Ended up in the ER last night...


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
Staff member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
UGH... we had a long night last night.

Gave the pups marrow bones last night, and the last time we had done this Willow had ZERO interest in hers and just watched Walter chew on his. No problems... WELL I put them both outside and gave them both enough space to see that the other one had a bone too, but enough space so there wouldn't be any issues or so I thought. Walter was chewing his and Willow was JUST licking on hers and then Walter decided to move closer to his sister. I could see the look on her face that it was coming, and Ray ran out to get to Willow before all HELL broke lose. Walter ended up biting Ray, and his tooth caught his knuckle just at the right angle to take it to the bone. Took him to the ER, and his finger is fine... no stitches needed, they just did an x-ray, cleaned it up and put his finger in a splint to keep it straight. Gave him a tetanus shot and antibiotics since they were eating on raw bones.

I threw the bones out... the last time that this happened was Christmas morning over moose antlers that they both now chew on and nobody cares. I guess that if I give them any new bones it will have to be in their crates under strict supervision.

I contacted my dog trainer, and she told me to buy cheap cookie trays and use them to separate them to stop a scuffle. She said they make a loud bang, and you can use them to keep them separated.

I HATE this... I've NEVER EVER had an issue w/two dogs like this... :nope:


Community Veteran
Dec 9, 2016
Seattle, WA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
King Louie, Jax (French Bulldog), Ella Mae and Darla Rae
Oh no!! Glad to hear it wasn't anything serious. A couple of weeks ago I gave the boys a raw bone each on the deck. Jax was getting protective over his and I took them both away before things got too crazy.

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Dollys Owner

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2017
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I have the same thing with my 2 female dogs. If they get a toy they both like or if I walk 2 at the same time and they see another dog or a person they both like, they will start fighting. My English bulldog is stronger than my Frenchie, so my Frenchie has gotten hurt a few times. My current strategy is no really fun toys and walk them separately or with 2 people. At night time they both sleep in the same bed. It's crazy.


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Aug 27, 2016
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Horrible!! so awful and doggone those two!!!! It has to feel just awful and I'm so sorry and also glad you did the tetanus etc... Hope all heals well and hope those two quitIT!!!


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Sigh... damn kids!! Glad everyone is fine and Ray just needed a cleaning

Bones= crates

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Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Jul 4, 2012
Central Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus & Cami live in Heaven
Hugs all around, glad everyone is okay, that Willow can sure be a 'lil biyach!

Great idea using cookie sheets & good taking Ray to ER, my sister broke up a
fight between 2 Catahoula brothers (I inherited when she tired of them), bit on
finger also, started getting red & swelling up a couple days later so she went in.
Had flesh eating bacteria but very early caught so was fine, stayed overnight for
intravenous antibiotics & observation.

I sure miss those boys, I named them King Leonidas & Beowulf (Leo & Beo), 100
lb'ers and so graceful, they leap like deer! Extremely energetic and played really
rough. They loved each other but fought a lot (jealous & over dominance), great
dogs tho. Extremely loyal, protective but not mean, extremely intelligent, have to
watch small animals (prey drive) they learned to leave my cats alone but I never
left them alone with them! Definitely need alpha pack leader as they are strong
willed, gorgeous & muscled up, extremely strong, natural athletes, very brave,
why they're used to hunt big game like wild boar, bears, etc. Louisiana's state dog.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
Sure glad everyone is doing fine as them bites can be nasty.... :yes:


Dog Hoarder
May 27, 2013
Barrys Bay Ont Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Megan = Meg,
UGH... we had a long night last night.

Gave the pups marrow bones last night, and the last time we had done this Willow had ZERO interest in hers and just watched Walter chew on his. No problems... WELL I put them both outside and gave them both enough space to see that the other one had a bone too, but enough space so there wouldn't be any issues or so I thought. Walter was chewing his and Willow was JUST licking on hers and then Walter decided to move closer to his sister. I could see the look on her face that it was coming, and Ray ran out to get to Willow before all HELL broke lose. Walter ended up biting Ray, and his tooth caught his knuckle just at the right angle to take it to the bone. Took him to the ER, and his finger is fine... no stitches needed, they just did an x-ray, cleaned it up and put his finger in a splint to keep it straight. Gave him a tetanus shot and antibiotics since they were eating on raw bones.

I threw the bones out... the last time that this happened was Christmas morning over moose antlers that they both now chew on and nobody cares. I guess that if I give them any new bones it will have to be in their crates under strict supervision.

I contacted my dog trainer, and she told me to buy cheap cookie trays and use them to separate them to stop a scuffle. She said they make a loud bang, and you can use them to keep them separated.

I HATE this... I've NEVER EVER had an issue w/two dogs like this... :nope:

Glad Ray is ok sounds nasty
We have this happen once in a blue moon also and always over food or treats all you can do is your best with the separation of them is all I have ever found to do , mind it does not happen often


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
Staff member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
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Hugs all around, glad everyone is okay, that Willow can sure be a 'lil biyach!

Great idea using cookie sheets & good taking Ray to ER, my sister broke up a
fight between 2 Catahoula brothers (I inherited when she tired of them), bit on
finger also, started getting red & sweeping up a couple days later so she went in.
Had flesh eating bacteria but very easy caught so was fine, stayed overnight for
intravenous antibiotics & observation.

I sure miss those boys, I named them King Leonidas & Beowulf (Leo & Beo), 100
lb'ers and so graceful, they leap like deer! Extremely energetic and played really
rough. They loved each other but fought a lot (jealous & over dominance), great
dogs tho. Extremely loyal, protective but not mean, extremely intelligent, have to
watch small animals (prey drive) they learned to leave my cats alone but I never
left them alone with them! Definitely need alpha pack leader as they are strong
willed, gorgeous & muscled up, extremely strong, natural athletes, very brave,
why they're used to hunt big game like wild boar, bears, etc. Louisiana's state dog.

My goodness, I'm glad that you were okay...


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
Staff member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
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  • #10
Thanks for all the support guys...

Ray's finger is doing fine, luckily we only had a 2 hour wait at the ER... it could of been a LOT worse. I think I'm just so used to having my Roxie Girl... she was SO easy and laid back about this kind of stuff. We never had any of these issues, I guess NOW I'll have to be on my guard.


Well-known member
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May 2, 2013
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[MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] So sorry about poor Ray's finger. I have never given mine anything "real" as I know they would wind up fighting. Once in a while they will have a fight over a nylabone-so I don't dare give REALLY tasty stuff! Don't feel too bad(except for Ray) I have for years had 5 or more dogs,mostly large dogs,and none of them ever had a fight! Bullies are bullies!! I hope Ray's hand will heal quickly.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2015
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My Girl Joey
Oh I am sorry for Ray's finger!!!! OUCH!! I think that I would stay nervous all the time if I had another dog in the house. Joey is very submissive around other dogs and I would be afraid that she would always get the worst of it, so her "doggie play time" with her peeps is always very closely supervised by her "helicopter Mom" :)


Well-known member
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Aug 27, 2016
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Oh I am sorry for Ray's finger!!!! OUCH!! I think that I would stay nervous all the time if I had another dog in the house. Joey is very submissive around other dogs and I would be afraid that she would always get the worst of it, so her "doggie play time" with her peeps is always very closely supervised by her "helicopter Mom" :)

this was so sweet :) and though Hank would run her over with fun, or any other dog (he has no boundaries) I still am so protective of HIM :/ I love hearing of your sweet girl.. touches my heart :)


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Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
From England
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It could have been so much worse. Glad to hear Ray is OK.

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