Dog Fight


Community Veteran
Dec 9, 2016
Seattle, WA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
King Louie, Jax (French Bulldog), Ella Mae and Darla Rae
One week ago today, Louie and Jax got into a full blown dog fight. I believe Jax is the one that started it. They were all in the kitchen while I was preparing dinner as they usually are and then they went at it. I broke them up and then went back to preparing dinner, and then round 2. It was nasty. I still have no idea what started it but Jax ended up in the ER as he had a nasty wound on his front leg. They did an Xray but nothing was broken or fractured. They said the bite was almost to the bone and had it been any deeper, the bone would have broke. Wound stitched up. I believe Louie was just defended himself and acted like a dog when attacked.

Just days prior it was discovered that Jax had a low thyroid and started medication for it. Not sure if that is what caused the aggression but he goes back next week to get his levels checked again to see if the meds need to be adjusted.

They have gotten into little squabbles before but nothing like this. I am hoping it doesn't happen again. Sometimes I leave them alone together for short periods and that will no longer happen. And I'll really need to pay close attention to body language, etc. and separate them if I think something is going to happen.

Very, very scary but thankfully no serious injuries to either.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear this. Must have been scary for you all. Thyroid problems can lead to dog aggression, can it not? Hope Jax gets help so Louie can feel safe. And how is the little one - was she involved too? Hope Louie's leg heals quickly. Castor sends his love to them all.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear this. Must have been scary for you all. Thyroid problems can lead to dog aggression, can it not? Hope Jax gets help so Louie can feel safe. And how is the little one - was she involved too? Hope Louie's leg heals quickly. Castor sends his love to them all.

Yes, thyroid can cause aggression so hopefully all be settled once he gets leveled out.

I do remember Ella was in the kitchen during the fight but she wasnā€™t actually in it, thankfully. More like a bystander.

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How is Jax doing? Still on crate rest
How is Jax doing? Still on crate rest

Heā€™s been out of the crate and heā€™s off of pain meds now. If he tries to run around or play with the other 2, I stop him as his wound is still healing. I have been putting him in the crate while I am preparing dinner. And just really keeping my eye on him.

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Oh no! So sorry to hear. Itā€™s a terrible situation for everyone when two fur babies fight. My two fight sometimes and itā€™s usually Brisket instigating with Oreo. Heā€™s rough and playful and Oreo is more the grumpy relaxed type, and he will play along sometimes but I canā€™t trust leaving them alone because Brisket does not know how to take a hint.
I hope Jax levels out soon and all goes back to normal. Praying for peace and order in your home!!
Same issue when I got Jake. Holy.... took months to settle down. Last week Nyala went after Jake n boom. Jumped in n split them up. They each went into their corners. Neither wanted to be close to one another. Was a toy issue.

Btw, this summer when Jake grabbed the lawnmower n ripped all his top paw, I used NuStock. I started with bag balm for 24hrs ish then used NuStock. Healed to perfection!
Ugh... I'm so sorry about this... I'm waiting for the day at my house, Walter is going to get tired of Willow's madness. It's scary when you don't know what the triggers are...
There have been a few "bouts" here between the Bullies-always been over a toy! A time or two I had go grab a collar and drag them apart! It is terrible when they fight. There never have been any injuries, but it sounds like a murder. They get along so well, and share everything, and once in a great while-BOOM!
Sorry about Jax's injury-hope he is not traumatized(more so-you!)
Yeah, I have no idea what triggered it but it was not fun and we did have an injury but thankfully nothing life threatening. Everyone is back to "normal" for now so I am just keeping my eye on Jax to hopefully catch any triggers before and if it happens again. The fact that this is the first serious fight in years, makes me think Jax's thyroid might have played a roll or maybe just because he is getting older and grumpier. For now, Jax goes into the crate while I am in the kitchen preparing diner.
Oh Citty that is so scary! I am sorry this happened. Mine do this sometimes too and it is usually Stella going after Harvey because there is a either a chew bone she doesn't want him near or he wants to play and she doesn't. I am so glad to hear nothing broken but hope Jax leg heals very soon. Hopefully it was just the medication and it evens itself out. Keep us posted
Oh Citty that is so scary! I am sorry this happened. Mine do this sometimes too and it is usually Stella going after Harvey because there is a either a chew bone she doesn't want him near or he wants to play and she doesn't. I am so glad to hear nothing broken but hope Jax leg heals very soon. Hopefully it was just the medication and it evens itself out. Keep us posted

They have squabbled over toys and chews before as would be expected. This just came out of nowhere and I just hope it was an isolated incident! Jax is feeling better as he wants to run around and play but he still has another week before the stitches come out.
[MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] YIKES!!!! I am late to this news, sorry. How upsetting this must have been. I hope Jax is on his way to 100% healed and PRAY that this does not happen again. SO SORRY that you've gone through this.

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