When we’re you ready to get another Bulldog?


Active member
Mar 30, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Dudley (2015-2020) Wesley 2021
Hi everyone, for anyone that didn’t see the post we lost are beautiful boy Dudley very recently and obviously both miss him so much every day.

I used to always say I couldn’t have another one when we lose Dudley because i seemed to spend so much time worrying about him.

Weirdly within a week of losing Dudley we both agreed that at some point we needed another bully in our life it just doesn’t feel right without one, we miss him so much and all the enjoyment he gave us.

So my question is, if you have been in a similar position how long did you wait before getting another bully? We both understand we can never replace Dudley and don’t want it to be too soon that we start to compare the new dog with Dudley.

Did you find it easy to love another bully?

Did you find your new bully was similar or completely different to your previous dog, i imagine there are certain attributes that are common to most bully’s, stubbornness, cuddling, loving people and children which were the things we loved about Dudley.

Thanks for any information if you have had similar thoughts.

[MENTION=13960]Zedsded[/MENTION] I can't imagine what you've been through and are going through. But I can say that it makes me very happy to see that you are considering another pup. It has always been so evident that Dudley was loved and cared for beyond belief and to not share that love again would be sad. That being said, Joey is my first bully and honestly I don't know what my feelings would be on another bully, Joey to me is one of a kind and to expect anything like her would be unfair to a new pup and maybe a let down to me. I have always had long living dogs, Joey is my 3rd in my adult life. My last one was a rescue, part german shepherd and part black lab who I loved to the moon and back. After she passed away at the age of 16 it took me 10 years to get another dog, along came Joey.

I can say that I wished that I had not waited so long, life was so lonely and sad, had I only known the JOY Joey would bring I would have found her right away. I think whatever you decide (on breed) that pup will be loved more that it could have EVER IMAGINED.

I know that my post is not directly related to you questions but I wanted to respond because of how I have always thought so much of you and Dudley.

I hope that you keep posting and updating on this new journey friend!
Like you, I worried about Chumly constantly. I don't know why, I just did. He was a rescue from the RSPCA and spent the first 5 years of his life there. When he died he left such a massive hole in our lives that there was no question about getting another dog. It would happen. There was no "replacing", that was impossible. I was just lost without him and needed another dog. He was and still is the love of my life, my "heart dog" that comes once in a lifetime. I have had many dogs in my life and they were all very special in their own way. Monty fell in our laps about 2 months later and was a different dog completely, in looks and personality. We were so lucky to find him and loved him to death and grieved deeply when he died. Now we have Buster, another re-homing situation about a month after Monty died and again we can't believe our luck! He is much more outgoing than Monty and my velcro dog! Such a character and a really sweet boy!
I guess the point of all this is to say you will never "replace" Dudley so don't even worry about that, he was special, but you can get another dog that you will love and you will enjoy that dog too for his unique personality.
So, go for it!
Thank you for both your advice it is lovely to hear and does confirm what we are already feeling :yes:

We will probably wait until next Feb/Mar when hopefully the world might be slightly back to normal.

We can never replace Dudley but love the breed so much that we need one, it doesn’t feel like a family without one in our house especially as we have no children.

We have already had people say “you wouldn’t get another bulldog though would you” Not with all the trouble you had”
We said of course we would, why would we have anything else.

You don’t get a Bully just because you want a dog, you get a Bully because you want a Bully :yes:
When one leaves us it simply makes room for another...another rescue. I imagine the same rule would apply if we were to go the puppy route.
I agree with others... you don’t replace, they each get a special part of your heart for different reasons. After our first past we struggled, but then Cheli (our Frenchie) fell into our lives two months later. Then when Banks suddenly passed, Lewis was very hurt and angry, he swore we were DONE! Well, two weeks later I went away for two days, came home to his first words being.. we gotta get another bulldog, Cheli is really depressed. Three weeks later we got Lambeau.
I agree with others... you don’t replace, they each get a special part of your heart for different reasons. After our first past we struggled, but then Cheli (our Frenchie) fell into our lives two months later. Then when Banks suddenly passed, Lewis was very hurt and angry, he swore we were DONE! Well, two weeks later I went away for two days, came home to his first words being.. we gotta get another bulldog, Cheli is really depressed. Three weeks later we got Lambeau.

