Eye lashes irritating my bulldogs eyes


New member
Jan 12, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all
Thought I would share a post as not sure if anyone else has experienced the same issues.
My bulls dog has had 2nd operations to lower his eye lids and probably 10 visits to the same Vets to remove the eye lashes by laser.
The problem is that he still seems to be rubbing his eyes against his paws. I have checked and I believe all hairs are removed (even the very thin tiny ones hard to see) Also now I feel his eye lids have been lowered too far so you can see the red skin under his eye.
Not sure if anyone has any experiences or advice?
My guys right eye droops from the cherry eye surgery years ago. As for the eye lashes.. my guy got a few eye lashes Lasered that were growing inward and got the bottom lid corrected so it doesnā€™t curl inwards. He was scratching his eyes badly. So far so good been about a year since surgery.. looking at the pic the lower lid looks like it may be curling inwards though.

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