HELP!! Marking! UGH!


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Community Veteran
Nov 16, 2012
Venice, FL.
Bulldog(s) Names
Jackson, Bogey (granddog) Ruger (granddog)
Hi all! Its been quite awhile since I have been just gets in the way! As a refresher, my first bulldog, Bogey who lives with my son is going to be 10 in October!! Oh how all of you got me through those tough puppy days!! Then, along came Jackson. My son wanted another BD from the same Breeder we got Bogey, and he got Ruger, but we fell in love with Jackson, and the rest is history. Jackson will be 3 in July. He was a very easy pup to potty train, and even curb some "puppy behavior" with ease. He was neutered at 6 months and is as healthy as can be! We were able to leave him loose in the house by 12 months, no chewing, accidents or any bad behavior when we left. THEN....
About 6-7 months ago, he started marking in the house. It was random times, sometimes after or even during my son's visits with his dogs, other times it was out of the blue and in front of us!! We had him checked out by vet, no UTI, no medical cause for the bad behavior. We started watching him like a hawk, and even resorted to putting him in a pen when we leave. We left the pen large enough for him to get up and walk around, and he started doing it in the pen, right in front of his bed!! So, we now have it much smaller and that seems to have worked. We have a couple that watches him on occasion, ( she works for a vet) and last time he was there, he marked her curtains! She put a belly band on him and he had no more marking issues. So, I ordered some from Amazon, and although he doesn't like them too much, he has not even tried to mark when they are on. So, after about 10 days of using them, we started leaving it off when we knew we could watch him. We thought all was well, and he went 7 days with no marking!! Then, this morning, I moved his daytime bed and found a small, dried spot right in front of his bed!! He actually told on himself as he was sniffing the spot and making faces!! So, back to square 1!! Belly band back on, but I am beside myself with why! We have had no strange dogs here, no change in routine, no new items. Has anyone had this issue? Any suggestions for stopping it? Does he have to wear a belly band the rest of his life?? Or is this one of those bulldog phases? Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. He does not seem stressed, and this marking is when we are with him and without him!!
TIA for ANY help you can offer!!!
Hi all! Its been quite awhile since I have been just gets in the way! As a refresher, my first bulldog, Bogey who lives with my son is going to be 10 in October!! Oh how all of you got me through those tough puppy days!! Then, along came Jackson. My son wanted another BD from the same Breeder we got Bogey, and he got Ruger, but we fell in love with Jackson, and the rest is history. Jackson will be 3 in July. He was a very easy pup to potty train, and even curb some "puppy behavior" with ease. He was neutered at 6 months and is as healthy as can be! We were able to leave him loose in the house by 12 months, no chewing, accidents or any bad behavior when we left. THEN....
About 6-7 months ago, he started marking in the house. It was random times, sometimes after or even during my son's visits with his dogs, other times it was out of the blue and in front of us!! We had him checked out by vet, no UTI, no medical cause for the bad behavior. We started watching him like a hawk, and even resorted to putting him in a pen when we leave. We left the pen large enough for him to get up and walk around, and he started doing it in the pen, right in front of his bed!! So, we now have it much smaller and that seems to have worked. We have a couple that watches him on occasion, ( she works for a vet) and last time he was there, he marked her curtains! She put a belly band on him and he had no more marking issues. So, I ordered some from Amazon, and although he doesn't like them too much, he has not even tried to mark when they are on. So, after about 10 days of using them, we started leaving it off when we knew we could watch him. We thought all was well, and he went 7 days with no marking!! Then, this morning, I moved his daytime bed and found a small, dried spot right in front of his bed!! He actually told on himself as he was sniffing the spot and making faces!! So, back to square 1!! Belly band back on, but I am beside myself with why! We have had no strange dogs here, no change in routine, no new items. Has anyone had this issue? Any suggestions for stopping it? Does he have to wear a belly band the rest of his life?? Or is this one of those bulldog phases? Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. He does not seem stressed, and this marking is when we are with him and without him!!
TIA for ANY help you can offer!!!

Oh No!! That sounds so frustrating!

I donā€™t know why he would be doing that, maybe someone else has experience with this issue.

But maybe when you catch him doing that in front of you or when you see him mark, I would get a spray bottle and put just water in it, and spray him(wont harm him, itā€™s only water), spray him when he does that every time.
My dog hates water and the rain, and when he was being very stubborn for peeing in the house I sprayed him with only water, and that works wonders.

This helps because they arenā€™t expecting it and most bulldogs donā€™t like water(the ones I have been around at least), and that they will think ā€˜ I pee in the house or be bad/stubborn, I get sprayed with waterā€™.

My vet actually told me to use this method (just water in a spray bottle) and it has done wonders.

He will figure it out, and know if he marks in the house= unpleasant outcome/water spray.

That in no way will harm him, some people think thatā€™s mean, but it is NOT in any way(giving them a bath, or them going outside in rain would get them more wet).

Good luck, I hope he stops being stubborn
I don't see it mentioned-but maybe I missed it..Have you had him checked for a UTI, or prostate? Going to his Vet would be my first thought if this is something unusual for him. By the way, it is good to "see" you, though not for a good reason. Please let us know how things go. @mer55 The spray bottle sounds like a good idea,IF there is no physical problem.
I would probably get some bloodwork done to make sure there are no underlying health issues. Louie started marking in the house when he was younger but then we neutered him, and he stopped.
I don't see it mentioned-but maybe I missed it..Have you had him checked for a UTI, or prostate? Going to his Vet would be my first thought if this is something unusual for him. By the way, it is good to "see" you, though not for a good reason. Please let us know how things go. @mer55 The spray bottle sounds like a good idea,IF there is no physical problem.
He has had a thorough check up- urine, anal glands, prepuce, etc. All normal. The water bottle may help, it's catching him in the act that is the challenge! But, will try! Thanks!
Hey Mary! It could be he is regressing, try doing some training (re-trainin) with him potty every few hours, praise and even just working him with basic commands

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