I need some advice about an ongoing eye issue!


New member
Feb 26, 2023
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
My bulldog Fletcher is 9. In November he started having a red eye and we didnā€™t think much of it because it was ā€œcedar pollenā€ season. In Dec it got swollen and he went into the vet. They sent us home with a shoulder shrug and neo poly drops. It intermittently would swell, turn red, and the swelling is underneath and in the inside tissue bottom to interior corner. He went back to the vet. They suggested go back on allergy med. I administered Zyrtec. This is still happening. Eventually I detected an ulcer and he went back a third time. Seeing different docs every time. She again saw no immediate cause and treated the ulcer with serum and Ofloxacin drops. Friday we are leaving out of town for a week+. His eye still swelling, red and squinting, sometimes mild and sometimes badly. Iā€™m at my wits end worried to death and I have this vacation paid for. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Poor guy.

I donā€™t have an answer for you but wanted to express my frustration with vet clinics like the one you describe. Theyā€™re everywhere. Our 4H agility instructor was just venting about this last week with me.
Poor guy.

I donā€™t have an answer for you but wanted to express my frustration with vet clinics like the one you describe. Theyā€™re everywhere. Our 4H agility instructor was just venting about this last week with me.
Iā€™ve never had an issue with them and they come highly recommended, too, thereā€™s a lot of experience in the building but I really think theyā€™ve missed something and my boy is suffering the consequences. Iā€™m heartbroken as heā€™s my best friend.
How long has it been since that third visit?

Thinking back on it, I have seen eye swelling like that caused by an infection elsewhere on the body. It seems to me like you would have other symptoms by now if that were the case though.
How long has it been since that third visit?

Thinking back on it, I have seen eye swelling like that caused by an infection elsewhere on the body. It seems to me like you would have other symptoms by now if that were the case though.
Itā€™s been a week and a half.
Did they check the eyelashes? Also, it looks like it might be the third eye lid causing the issue. @oscarmayer
I wasnā€™t there, once we dropped him off and then my husband takes him because I have to work. They claimed every time that eye looked normal and no eyelash issues. I agree on the third eyelid, I donā€™t know a lot about the anatomy there but thatā€™s what it looks like to me. He gets a little bag kind of swollen underneath that eye. Then sometimes also that inside looks like a lid is really poking out there.
Poor guy.

I donā€™t have an answer for you but wanted to express my frustration with vet clinics like the one you describe. Theyā€™re everywhere. Our 4H agility instructor was just venting about this last week with me.
To update everyone. We were very lucky to get into the ophthalmology clinic today. The Dr there helped my last bulldog with some chronic issues. They found an indolent ulcer hiding beneath the third eyelid. This explains the intermittent symptoms and slow onset. It costed a good chunk but Iā€™m finally feeling better knowing that we got the right care. I should have listened to my gut sooner. Donā€™t let people talk you out of what feels right in your gut! Nothing my vet did made sense. The clinic said we should have been referred at the second visit when they couldnā€™t find a root cause (and I completely agree!). I wonā€™t let being afraid of missing work make me screw up like that again! No more drop off assembly-line care for my pets. I should have been there to advocate for him, but at least we are on the right track now. Thanks everyone.
good to hear the problem was found! I am assuming the vet already treated his eye?
Eye issues can be so tricky and can turn bad fast if not treated properly. So glad you got in to see a specialist and they found the issue right away.
To update everyone. We were very lucky to get into the ophthalmology clinic today. The Dr there helped my last bulldog with some chronic issues. They found an indolent ulcer hiding beneath the third eyelid. This explains the intermittent symptoms and slow onset. It costed a good chunk but Iā€™m finally feeling better knowing that we got the right care. I should have listened to my gut sooner. Donā€™t let people talk you out of what feels right in your gut! Nothing my vet did made sense. The clinic said we should have been referred at the second visit when they couldnā€™t find a root cause (and I completely agree!). I wonā€™t let being afraid of missing work make me screw up like that again! No more drop off assembly-line care for my pets. I should have been there to advocate for him, but at least we are on the right track now. Thanks everyone.
100% agree! You know best, and an eye dr. will also be the most thorough for this sort of thing. I have literally gone to the eye clinic without an appt. and they will keep Sophie until they can see her (that same day, of course) - fit her in. Her eyesight is too important as is keeping her out of pain, and those ulcers are AWFUL!

Good job, bully parent!
Dont bring yourself down. We are all human. You listen to your vet and was misguided. But youā€™re right, our gut does talk to us. Glad heā€™s back on track. Good jobā€¼ļø

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