Get a bulldog they said.....


Well-known member
Community Veteran
Nov 16, 2012
Venice, FL.
Bulldog(s) Names
Jackson, Bogey (granddog) Ruger (granddog)
I have been MIA for awhile. To refresh my story, we have had a terrible time with Jackson lunging at loud trucks, motorcycles, diesel engines, etc.:nonono: He was almost not controllable. Thanks to the experts here, I was given the advice to get a correcting harness that goes up around his jowls. That and high value treats was a lifesaver! After a few weeks, Jackson became much more manageable with the use of both. I even bragged about his progress here.:fie: The experts were impressed, but I do believe [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] said " don't trust him". :evil:Well, I was in a hurry one day, did not put the correcting harness on, just his regular one. I was taking him out for a "quick pee" and right back in. Lo and behold as I got to the end of the driveway, a cement truck came around the corner. Jackson started to lunge, I did not trust the harness( stupid move on my part) :bitching:and bent down to grab the handle that is on the back of his harness- he lunged again and he took me down. I tried to brace my fall on the pavement so not to hit my head, and I landed sideways and heard ( and felt) the snap of my rib. I did manage to hang on to Jackson ( I don't know how) but I was hurting! Yes, fractured rib. He now does not go out AT ALL without that second correction harness. He hates it, but it is too bad!:pIt truly makes him completely at my mercy and HIS safety! christmas jackson.jpgI am healing well and will never trust this little devil again!! Get a bulldog they said...... On a happier note, Jackson's brother Ruger and "Uncle Bogey" are coming for a sleepover tonight! I must be N-U-T-S!!! Will post Christmas pics soon!!

Omg... so sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better real soon!

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Goodness gracious. Sorry to hear this - fractured ribs are painful.

Hope the bulldog pyjamas party goes well!
Oh no! I hope you are feeling better. It always amazes me as to just how strong bulldogs are, I think that low center of gravity has a lot to do with it. Anyway, take good care of yourself!
Great to hear you’re making progress. Know that it takes a lot of work to get Bulldogs to consistently do what YOU want them to do.
Lucky for me, my wife Sandy, is the Bulldog whisperer. She’s so good at this...she amazes me still. Keep at it, be consistent, be stern, and you’ll be just as good as she is.
[MENTION=7064]mer55[/MENTION] I hope you feel better soon! For the love of dogs!!! [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] That is a wonderful picture of your family!!
Great to hear you’re making progress. Know that it takes a lot of work to get Bulldogs to consistently do what YOU want them to do.
Lucky for me, my wife Sandy, is the Bulldog whisperer. She’s so good at this...she amazes me still. Keep at it, be consistent, be stern, and you’ll be just as good as she is.
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Now that looks like bulldog heaven! [emoji4]
All I can get Bella to do is sit. Well that’s really only if I have a treat.

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Oh my goodness... I'm SO very sorry, and I hope that you feel better real soon!!!
[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] that picture is pure heaven... we KNOW who rules your house!!! Lol
OUCH!!! Broken rib!!! Sending get well soon vibes your way! Don't forget deep breathing exercises :)
I am healing well and will never trust this little devil again!! Get a bulldog they said...... On a happier note, Jackson's brother Ruger and "Uncle Bogey" are coming for a sleepover tonight! I must be N-U-T-S!!! Will post Christmas pics soon!!

Glad to hear that you are healing well. Hope your 100% soon. That knucklehead Jackson looks good in his christmas gear.
Yes definitely never trust any dog that lunges. Might not lunge for weeks n months but can still trigger. Why you definitely need to keep that harness on n I would add a choker collar. You need a leather 6-8’ training leash that has a clip at each end. Clip one on the harness n one on the chokers. Jake had a bad issue pulling when I first got him 2.5yrs old. Every time he pulled I gave a quick yanked to the collar. Then continue with the harness. Was only for his pulling. So if yours lunges, a quick fast short yank will pull him out of his mission. EB has massive neck. Yanks definitely won’t hurt them. It’s a reminder to them. If you pull, lunges you get yanked. Jake doesn’t need the choker anymore. :)

Get well soon!!
Oh no! I’m so sorry you are hurt, rib injuries are brutal! Sending healing prayers.

how was the sleepover? How are you feelin??

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