
New member
Jan 21, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Bella and Charlie
I have two English Bulldogs. I took the advice from a bulldog owner to feed them Earthborn taste of the wilderness dog food and my dogs were stunning. Beautiful coats! I went to a vet who is supposed to specialize in English bulldogs and was advised that grain free is the fastest way to kill a dog? Thereā€™s a whole lot to the vet story... he actually suggested to do a pallet surgery on my dogs and killed my 6 month puppy by giving her to much anesthesia. Everyone in my area swears this man is the ā€œbestā€ but he wrote me a check to purchase a new puppy so I would hush about what he did!! Needless to say... Iā€™m heartbroken..

My current issue.. my 1 1/2 year old black and white Bella has been on the Earthborn from the beginning of her life. The vet above spayed her and did the pallet surgery about 2 months ago. He tried to Blame the grain free dog food when he killed my puppy... I had a necropsy because I knew dang well my puppy was healthy! And she was perfectly developed.
After finding a new vet who stated also grain free is bad I switched to Royal Canin...
My dog went from Beautiful to a hot mess in two months time! She has a crusty nose, develop a yeast infection in the vagina, and her hair has fallen off in patches! The new vet is recommending thyroid test, a surgery for her girl parts.. etc..
I tried to explain the dog food change and he stood behind the grain free statement.
When Iā€™m looking up the dog food here I see the Earthborn at the top of the list and the Royal Canin at the bottom.
So now Iā€™m confused and torn and I just want to go back to having beautiful dogs!! I am wondering if the spay could cause the skin situation or is it the dang dog food?? Or do I go with the ā€œnormal bulldog skinā€ theory. I canā€™t seem to get anyone to understand that she had NO skin issues before the dog food switch. Unfortunately we switched the food in the exact time frame as the spay.

After looking my Charlie I do not ever want to put my dog under anesthesia unless it is my last resort. I donā€™t want to feed my dogs something that will kill them either!
Sorry this is long.. Iā€™ve been through a lot over the last few months. Going to the ā€œbulldog specialistā€ opened Pandoraā€™s box!! Itā€™s been horrible.
Go back to the original food...or what we prefer, Zignature Duck. The Grain Free BS is being pushed by the SHYTE food manufacturers and their "bought and paid for" Vets. Shyte pet for manufacturers are pushing this load at the university level...and the FDA is gobbling it up. We've been feeding Grain Free Kibble for 20+ years without one heart related incident attributable to the food. I'm talking about 1000+(one thousand!) Bulldogs.
I have fed ALL my dogs grain free, 2 of them being purebred EBD's. They also get one or 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, as a bed time snack, and sardines once a week.
All 5 dogs are healthy and shiny, the Bullies are 6 and 7 years old, and have never had any illness or skin problems. Very few Vets are taught anything about nutrition in vet school. If I were you, I wouldn't trust that Vet any more! [MENTION=19445]Rdaughtery[/MENTION]
[MENTION=19445]Rdaughtery[/MENTION] plzzzzzz change vets!!! Find yourself a real bully vet. Let us know what area you are n some in here will guide you. Your vet has absolutely no care for peopleā€™s pets. Like mentioned vets donā€™t want grain free. Itā€™s BS! This is simply big dog food corporations trying to put down high quality grain free kibbles n raw diets. Pet owners are getting more educated n staying away from companies like Purina, Royal Canin , Science Hill etc n theyā€™re losing out. This issue in grain free was simply a taurine issue. Now more high quality kibble companies are adding taurine. Go back to what you were feeding them and simply add example a can of sardines per week. Or get a high quality kibble like Acana as they do add taurine in their bags. Even better feed a raw diet. Up to you.

Again donā€™t go back to that vet in case he kills your next one. Iā€™ve been there last June. 24/7 emergency vet kill my Duke. Only 2.5yrs old full of energy. Please change.

I'm SO very sorry about what happened to you... I lost 2 bulldogs during routine surgeries (and supposedly bulldog specialists) as well because of anesthesia. IF for any reason a vet "pushes" you to do a surgery that is NOT considered a medical emergency then I would consider looking for a new vet. Unfortunately some vets look at bulldogs as a "cash cow" and will push surgeries because they figure the owners will pay whatever for their expensive babies.

I luckily found a wonderful vet, and I talked to her at length about this grain-free garbage going around... she told me to IGNORE IT!!! Unless your bulldog has a history of heart issues, then there is ZERO reason to change the food to grains. These studies were funded by some of the companies that lost millions when the grain-free studies were done in the first place. I would go back to the food that works... we advice people to check out Dog Food Reviews and Ratings | Dog Food Advisor and see what works in their area and on their budget. I give my pups a half raw/half kibble diet that works great for them. We use Primal raw patties and Acana single ingredients kibble in the morning.
I have two English Bulldogs. I took the advice from a bulldog owner to feed them Earthborn taste of the wilderness dog food and my dogs were stunning. Beautiful coats! I went to a vet who is supposed to specialize in English bulldogs and was advised that grain free is the fastest way to kill a dog? Thereā€™s a whole lot to the vet story... he actually suggested to do a pallet surgery on my dogs and killed my 6 month puppy by giving her to much anesthesia. Everyone in my area swears this man is the ā€œbestā€ but he wrote me a check to purchase a new puppy so I would hush about what he did!! Needless to say... Iā€™m heartbroken..

My current issue.. my 1 1/2 year old black and white Bella has been on the Earthborn from the beginning of her life. The vet above spayed her and did the pallet surgery about 2 months ago. He tried to Blame the grain free dog food when he killed my puppy... I had a necropsy because I knew dang well my puppy was healthy! And she was perfectly developed.
After finding a new vet who stated also grain free is bad I switched to Royal Canin...
My dog went from Beautiful to a hot mess in two months time! She has a crusty nose, develop a yeast infection in the vagina, and her hair has fallen off in patches! The new vet is recommending thyroid test, a surgery for her girl parts.. etc..
I tried to explain the dog food change and he stood behind the grain free statement.
When Iā€™m looking up the dog food here I see the Earthborn at the top of the list and the Royal Canin at the bottom.
So now Iā€™m confused and torn and I just want to go back to having beautiful dogs!! I am wondering if the spay could cause the skin situation or is it the dang dog food?? Or do I go with the ā€œnormal bulldog skinā€ theory. I canā€™t seem to get anyone to understand that she had NO skin issues before the dog food switch. Unfortunately we switched the food in the exact time frame as the spay.

After looking my Charlie I do not ever want to put my dog under anesthesia unless it is my last resort. I donā€™t want to feed my dogs something that will kill them either!
Sorry this is long.. Iā€™ve been through a lot over the last few months. Going to the ā€œbulldog specialistā€ opened Pandoraā€™s box!! Itā€™s been horrible.

totally agree with the gang.... go back to original food and get a new vet. Grain free issues are a load of crap... feed it for many years with no issues before going to raw

where are you located, we might have a member recommended vet nearby

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