That all sounds very familiar, we know we can never replace Dudley we just want to love and care for another Bully as much as we did with Dudley, also fighting with the thought that it seems disloyal to Dudley if we have another, if that makes sense?

We keep going through all the emotions as you mentioned, guilt and anger mainly we just miss him so much.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

That all sounds very familiar, we know we can never replace Dudley we just want to love and care for another Bully as much as we did with Dudley, also fighting with the thought that it seems disloyal to Dudley if we have another, if that makes sense?

We keep going through all the emotions as you mentioned, guilt and anger mainly we just miss him so much.

Thanks again for your thoughts.


I was exactly where you are when our Nitschke past, there will never be another Nitschke. I still, 9 years later tear up thinking about him (like now). He was my soul dog, just bonded instantly and when we lost him, I felt lost and thought I can’t get another, I feel I am not honoring my love of him and his of us. I get it.... you will know when and which will be your next, in some cases they come to you, as Cheli did us. He was an owner surrender to our vet and Joe called us and said... want to meet a Frenchie! And, that will be 9 yrs as of December 17th, I think, but he came home with us on Christmas Eve 2011 , two months after Nitschke passed.... and yes, I cried for a couple days and took me weeks if not months to bond with him. Be good to yourself, it will come in time

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I was exactly where you are when our Nitschke past, there will never be another Nitschke. I still, 9 years later tear up thinking about him (like now). He was my soul dog, just bonded instantly and when we lost him, I felt lost and thought I can’t get another, I feel I am not honoring my love of him and his of us. I get it.... you will know when and which will be your next, in some cases they come to you, as Cheli did us. He was an owner surrender to our vet and Joe called us and said... want to meet a Frenchie! And, that will be 9 yrs as of December 17th, I think, but he came home with us on Christmas Eve 2011 , two months after Nitschke passed.... and yes, I cried for a couple days and took me weeks if not months to bond with him. Be good to yourself, it will come in time

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Thanks again for sharing these thoughts, it’s so nice to hear other people share the same feelings as we do.

When we lost Mabel there was no doubt we would have another. Bill wanted to wait because the pain of losing her hit him hard. I found Ariel through a friend of a friend of a . . . We were in love the moment we met her. She did not have the same health issues as Mabel, which was really fun for us. We have found that we can’t wait. The hole left behind needs to be filled for us.
When we lost Mabel there was no doubt we would have another. Bill wanted to wait because the pain of losing her hit him hard. I found Ariel through a friend of a friend of a . . . We were in love the moment we met her. She did not have the same health issues as Mabel, which was really fun for us. We have found that we can’t wait. The hole left behind needs to be filled for us.

We keep changing our minds! There is no doubt we are getting another bully but we sometimes feel like we NEED one now, and sometimes we feel like we need to wait a little, as i said before it feels like we are “forgetting” Dudley if we have another bully too soon. Just trying to wrestle with these emotions, still hard to believe Dudley is not here.
We keep changing our minds! There is no doubt we are getting another bully but we sometimes feel like we NEED one now, and sometimes we feel like we need to wait a little, as i said before it feels like we are “forgetting” Dudley if we have another bully too soon. Just trying to wrestle with these emotions, still hard to believe Dudley is not here.

sending yo both big @$$ hugs!!!
Dudley will never be forgotten. I still think about my first(got her in 1993)...and all those that came after her. The time you wait may be for healing but nothing heals like caring for and loving a new Bulldog. This is time you'll never get back so why waste it and suffer through being Bulldogless when you know you'll be getting another. There's one out there that needs you just as much as you need them.
damn, what hard a question. we lost Rudy in July. My wife started looking for a new lapdog about a month later. Not a new dog to replace Rudy but a new family member to sit on the lap. We got Bruno (a rescue Bulldog) about a month ago. He is not a replacement for Rudy, he is the newest family member. I so miss Rudy, but we are happy to give Bruno a new forever home.

damn, what hard a question. we lost Rudy in July. My wife started looking for a new lapdog about a month later. Not a new dog to replace Rudy but a new family member to sit on the lap. We got Bruno (a rescue Bulldog) about a month ago. He is not a replacement for Rudy, he is the newest family member. I so miss Rudy, but we are happy to give Bruno a new forever home.

Rudy will never be replaced in your heart. But you’ve rescued Bruno to a great home! ENJOY!!! :yes:

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