
New member
Oct 4, 2017
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
My 11 month old English bulldog got into a dog fight, and it seems he got a puncture wound on his eye. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, he isn't itching or acting different but it is really red and it scares me just because it's his eye. The carbuncle seems to be swollen and red. When he looks at me it looks somewhat normal but when he moves his eye it looks so bad. If we lift up the skin on top and open his eye it looks like he popped a blood vessel or that's where the puncture wound is. Should I be concerned with his eye sight? Or do we think this is I'll just pass? Will eye drops help? IMG_3360.JPG
Hi. From what I see there's like a puncture or red spot under the eye. The red side gland is probably due to the hit from the other dog. Just make sure to keep a close look his eye stays nice n clear n not cloudy. You can put some lubricant eye drops to soothe the eye. Just keep him out of trouble for a few days.
My 11 month old English bulldog got into a dog fight, and it seems he got a puncture wound on his eye. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, he isn't itching or acting different but it is really red and it scares me just because it's his eye. The carbuncle seems to be swollen and red. When he looks at me it looks somewhat normal but when he moves his eye it looks so bad. If we lift up the skin on top and open his eye it looks like he popped a blood vessel or that's where the puncture wound is. Should I be concerned with his eye sight? Or do we think this is I'll just pass? Will eye drops help? View attachment 109342

I would have a vet check it to be sure there is no damage that you can not see.... otherwise, as Helene suggested keep it lubricated, watch for changes and keep him calm for a few days
I would probably have it checked to be on the safe side. Injuries to the eye can be serious sometimes. I know someone who’s EB scratched their own eye and it ended up getting infected and the eye had to be removed.

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I would have a vet check it to be sure there is no damage that you can not see.... otherwise, as Helene suggested keep it lubricated, watch for changes and keep him calm for a few days

Ditto. Go to the vet. Be safe than sorry.

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