Growling, bad behavior during puppy zoomies?

Cali Doll

Well-known member
Community Veteran
Nov 20, 2014
Northern VA
Bulldog(s) Names
I'm sorry, I might have asked this before, but I'm still just not sure what's right/wrong.

Bella has these fits, which I think are part of her zoomies. She's uncontrollable, she jumps up on the couch (front paws only--she's still small) and I make her get down...but she gets back up again growling (but I really do believe its play growling--it's the same thing I've seen her do when she's playing by herself). We go back and forth with her jumping up growling (sometimes barking) and me making her get down. Eventually, I make her go in her playpen to calm down.

Sometimes I spray the Pet Corrector (canned air) and it helps. She doesn't like it and she barks at it, but she calms down.

We use NILIF and she's generally great. I'm just not sure about this behavior. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing or making her worse, as she gets more excitable when I make her get down. Is it part of zoomies or some sort of test for dominance?

Attached is a picture that I found funny, as it looks like she's going to eat me.


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I'm sorry, I might have asked this before, but I'm still just not sure what's right/wrong.

Bella has these fits, which I think are part of her zoomies. She's uncontrollable, she jumps up on the couch (front paws only--she's still small) and I make her get down...but she gets back up again growling (but I really do believe its play growling--it's the same thing I've seen her do when she's playing by herself). We go back and forth with her jumping up growling (sometimes barking) and me making her get down. Eventually, I make her go in her playpen to calm down.

Sometimes I spray the Pet Corrector (canned air) and it helps. She doesn't like it and she barks at it, but she calms down.

We use NILIF and she's generally great. I'm just not sure about this behavior. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing or making her worse, as she gets more excitable when I make her get down. Is it part of zoomies or some sort of test for dominance?

Attached is a picture that I found funny, as it looks like she's going to eat me.

Hey Cali, it sure sounds like part of the zoomies to me. How old is she now? 5 months or 6? Winnie does fewer zoomies now (at 8 1/2 months) but when she does she growls and barks as she runs around jumping up and down, on and off of the furniture and beds. Winnie growls a lot when she's playing and sometimes when she's playing with Jack, she sounds pretty vicious (so does he!), but they're still just playing and having a wonderful time.

It sounds to me like you're handling it well. When Winnie would do that at bedtime, which happend every night for a while, we would put her in her crate and leave her there for 5 or 10 minutes. She would be calm and ready to sleep when we took her out and put her in bed with us.

I can't say for sure of course, but I'd be willing to bet the growling is normal play growling.
Thank you, Donna. We just had another of these moments. I made her get down, used the Pet Corrector at her barking, and made her sit. When she sat, I praised her.
I do also believe its a form of playing. Tyson would do that when he was younger, now if she's lunging at you aggressively, then that's different. But doesn't sound like that. She may even think you are playing with her when you make her get down, which is why she comes back for more. Sounds like your handling it well. Puppy days, I miss those. :)
Thank you, Jessica! I forgot to mention that she's 5 months old.
Thank you, Jessica! I forgot to mention that she's 5 months old.

I just read your reply to Donna, great work. I was going to mention maybe correcting her into the crate right away so she doesn't think you're playing, she'll get it eventually. She is just precious... love her little face !
at that age I'd definitely agree with you that it is just play growling :)

frank was the same way. his crazy zoomies have definitely tapered off now that he's older and they absolutely calmed down after he was neutered, but he still gets hyped up now and then. seems you are doing everything right in correcting her, it's just a matter of waiting it out as she gets older.
It's pent up energy coupled with playing. I think all bulldogs do it, and not just puppies. Blue still gets the "zoomies" and he's two years old.

We don't correct it. Just get down on the rug and play with him for a few minutes as that's all it takes for them to calm down.
I agree with [MENTION=7457]nycbullymama[/MENTION] , Frankie does this still every now and then. I call it the running of the bulls! We just grab a wall and wait for the initial insanity to calm, then we play with him. Even if she is playing and growling there isn't anything wrong with making her get off and sit before you initiate play with her. This will teach her that she has to be semi calm before you will play with her. My boys play differently with me than they do with my husband. Believe it or not, they are gentle with me and play full on with Gary. I also stop play and make them sit if I feel they are getting too wound up. just as long as she knows you are in control at all times, all is good.
It is part of the zoomies, and play, it's a way to release tension, they usually get them at night around 8 to 9 PM. A good walk before that time will help with that.
Another thing to remember is that Bella doesn't have another dog to play with, like a lot of our bullies. You're it for her! So I agree that you should really spend some time playing with her when she's wild--get wild with her, she'll love it!
Another thing to remember is that Bella doesn't have another dog to play with, like a lot of our bullies. You're it for her! So I agree that you should really spend some time playing with her when she's wild--get wild with her, she'll love it!

Great point. I need to keep that in mind.

Thanks all!
It's pent up energy coupled with playing. I think all bulldogs do it, and not just puppies. Blue still gets the "zoomies" and he's two years old.

We don't correct it. Just get down on the rug and play with him for a few minutes as that's all it takes for them to calm down.

agreed! or, just stay out of the way so you do not end up with a sprained ankle :D Not that it happen to me or anything :no:
Ruckus (2 years old) got a case of these last night after being cooped up with rainy icy weather. He'll run like crazy then pause and bark at you like uhhhh aren't you gonna come chase me and plaaaaayyyyy?!? It sounds like Bella wants you to join in her zoomies fun.
We call these puppy crazies. She is bored! Take her out for more exercise and eventually as she gets older she will calm down :) She's just playing!

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