sit stay and don't continue till he settles down

OMG! There is NO getting to him with a command! He is so frantic and aggressive, it is like he is in a maddening frenzy!! It is all I can do to hold him down!!
I had same issue with Jake as he came from a farm n never saw anyone but the breeder. I basically started his walks on side streets from a very busy blvd. Definitely he was on a harness n not on a collar. Took a few months and now he can walk on the busy blvd. That being said, if I use the lawnmower or weed whacker he goes for it. If the smoke detector goes which by fluke it happened once only, he attacked my leg. Go figure. When I take the Dyson vacuum, he wants to attacks it. I started to put him in the kennel, lock the door n I vacuum away. I now can leave him out n he won’t touch it. But the difference with yours n mine, I got he was 2.5 yrs old. Yours should of been use to nose exposure. Next time your neighbors are cutting lawns or using a gardening tool get him on the harness/leash, sit far away with him n talk to him. He will make the link there’s no danger with noises. Btw, a year already? That was fast! He’s a beauty...
Last night, while walking, a motorcycle went by and he went nuts. I physically had to put all my weight on him to sit. He just couldn't respond- he was too maniac! I went to the home of the motorcycle. IT was off, but owner was sitting on it. Jackson first charged the bike, but because of the hot pipes, we had to hold him back. Then he realized there was a human sitting on it, and he was his loveable self. So, I asked the guy to let me walk away with Jackson and when I got about a house away, to start it up. He obliged and Jackson went ballistic. I can barely hold him. I had to almost sit on him to get him to sit,but he was so stressed with all this- the guy shut off the bike and pet him but he was just beside himself. He does not bother with my vacuum or floor cleaner. He completely ignores them. Even if we are in the car, and a loud truck or cycle goes by, he attacks the window, barking, clawing etc. Really at a loss.
Last night, while walking, a motorcycle went by and he went nuts. I physically had to put all my weight on him to sit. He just couldn't respond- he was too maniac! I went to the home of the motorcycle. IT was off, but owner was sitting on it. Jackson first charged the bike, but because of the hot pipes, we had to hold him back. Then he realized there was a human sitting on it, and he was his loveable self. So, I asked the guy to let me walk away with Jackson and when I got about a house away, to start it up. He obliged and Jackson went ballistic. I can barely hold him. I had to almost sit on him to get him to sit,but he was so stressed with all this- the guy shut off the bike and pet him but he was just beside himself. He does not bother with my vacuum or floor cleaner. He completely ignores them. Even if we are in the car, and a loud truck or cycle goes by, he attacks the window, barking, clawing etc. Really at a loss.

Sounds like anxiety. Definitely Jake has it. He’s now on daily cbc oil cause each time we bring him to someone’s house he pants so much he loses control of his breathing. I personally would have went a few houses down so the noise is simply in the background. Dogs ears are more sensitive. Im thinking on his walks you should get a slip leash. My son has that when he walks his pit bulls. Check the link. There’s like a smaller piece of leather you slip down so the collar won’t loosen. It would give you more control handling Jackson. You leave it right under his jawline n push down that little leather piece too lock the collar. But I would try to find one with a clip at the other end so it clips also to his harness. I have an 8ft leather leash which I had made for my GS back when. Clips each end. I used it on Jake as his walks was with a choker n harness. If he pulled I gave a small yank. His are with his harness but if he pulled he would get a yank from the checker side. Why I clipped the leash on both. He eventually understood, if I pull i get yanked. It’s all training right. So definitely takes time. But you need to make sure the choker or that leash it lock under the jaw. EB has a very powerful neck, you won’t damage anything if it’s done right. A choker basically snaps them out of their mission. Just a thought. [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] also uses a choker when visitors come to the door. Louie’s on a mission.

Last night, while walking, a motorcycle went by and he went nuts. I physically had to put all my weight on him to sit. He just couldn't respond- he was too maniac! I went to the home of the motorcycle. IT was off, but owner was sitting on it. Jackson first charged the bike, but because of the hot pipes, we had to hold him back. Then he realized there was a human sitting on it, and he was his loveable self. So, I asked the guy to let me walk away with Jackson and when I got about a house away, to start it up. He obliged and Jackson went ballistic. I can barely hold him. I had to almost sit on him to get him to sit,but he was so stressed with all this- the guy shut off the bike and pet him but he was just beside himself. He does not bother with my vacuum or floor cleaner. He completely ignores them. Even if we are in the car, and a loud truck or cycle goes by, he attacks the window, barking, clawing etc. Really at a loss.

