Unexpected ER visit tonight…


May 1, 2022
Bulldog(s) Names
Louise and Chief
Our boy Chief 🐶 came in from being outside around 8pm and somehow injured the area across the top of his paw (like one of his fingers, idk what to call it) It was cut almost to the bone, almost looked like a clean cut/slice... on the TOP of 1 of his fingers, not the bottom. I have no idea how this could have possibly happened. :unsure:
** my husband and I are thinking he stuck his paw up the gutter possibly

The reason I noticed was because he was licking/gnawing at it as soon as he came inside. He wasn’t crying or acting like it hurt at all. Then I saw the blood 😩
I drove him to the ER vet hospital 30 mins away in an area I’m not familiar with because we’re new to the state-(in my lap... just like I did when he came home with us.
Except this time it was just him and I, and his added 20lbs.. and this time I was also trying to keep a sock on his foot to protect his severe gash, AND follow my GPS... in a 4 lane highway... with crazy fast Texas drivers) :crazy::crazy:
Upon arrival he and I prayed together for the staff to take care of him and for God to bless him & keep him.
They then quickly took him back and I had to wait in the parking lot for a couple hours.

They gave him sleepy meds so they could get the area shaved, calm him down, assess what needed to be done.
They came out and told me that stitches or staples weren't an option because of the injury being so close to the joint... and that he'd have to be put to sleep
and intubated to be sutured....
They had to put him to sleep to do surgery 😓
With him being only 14.5 weeks old and reading traumatic stories of anesthesia deaths in EB’s, I was a NERVOUS WRECK 😰

After a couple hours, they finally released him. He did Great, except for some vomiting after extubation and the "reverse anesthesia" as they call it, aka waking him up.
On the way home, he had his front foot wrapped, a towel around him, a cone or "E collar" on/around his neck-they handed him to me and he slept in my lap all the way home. Snoring LOUDLY.🎶
Music to my ears :angelheart:

We literally came home with these pups April 30th this year. I brought Louise to this same ER Vet 1 wk after we got them - May 8--for rapid respirations-- then to follow up vet visits every Thursday since. Brought Chief and Louise both to the vet last Thursday--Louise because of her pneumonia and Chief for vaccines/wellness--
Now Chief somehow sliced the top of his paw open and needed ER surgery.????
I am the same person that posted the thread "Pet insurance for EB's.... Yay or nay????" I guess i got my answer didn't I?
Funny how that works. 🐾
5 total vet visits in 5 weeks of owning EB's.
Usually Louise sleeps in her own kennel at night and Chief sleeps in his.
Tonight Chief and I will be sleeping in the living room, together.. And I'm just thankful to the ER Vet for taking care of our Big baby.
Thankful for these brand new additions to our family.
Thankful to stay home with my kids and pets every day.. And even though it’s been 1 thing after another since we got these 2 babies, I wouldn't change a thing in the opportunity to go back. :lovemyeb:

There really is just something about these pups that absolutely steal your heart away. 💕

Edit to add:
Has anyone ever experienced their EB having to be put under for surgery? If so, when you brought them home afterwards did you notice coughing? Chief just woke up from his sleep coughing and he’s usually not the one coughing

6/9/22 vet visit went well. I’ll add pics of the new e-collar we replaced that pesky cone with. He’s really doing well. It’s just difficult keeping him and Louise from playing rough. But him and I both love his new collar! 💕 I ordered another one after this one came in today since he has to wear it for 2 weeks until the sutures come out.

Louise also saw vet today and the vet thinks her pneumonia is all cleared up 🤞


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Our boy Chief 🐶 came in from being outside around 8pm and somehow injured the area across the top of his paw (like one of his fingers, idk what to call it) It was cut almost to the bone, almost looked like a clean cut/slice... on the TOP of 1 of his fingers, not the bottom. I have no idea how this could have possibly happened. :unsure:

The reason I noticed was because he was licking/gnawing at it as soon as he came inside. He wasn’t crying or acting like it hurt at all. Then I saw the blood 😩
I drove him to the ER vet hospital 30 mins away in an area I’m not familiar with because we’re new to the state-(in my lap... just like I did when he came home with us.
Except this time it was just him and I, and his added 20lbs.. and this time I was also trying to keep a sock on his foot to protect his severe gash, AND follow my GPS... in a 4 lane highway... with crazy fast Texas drivers) :crazy::crazy:
Upon arrival he and I prayed together for the staff to take care of him and for God to bless him & keep him.
They then quickly took him back and I had to wait in the parking lot for a couple hours.

