I just don't know how some do it???


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I am so tired after working all week, and spending the last 3 hours vacuuming, moping, cleaning his crate, washing his face wrinkles, washing his tail pocket, washing his bedding, all the hair and the odor...windexing my sliding door because he is OCD and sits and licks the whole bottom until it has a nice thick glaze on it. Just moped the kitchen and he decided he needed a drink, which is putting his whole face in the bowl and walks away with Niagra Falls coming out both sides of his mouth..OK SHEEEEWWW .....my question is HOW DO YOU ALL HAVE MULTIPLE BULLY'S :eek:???? Vegas although I love him with all my :heart:, is 10x worse and more work, than when I was raising my two boys!!!!
I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!!! I have two olde english bulldogges grils 3yr old and the other 8mnths the mom sheds like CRAZY!!! Now we have Mr.Beefy the newest Pack member and he not only sheds but has anal gland,poopy butt, tail pocket and ear yeast issues. I put their food and water bowls in their crates so i dont have to mop every 5 minutes lol. But I still have carpet so vacuuming is constant and always on my knees looking for places where Mr.Beefy decided to scrub his booty on the floor lol. For the odor I wash them ALL once a week with a baby shampoo and rinse with vinegar. I keep Febreeze Pet Odor handy and recently found a pet friendly spray by thrifty maid that is AWESOME!! My Olde's are low maint dogs so i dont have to do daily cleaning with them. But Mr. Beefy has to have his ears cleaned and medicine at night and in the morning, bit booty and anal glands wiped every time he goes outside, meds put on his anal glands 4x a day, nose rope wiped and balmex, his tail pocket cleaned and an anti-yeast med put on 4x a day. Its alot of work and very time consuming but I wouldnt have it any other way.
As far as having 2(bullies that is, I have 3 dogs total), it doesn't make much more work for me. I have to wash the window, mop, change bedding etc...no matter one or two. The only thing that gets me, is the bath time. Thank God for my son. He is 17 and in love with little Bella, he has taken her under his wing from day one. Many times I come home from work with Bella bathed and her beds washed!!!! I also have a semi-adopted daughter who only goes to college. For her "rent" she makes dinner and cleans the kitchen!!!! Other than those two, I don't freat over clutter (dog toys, dog blankets etc)
Now the only thing I have to do every day is sweep, We have hardwood floors and stairs, so I have fur-bunnies all over, everyday. I can't even get into bed with out dusting off my feet. Needless to say, I have a broom and dust pan in 4 different areas of the house!
I keep Febreeze Pet Odor handy and recently found a pet friendly spray by thrifty maid that is AWESOME!!

Must share. What is the name of this product? I could probably use this also!
Yes yesss! Please share [MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION]! I have to two smellys bullys no matter how many times I wash them! lol && would Love to try it :)
Hmmmmmm. Having 2 is a challenge. See, we fixed the tail pocket issue by closing it up. Neither of the babies have nose ropes or wrinkles to be cleaned...awesome! (How we lucked out with O, no clue. Both her biological parents have nose rolls that are huge!) But the fighting and bickering are what do me in. My husband works all day and has recently opened a Jiu Jitsu gym, so he goes from one job, comes home, switches cars and clothes and is gone again. Myself, I work full time, fight traffic, come home and have puppies that want to play and cuddle. So it's a never ending battle. I just started kickboxing last night and plan on taking a portrait class on Wednesdays. I feel I have no time at all. Today is Saturday and I'm doing laundry, dishes and vacuuming....all day. I don't understand how...[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] can have 4 kids and 5 bulldogs and still maintain a clean house..(do you think I'm only watching the videos for the 2 and 4 legged kids) Oh, and don't think I haven't checked out [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] background photos and videos. How do you guys do it? My husband says as I'm filming video or taking photos "make sure you only show the clean areas".
It's hard. I have a2 skin babies and 4 fur babies at my house currently. The dogs are way messier then the kids. All the dogs get their eyes wiped everyday. They each have separate food, Norm get his wrinkles and tail cleaned everyday and Cookie gets her butt wiped after every poo. Bath times are only done on days that are sunny, that way they could roll around outside.

Everyday is sweeping and dusting day and every other day is mopping (although I keep a bucket of soapy water and mop in the kitchen at all times).
WHHHAT?? desertskybulldogs has 4 kids and 5 BULLIES???? :eek: I would seriously have to have a Xanax addiction, LOL...WOW !... Oh yea, I raised two boys, finally got the last one out on his own, then got the "empty nest syndrome" I have always my whole life wanted a bullie, with no kids at home I could finally afford one and afford his health issues (which I have been EXTREMELY fortunate with, so far) There are days I wish I had my two kids back with my house running over with all their buddies than putting up with Vegas!!
P.S. Oh and [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], you deserve a great big trophy for mother of the year!!!:)
Ha, you both are funny. :D

I just do it, because I have to. There is no rest, no kicking my feet up and watching a soap opera, I also do a lot of multi-tasking. I also try to go fast. Much of it is OCD organization, preparation, planning and a quick yell throughout the house "OK boys, time to pick up toys, who can get the most points?!" Funny how the whole house can be picked up in less than 10 minutes when you are talking about who will get the most points.... ;)

I usually go to bed around 11, and wake up at 6:30. I no longer ever use an alarm, my brain wakes up at exactly 6:30. It is WEIRD. LOL

I need to feed the dogs in exactly 48 minutes, take turns in and outside for their afternoon playtime and rotation. :D This is naptime for the babies, so it is much easier.

I also have a thing for floors. I don't like dirty floors. So I also sweep a few times a day just like [MENTION=770]Bella'sMom[/MENTION] because I too, have very little carpet. And on mop day I enlist my boys to dry the floors as I am mopping. We get it done quickly this way, and yes, my floors need to be towel dried, it makes them soft. :)

Ok, I am going to shut up now cuz I am beginning to sound like a crazy woman. :eek:
Haha, it's not too bad with two bullies. It feels more natural that way to me; so they have some companionship.

I love sleeping in and napping but in my waking hours and I am either working, organizing, cleaning, or something like that...if I am not busy, I am bored. My idea of relaxing is playing hockey or hiking; I have a serious problem just doing nothing, which isn't good at all. Plus I don't have kids, those sound like they're a lot of work. ;)
Wow [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] , I have two kids and now the 3 dogs, i agree that OCD helps lol. I have OCD too and mine can get pretty bad sometimes where I will see something and have to strip down my whole house until that "feeling" of dirty goes away. The spray is made by THRIFTY MAID, I bought it at Winn Dixie, they had it 10 for $10 and cant find it anywhere else, the smell doesnt dissapear like alot of other sprays i've used, its safe for pets and can even be used in kennels. Also idk if anyone has tried it but for "accidents" Kids and Pets has worked the best for me and if you like them on Facebook you can get a FREE bottle. My vet also uses this disenfectant cleaner that is AWESOME!!! I will post the name of it Monday when I take Mr. Beefy for his check-up
mine can get pretty bad sometimes where I will see something and have to strip down my whole house until that "feeling" of dirty goes away.

I know this feeling all too well......

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