I have to use a pinch collar on Louie when people come to the house because he loses his sh*t and is out of control. He gets overly excited and wants all of the attention (we have 2 other dogs) on him and he will lunge and pull and jump at people. His eyes will turn black and you can literally see the crazy in his eyes. I use it on him walks as well just because you never know but he honestly walks fine. At Home Depot and parks, he is fine. But someone comes to the house, even if UPS or Fed Ex is dropping a package off, if he can see them he flips out and will bust through the gate we have between the entry way and living room and then charge the front door. He gets so worked up. He will always be a work in progress and in "training". After some time he will usually calm down and then I will drop the leash but the leash and collar are always on him when people are over in case I need to quickly grab it. He's become a bit worse since we got Ella but now with COVID, no one is really coming over so we will be back to square one and I will have to start from scratch once we have people over again.
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I did contact a behaviorist, and he wanted $1500 for a 3 hour session! (JUST ONE!) Firstly, that tells me he does not know bulldogs ( attention span of a fly) and in the Florida heat, there is no way we can do 3 hours outside! RED FLAG. I will try the pinch collar. And I agree, I really feel it is anxiety. We will slowly work on calming and I will get the CBD oil. We used it on Bogey for a while and it was great. As he has gotten older, he is much more calm so my son stopped it. I will keep you posted.
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I did contact a behaviorist, and he wanted $1500 for a 3 hour session! (JUST ONE!) Firstly, that tells me he does not know bulldogs ( attention span of a fly) and in the Florida heat, there is no way we can do 3 hours outside! RED FLAG. I will try the pinch collar. And I agree, I really feel it is anxiety. We will slowly work on calming and I will get the CBD oil. We used it on Bogey for a while and it was great. As he has gotten older, he is much more calm so my son stopped it. I will keep you posted.

I had actually done a board and train with Louie. He was supposed to stay for 7 days but came home after 5 because he was a perfect angel over there and exhibited none of the same behavior he displayed at my house. At some point, I’m going to have the trainer do an in home session with Louie to work with him a bit more. You can check out some you tube videos on training with a pinch collar to make sure you use it correctly. Good luck!

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Thankyou!! I am not far from her. I am going to try a few things first. If needed, I will absolutely give her a call!! Thanks!! Where are you in the area? I am in south venice!!
Oh, sounds like you have your hands full! I cannot offer any advice but I remember that Castor att that age suddenly started to react when buses would drive by, or from other loud noise. Bicycles also seemed dangerous. He was back to his old self after a few months or so, but he definitely reacted to vehicles and sound there for a whole. We also had building and construction work going on nearby. I wonder if it can be an age thing, going from pup to adult?
It sounds like this behavior is common with Bulldogs. The breeder I got Tucker from rode a motorcycle, so every time a motorcycle drove past, Tucker got excited, and he eventually trained Sophie to do the same. Sophie goes crazy when the vacuum is on or if a weed eater is going nearby. When Tucker was about a year and a half, he got loose and ran across the street to attack a push mower! I eventually realized that Tucker was very protective of me, so he would become aggressive if he thought I was in danger. He was especially difficult at the vet's office, where we spent quite a bit of time his last 2 years. However we discovered if I was not in the room, he was a happy camper.

I hope you find a resolution.
It sounds like this behavior is common with Bulldogs. The breeder I got Tucker from rode a motorcycle, so every time a motorcycle drove past, Tucker got excited, and he eventually trained Sophie to do the same. Sophie goes crazy when the vacuum is on or if a weed eater is going nearby. When Tucker was about a year and a half, he got loose and ran across the street to attack a push mower! I eventually realized that Tucker was very protective of me, so he would become aggressive if he thought I was in danger. He was especially difficult at the vet's office, where we spent quite a bit of time his last 2 years. However we discovered if I was not in the room, he was a happy camper.

I hope you find a resolution.
OMG! You have hit the nail on the head! I truly believe that the charging and growling/barking/frenzy is fear, and maybe to protect us! So, my plan is to have him "face the fear" to a point. Started something yesterday and had some positive results. Will post more when I am sure what I am trying is going to work. Fingers crossed!!!

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