They gave him sleepy meds so they could get the area shaved, calm him down, assess what needed to be done.
They came out and told me that stitches or staples weren't an option because of the injury being so close to the joint... and that he'd have to be put to sleep
and intubated to be sutured....
They had to put him to sleep to do surgery 😓
With him being only 14.5 weeks old and reading traumatic stories of anesthesia deaths in EB’s, I was a NERVOUS WRECK 😰

After a couple hours, they finally released him. He did Great, except for some vomiting after extubation and the "reverse anesthesia" as they call it, aka waking him up.
On the way home, he had his front foot wrapped, a towel around him, a cone or "E collar" on/around his neck-they handed him to me and he slept in my lap all the way home. Snoring LOUDLY.🎶
Music to my ears :angelheart:

We literally came home with these pups April 30th this year. I brought Louise to this same ER Vet 1 wk after we got them - May 8--for rapid respirations-- then to follow up vet visits every Thursday since. Brought Chief and Louise both to the vet last Thursday--Louise because of her pneumonia and Chief for vaccines/wellness--
Now Chief somehow sliced the top of his paw open and needed ER surgery.????
I am the same person that posted the thread "Pet insurance for EB's.... Yay or nay????" I guess i got my answer didn't I?
Funny how that works. 🐾
5 total vet visits in 5 weeks of owning EB's.
Usually Louise sleeps in her own kennel at night and Chief sleeps in his.
Tonight Chief and I will be sleeping in the living room, together.. And I'm just thankful to the ER Vet for taking care of our Big baby.
Thankful for these brand new additions to our family.
Thankful to stay home with my kids and pets every day.. And even though, yeah, it may have been an impulse decision to bring home 2 EB puppies, I wouldn't change a thing in the opportunity to go back. :lovemyeb:

OMG poor boy!

Glad he made it thru it ok, hopefully he recovers quickly!

How is his eye?
OMG poor boy!

Glad he made it thru it ok, hopefully he recovers quickly!

How is his eye?
His eye is still about the same, still adding the antibiotic cream several times a day. It looks better than it did when it had the cherry eye but not 100% yet.
I hope he recovers quickly too.
Vet sent him home on an NSAID (pain reliever) and oral antibiotics and told me to make sure his activity level is low for 2 weeks for healing… I literally had to laugh at that and ask how I could possibly keep CHIEF’s - of alllll the pups… activity level… low.. ? ? ?
He’s a very light sleeper and is non stop energy. But I will do my best 🤞
Coughing is likely a result of the intubation. He has a soar throat. It should go away in a few days. Feed him small amounts of food for the next few days...and if he vomits call the Vet right away and let them know. The only risk(a very small risk) at this point is aspiration pneumonia.
Coughing is likely a result of the intubation. He has a soar throat. It should go away in a few days. Feed him small amounts of food for the next few days...and if he vomits call the Vet right away and let them know. The only risk(a very small risk) at this point is aspiration pneumonia.
Ok thank you. So far he’s ok. He’s just annoyed with the cone/e collar.
But he’s ok so far. Vet follow up tomorrow.
Glad he’s ok… LOVEEEE photo #3‼️ What a beautiful Photo to cherish…
Thank you !!
That photo is very special, they had already done something like this once but this time I was able to get the shot 📸 🤳
It’s been physically and mentally hard on me. So many lives depending on me every day for every meal and every need.
Ok thank you. So far he’s ok. He’s just annoyed with the cone/e collar.
But he’s ok so far. Vet follow up tomorrow.

Hopefully he continues to improve!

Keep us updated on how his follow up appointment goes tomorrow
I have two questions please guide me about this. These questions are shown below here:

1. https://www.englishbulldognews.com/threads/cyst-gosloto-between-toes-remedies-ointments-anything.62609/

2. https://www.englishbulldognews.com/threads/does-lunchtime-acana-food-increase-your-dogs-weight.63604/

Waiting for best answer as soon as possible. I am too confused here.
There is no specific drug or salve or ointment that cures or prevents interdigital cysts. There are several replies in that thread that do offer help. I suggest trying those therapies and see what happens...namely Bag Balm.
Acana food will not cause weight gain unless the dog is fed too much. Weight can be controlled by modifying the quantity of food. Acana is great kibble.
How is his recovery going? How did his follow up vet appointment go today???
He is doing great so far. Follow up went well. Vet said his surgery site looked good, although a little swollen. He’s still taking antibiotics and pain meds. This morning he found his foot and I thought he couldn’t reach it with that collar on. Another one is going to be here today so we’ll see if that 1 works better, it’s a larger size
He is doing great so far. Follow up went well. Vet said his surgery site looked good, although a little swollen. He’s still taking antibiotics and pain meds. This morning he found his foot and I thought he couldn’t reach it with that collar on. Another one is going to be here today so we’ll see if that 1 works better, it’s a larger size

That’s good! At least he is recovering good😊
Wow.. he did a job on that paw! They are so mischievous at that age, just a suggestion, but if you don’t, you should always be outside with them as they always find something to get into that could not be good. My Frenchie used to eat toads.. had to pull many out of his mouth because he is so fast. My bulldog, couldn’t care less about them.
prayers he heals up quickly! And happy to hear your girl,is recovering too!
Wow.. he did a job on that paw! They are so mischievous at that age, just a suggestion, but if you don’t, you should always be outside with them as they always find something to get into that could not be good. My Frenchie used to eat toads.. had to pull many out of his mouth because he is so fast. My bulldog, couldn’t care less about them.
prayers he heals up quickly! And happy to hear your girl,is recovering too!
Yeah, it’s hard to be out with them every time they go out. I let them out a lot during the day because they are still training and I try to have as little inside accidents as possible. So usually I’m letting them out while I wash the dishes or doing something for the kids
Photos are great! The pups are so cute together. Perhaps you should do another walk-around to see if there could be something you missed. Could his foot have slipped under the fence, or under the dryer vent? I had a horse who could get cut on a cotton ball! (I thought......)o_O

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