
Community Veteran
Dec 9, 2016
Seattle, WA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
King Louie, Jax (French Bulldog), Ella Mae and Darla Rae
Well...it happened. Last night Jax and Louie got into a fight. No injuries and no blood drawn but still a scary thing. Me and my son broke them up. Jax was minding his business chewing on a Nylabone on the floor and Louie kept going and standing over him and kind of pushing on him. Jax kept picking up the chew and moving and Louie would follow and then next thing you know...FIGHT. So Jax started the fight but Louie seems to have instigated Jax. They have never had toy/chew aggression before and normally if Louie is bugging Jax, Jax will do his snapping bark saying "back off" so I am not quite sure where this came from.

When they play, Louie always submits to Jax and has never tried to be alpha with him. Jax is normally my lovebug sweetie but he was Cujo last night! I obviously do not want this to become a normal occurrence. Off the top of my head, I am thinking that if we see Louie standing over Jax we need to stop it. Any other suggestions or words of wisdom?
Ugh... I'm SO sorry, I know how upsetting this can be and it's frustrating trying to figure out what causes it. We deal w/this a LOT at our house, Willow is constantly resource guarding and making sure that Walter keeps his distance. We had to get a trainer involved to give us some guidelines... once you figure out his triggers then you can try and avoid the situations. I'm SO attuned to Willow now that I can usually tell by her body language that it's coming, and we try to diffuse it quickly. I keep water bottles handy, but one time they REALLY got into it and my trainer told me to throw a cookie sheet down. The noise distracts them both, and nobody gets bit trying to stop a fight by grabbing a dog (which is a normal reaction).

The best way to keep peace in our home is to make sure they both get plenty of exercise... if they get a daily walk (25 min tops) and get ball time outside we normally don't have any issues. Willow is TOO tired to cause any drama and the day goes smoothly...
I have had MANY dogs in my lifetime(usually 5 at a time)even G.Sheps, and B.Malanois, The EBD's are the only ones,who ever fight. It is not very often,but if one is asleep,and steps on another,sometimes a fight breaks out! Occasionally it is over a toy-if one is just hell bent on having the nyla that the other on is enjoying sooo much. EBD's as you know are determined to get what it is they really want. Sometimes, it's no big deal, and they go get another one, but sometimes, they just HAVE to HAVE IT.No matter that there are many alike in the toy box,and every kind of Nyla that I can find. It seems when the other one is just enjoying it so much and it looks ssssssooooo good,"I just gotta' have it!" Don't live in fear-I think it is normal because EBD's just want what they want,when they want it!! Louie is not being the baby anymore!
The suggestion that Tracey [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] gave was a good one-if you can't get them apart. It doesn't happen too often here, but it does happen-"Oh, that looks so tasty-gotta' have it!":bigeyes2::bully::fight::gimmefood: [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] :yes:
Ugh... I'm SO sorry, I know how upsetting this can be and it's frustrating trying to figure out what causes it. We deal w/this a LOT at our house, Willow is constantly resource guarding and making sure that Walter keeps his distance. We had to get a trainer involved to give us some guidelines... once you figure out his triggers then you can try and avoid the situations. I'm SO attuned to Willow now that I can usually tell by her body language that it's coming, and we try to diffuse it quickly. I keep water bottles handy, but one time they REALLY got into it and my trainer told me to throw a cookie sheet down. The noise distracts them both, and nobody gets bit trying to stop a fight by grabbing a dog (which is a normal reaction).

The best way to keep peace in our home is to make sure they both get plenty of exercise... if they get a daily walk (25 min tops) and get ball time outside we normally don't have any issues. Willow is TOO tired to cause any drama and the day goes smoothly...

I do have a water bottle with water/vinegar mix in it and I thought about grabbing it when the fight happened but it happened so fast I just jumped off the couch and my son was standing right there as well so we both just grabbed them which I know can be dangerous in itself but total gut reaction.

I have had MANY dogs in my lifetime(usually 5 at a time)even G.Sheps, and B.Malanois, The EBD's are the only ones,who ever fight. It is not very often,but if one is asleep,and steps on another,sometimes a fight breaks out! Occasionally it is over a toy-if one is just hell bent on having the nyla that the other on is enjoying sooo much. EBD's as you know are determined to get what it is they really want. Sometimes, it's no big deal, and they go get another one, but sometimes, they just HAVE to HAVE IT.No matter that there are many alike in the toy box,and every kind of Nyla that I can find. It seems when the other one is just enjoying it so much and it looks ssssssooooo good,"I just gotta' have it!" Don't live in fear-I think it is normal because EBD's just want what they want,when they want it!! Louie is not being the baby anymore!
The suggestion that Tracey [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] gave was a good one-if you can't get them apart. It doesn't happen too often here, but it does happen-"Oh, that looks so tasty-gotta' have it!":bigeyes2::bully::fight::gimmefood: [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] :yes:

Yup, there are basically 2 of every chew we have but Louie always wants the one that Jax has and I guess this time Jax just wasn't having it. Jax and Louie play well together and Louie can definitely be a bully (he DID get kicked out of daycare because of it) and Jax will usually put him in his place.
Louie standing over Jax is pure dominance! He is testing the waters to take over that from Jax and if you see that happening you need to come me and Louis to leave it or say off.

