Rebecca Giardina

New member
Aug 7, 2015
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi Guys!

I really don't post much!

Today has me a little worried about our dog though. He loves food. Always has. Usually chows down within minutes and looks for any spilled food. Last week, he started getting cherry eye in his right eye and it was all red and bloodshot, so we have been giving him some eye ointment the vet prescribed us. His eye is no longer red and we are looking into cherry eye removal.
However, today is the first day off the ointment, but he wouldn't get out of bed this morning (he sleeps on a bed next to our bed) and didn't come out for his breakfast until 10.30am! He ate a tiny tiny amount and walked back to bed and went to sleep. It's now noon and I coax him to come from the bed and he just went straight back to sleep on the sofa. He normally sleeps alot but that's after he gets cuddles and runs outside. He wont go outside and has no interest in anything. He hasn't even been out to potty today!
Does this seem like he may be depressed? We moved from Japan to California recently, he got here mid October, so I don't think that would be the culprit? And I stay home all day so it's not like he is lonely? Or is he!? I have been wanted another bulldog to keep him company, maybe that would help?
He is going to be 5 in April.
Has he eaten anything he shouldn't have maybe? chewed up a toy? It's strange he doesn't want to go out to potty. Is it warm where you are in CA? anything over 70 degrees runs the risk of overheating. Maybe scramble a few eggs and see if he is interested. I know my boys get bored with their food sometimes. If he isn't interested in the eggs, I would visit the vet.
Poor baby :( it could be the food, I would try the eggs too and see if that helps. Feel better soon Gus Gus! Also cherry eye is a bummer. Many here recommend pinning or suturing back in (mine just got done a couple weeks ago and he's doing alright although his eye is still red but I was told that could stay that way for a couple of months) instead of removing to avoid the risk of dry eye. Best of luck to you guys I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!
Occasionally Chumley gets like that...usually gulps down his food but some days he won't touch his food..even his favorite treats...but it never lasts more than a day with him...if it continues a vet visit is in order.
Hi Guys!

I really don't post much!

Today has me a little worried about our dog though. He loves food. Always has. Usually chows down within minutes and looks for any spilled food. Last week, he started getting cherry eye in his right eye and it was all red and bloodshot, so we have been giving him some eye ointment the vet prescribed us. His eye is no longer red and we are looking into cherry eye removal.
However, today is the first day off the ointment, but he wouldn't get out of bed this morning (he sleeps on a bed next to our bed) and didn't come out for his breakfast until 10.30am! He ate a tiny tiny amount and walked back to bed and went to sleep. It's now noon and I coax him to come from the bed and he just went straight back to sleep on the sofa. He normally sleeps alot but that's after he gets cuddles and runs outside. He wont go outside and has no interest in anything. He hasn't even been out to potty today!
Does this seem like he may be depressed? We moved from Japan to California recently, he got here mid October, so I don't think that would be the culprit? And I stay home all day so it's not like he is lonely? Or is he!? I have been wanted another bulldog to keep him company, maybe that would help?
He is going to be 5 in April.

Sometimes they will do this for a day or so...... how is he doing now?
I hope Gus is feeling better today…just as a precaution, maybe boost his immune system. No interest in eating or going out could be warning signs something is going on, it's good that you're in-tuned w/him. Just curious, did the vet do an inner ear check?
I don't think they checked his ears, I will have to ask my husband as he did the vet visit. He said they were pretty quick to go everything. His eyes are gunky again today and again, has refused breakfast. I even put some banana in there for him! He seemed okay again yesterday, was eating just fine. Just seems off again today. Infact we just came in from outside and a huge urine puddle appeared, my 2 year old said it was the dog, so I think there has to be something going on. He NEVER goes potty inside!
I don't think they checked his ears, I will have to ask my husband as he did the vet visit. He said they were pretty quick to go everything. His eyes are gunky again today and again, has refused breakfast. I even put some banana in there for him! He seemed okay again yesterday, was eating just fine. Just seems off again today. Infact we just came in from outside and a huge urine puddle appeared, my 2 year old said it was the dog, so I think there has to be something going on. He NEVER goes potty inside!

Wondering if there are some environmental allergies kicking in with the move to CA..... have you noticed any change in his breathing or redness of the chin/paws?
Wondering if there are some environmental allergies kicking in with the move to CA..... have you noticed any change in his breathing or redness of the chin/paws?

His breathing is unchanged, and his paws and chin have always slightly bothered him, he has acne on his chin but that seems to come and go every so often and he licks his paws randomly too, but they aren't red. I just tried the scrambled eggs and he ate the entire bowl. So it could be the food? We recently changed to an Iams brand, it's apparently all natural and grain free (I forget the name!)
I don't think they checked his ears, I will have to ask my husband as he did the vet visit. He said they were pretty quick to go everything. His eyes are gunky again today and again, has refused breakfast. I even put some banana in there for him! He seemed okay again yesterday, was eating just fine. Just seems off again today. Infact we just came in from outside and a huge urine puddle appeared, my 2 year old said it was the dog, so I think there has to be something going on. He NEVER goes potty inside!
I would take him back to the vet (maybe even find another vet, if they're not taking enough time to do a thorough exam). Since you just changed foods, that could have something to do w/his behavior…it's bothersome that he peed in the house, especially if he never has accidents. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing important and he's just adjusting to a new environment and new food…if you check out the vet recommendations on here, there may be one in your area. Good luck, big hugs to GusGus, keep us posted.
His breathing is unchanged, and his paws and chin have always slightly bothered him, he has acne on his chin but that seems to come and go every so often and he licks his paws randomly too, but they aren't red. I just tried the scrambled eggs and he ate the entire bowl. So it could be the food? We recently changed to an Iams brand, it's apparently all natural and grain free (I forget the name!)

Iams is not a good food... lots a fillers. Here is a list you can check into and you can also look on

English Bulldog News Forums - Dog Food Ratings at English Bulldog News
Iams is not a good food... lots a fillers. Here is a list you can check into and you can also look on

English Bulldog News Forums - Dog Food Ratings at English Bulldog News

So we think this is the problem! It's his food. He has actually started starving himself. I am having to mix his favorite food in the food to get him to eat (cheese, cucumber, chicken ect)
We just ordered Natures Variety Instinct. Going to pick up a small bag whilst we wait for the giant bag in the mail. I know it isn't good but can we just throw the other food out and start him on Nature's variety without mixing them?
His eyes have been getting gunky again lately and he is really is miserable. I didn't realize a bad food could cause such drama with a dog!
So we think this is the problem! It's his food. He has actually started starving himself. I am having to mix his favorite food in the food to get him to eat (cheese, cucumber, chicken ect)
We just ordered Natures Variety Instinct. Going to pick up a small bag whilst we wait for the giant bag in the mail. I know it isn't good but can we just throw the other food out and start him on Nature's variety without mixing them?
His eyes have been getting gunky again lately and he is really is miserable. I didn't realize a bad food could cause such drama with a dog!

I think you are 100% correct.

Personally I'd start him on a bland diet for a week boiled hamburger and rice a cup and a half twice a day and then start him on the new food. Please keep us posted and good luck.
I think you are 100% correct.

Personally I'd start him on a bland diet for a week boiled hamburger and rice a cup and a half twice a day and then start him on the new food. Please keep us posted and good luck.

Agreed!!! :up:

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