How often do you clean their face wrinkles.


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Oct 26, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
I wash my dogs nose rope with duoxo s3 and wash the rest of her face with a mild soapy wipe. How often do you think I should be doing this? Normally I do it twice per week and she gets a thick brown crust that just flakes off. Any suggestions on how I can prevent this brown stuff from accumulating?
something in their diet might be contributing. When I had Vada on merrick, she almost immediately had rope issues where she didn't before or after switching on/off.

You can minimize pretty well the problems by keeping it clean and very dry. The nose rope is right there when the dog is eating, therefore I think it is important to clean after every meal. Make sure it is 10000% dry. Then add something to keep it dry. Neopredef is magic (not for puppies!!) when there is irritation, cornstarch is magic when there isn't.

Check out this thread from 2011
I wash my dogs nose rope with duoxo s3 and wash the rest of her face with a mild soapy wipe. How often do you think I should be doing this? Normally I do it twice per week and she gets a thick brown crust that just flakes off. Any suggestions on how I can prevent this brown stuff from accumulating?

After my French Bulldog eats a meal, I always wipe his chops/mouth with a warm cloth after each meal.

When I clean his wrinkles, I wipe them down with a wrinkle cloth and then I use the natural Dog Company brand wrinkle balm. That wrinkle balm is very good for crusty wrinkles or any irritation in the wrinkles, so I use it about 2 days a week for maintenance/preventative. And when he did have wrinkle issues, i used the balm every day and it worked within 2 days of using it(less irritated).
Everyday before noon I make an espresso or a special coffee in my espresso machine. When I got Jake he was 2.5y/o ish. He was n still a curious dog n when he would hear the steam coming out of the wand, he come running n sat right smack there under the machine n just stare up at me like he wanted something. I took the advantage of his sitting there to give a quick clean of his rope n ears while coffee was doing its thing. Then he got a treat. To this day he still does his little routine. He knows he’ll get a treat.
Yep daily if i remember and get the time. But, I always wipe them face/folds after meals

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