Lambeau At times tries to do this with Shelly and I know a fight will eventually happen if I donā€™t stop it. Actually this morning I am but tried it and Cheli gave his little snarl and Lambutt went to the Ottoman and lead would not play after.

I know gut instinct is to jump in and break them up if it does happen again and you do so make sure you lift the hips and pull back donā€™t go in between or grab for neck thatā€™s how you get bit

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Louie standing over Jax is pure dominance! He is testing the waters to take over that from Jax and if you see that happening you need to come me and Louis to leave it or say off.

Lambeau At times tries to do this with Shelly and I know a fight will eventually happen if I donā€™t stop it. Actually this morning I am but tried it and Cheli gave his little snarl and Lambutt went to the Ottoman and lead would not play after.

I know gut instinct is to jump in and break them up if it does happen again and you do so make sure you lift the hips and pull back donā€™t go in between or grab for neck thatā€™s how you get bit

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It's interesting because Louie will always submit to Jax when they are playing but for whatever reason, Louie likes to stand over Jax when he is on the floor. Will definitely be keeping a closer watch from now on. Unfortunately, Louie never listens to Jax's warning shots, he just never seems to care.

Good tip on pulling from the hips!
It's interesting because Louie will always submit to Jax when they are playing but for whatever reason, Louie likes to stand over Jax when he is on the floor. Will definitely be keeping a closer watch from now on. Unfortunately, Louie never listens to Jax's warning shots, he just never seems to care.

Good tip on pulling from the hips!

Sorry for all the strange wording, was using dictation.. damn Philly accent. LOL

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Sorry for all the strange wording, was using dictation.. damn Philly accent. LOL

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I knew what you were saying although I did chuckle at the "Shelly" reference.
I knew what you were saying although I did chuckle at the "Shelly" reference.

:facepalm: At least this time it wasnā€™t fat fingers. LOL

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Yes, standing over another dog, or cat even is a sign of dominance. Best to divert as soon as you see it. My daft dachshund got cocky and tried it with Chumly but he was too short, (well, Duh), so stood with his front feet on his shoulders. That didn't go down well at all and he got a very swift telling off from Chumly. He didn't do it again.
I was just about to say exactly what Christine said. Any dog standing over another dog is plain dominance. Immediately grab him, shake him up a bit with a BIG NO while youā€™re dragging him to his kennel. Trust me that will confuse him as youā€™re dragging him to his kennel. Duke does that to Nyala but fortunately Nyala doesnā€™t take his crap. But I will still stand up and grab him on the spot.. Donā€™t forget Louie n Duke are still young. That day will come when they get older it will be a good fight. Fix it now while heā€™s still young.

A male is a male.....neutered, castrated has no difference than intac imo. Put them to their place. Especially you cause of Jaxā€™s health situation.
I was just about to say exactly what Christine said. Any dog standing over another dog is plain dominance. Immediately grab him, shake him up a bit with a BIG NO while youā€™re dragging him to his kennel. Trust me that will confuse him as youā€™re dragging him to his kennel. Duke does that to Nyala but fortunately Nyala doesnā€™t take his crap. But I will still stand up and grab him on the spot.. Donā€™t forget Louie n Duke are still young. That day will come when they get older it will be a good fight. Fix it now while heā€™s still young.

A male is a male.....neutered, castrated has no difference than intac imo. Put them to their place. Especially you cause of Jaxā€™s health situation.

Jax has never gone after him like that before. Normally he warns Louie to back off and unfortunately Louie doesnā€™t get the hint or just doesnā€™t care. This time no warning, just straight into attack. We will definitely be getting on both their butts.

And yes, right after it happened I just watched Jax to make sure there were no spasms and trembling.

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Yes, standing over another dog, or cat even is a sign of dominance. Best to divert as soon as you see it. My daft dachshund got cocky and tried it with Chumly but he was too short, (well, Duh), so stood with his front feet on his shoulders. That didn't go down well at all and he got a very swift telling off from Chumly. He didn't do it again.

Unfortunately when Jax tells Louie off, it does nothing. Louie just goes right back to bugging him.

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Jax has never gone after him like that before. Normally he warns Louie to back off and unfortunately Louie doesnā€™t get the hint or just doesnā€™t care. This time no warning, just straight into attack. We will definitely be getting on both their butts.

And yes, right after it happened I just watched Jax to make sure there were no spasms and trembling.

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Jax just put Louie to his place. Maybe this time Louie will get it. If not keep an eye on ā€œdominated oneā€. Nyala did it a few times to Duke. Like Louie, Duke doesnā€™t care just will go torment Nyala if she has the buffalo horn or a chew toy. In Nyala ā€˜s case, sheā€™s powerful and will toss Duke and put him to his place. But sometimes this idiot will go back thinking sheā€™s playing. My only worry is the day Iā€™m not home and she grabs him. Why I put the toys in their bucket so they donā€™t have anything to play with.

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