
Dec 22, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello!!! Some of you may remember we recently moved to a new house at the start of the summer. Moose has adjusted well and knows this is his home. I feel like he has become more cuddly in the last few weeks, but still the same stubborn bully we love.

Ever since he was a puppy and could jump, at night he would jump on our bed. He would toss and turn and then after 20 minutes get up and stand at the corner of the bed to say okay human take me down. The last two weeks he would jump on our bed at night and literally come and put his head on the pillow like a human and lay for about 20 minutes. Still tossing and turning he would get up and just stand on the bed. When I now go to pick him up he immediately lays down and extends his arms and legs on the bed :excited: If I try to pick him up he has started growling, and not a play growl. Last night I coaxed him to get off with treats and made him sleep downstairs....

Anyone experience this or have any advice?? Thank you!
Bullies have a "mind of their own". That's why a lot of "experts" mark them as "dumb dogs" because they are not like German Shepherds that will do anything to please their human. If bullies don't like something, they'll let you know. And it will take convincing to make him want to do something.

That said, a dog that butts heads with his human is not a good situation. You're going to need to assert yourself. Growling needs correction. Coaxing him to do what you need him to do is ok. But that growling has to be addressed. I taught my bulldogs the firm "Nuh uh". That's my signal for them to stop what they are doing and look at me because I am displeased. They don't growl anymore, but when they did, I would quickly tell them Nuh uh so they know to stop the growling before I tell them to do something else. Nuh uh is multi-purpose - they steal the other dog's food, Nuh uh. They chew on the couch - Nuh uh. They chase the roomba - Nuh uh.
Bullies have a "mind of their own". That's why a lot of "experts" mark them as "dumb dogs" because they are not like German Shepherds that will do anything to please their human. If bullies don't like something, they'll let you know. And it will take convincing to make him want to do something.

That said, a dog that butts heads with his human is not a good situation. You're going to need to assert yourself. Growling needs correction. Coaxing him to do what you need him to do is ok. But that growling has to be addressed. I taught my bulldogs the firm "Nuh uh". That's my signal for them to stop what they are doing and look at me because I am displeased. They don't growl anymore, but when they did, I would quickly tell them Nuh uh so they know to stop the growling before I tell them to do something else. Nuh uh is multi-purpose - they steal the other dog's food, Nuh uh. They chew on the couch - Nuh uh. They chase the roomba - Nuh uh.

I agree, it is okay to coax them, but the growling can quickly get out of hand and turn to aggression if you allow it. Oreo had bouts of that for a while and like [MENTION=2874]anatess[/MENTION], I used nuh uh, or uh, uh, uhhh. And they respond to it quick. Correct it as soon as possible. You don’t want it to get worse over time.
Yep.... use the training technique “nothing in life is free” and teach him that you own the house and he must obey.
Thank you all for the replies. So if he gets on the bed and doesn't want to come down. What do I do if he starts growling...I don't want him to snap and bite. I've tried saying no even before he jumps but he doesn't listen. He knows what "no" means because he generally listens and obeys.
Thank you all for the replies. So if he gets on the bed and doesn't want to come down. What do I do if he starts growling...I don't want him to snap and bite. I've tried saying no even before he jumps but he doesn't listen. He knows what "no" means because he generally listens and obeys.

Who’s the boss? You or him as sounds like him. Christine gave you a great start with training technique “nothing in life is free”. Look it up as some swears by it. You’re probably showing your dog fear without realizing it. It’s normal. My brindle Nyala has a hell of a character when she decides it’s my way or the highway. She was on the sofa once n I tell her n Jake “ LETS GO OUTSIDE GUYS” Jake is at the door n Madame didn’t move an inch from the sofa. Told her” Nyala let’s go”.. nope. Hmmm I go up to her n she felt my vibe, I grabbed her on each side of the collar n some of the jowls skin said MOVE IT NOW...and I slide her off. I slide her cause you don’t want to throw them off a sofa or bed as they can damage back. Sliding off they’re fine. Once in a while she’ll look at me to test but what works is when I say NOW in a firm voice..NOW seems to be working great. But definitely do not show fear as he’ll pick it up.
You’re probably showing your dog fear without realizing it. It’s normal.

This x100.

Dogs pick up on vibes. Your dog knows he rules you because of how you felt, not what you said. This is what I say to new dog owners. Dog training is training the human first then training the dog.
I have this issue w/Walter, and he knows that once he starts... I say "GO to your room" and he hides in our bedroom.

IMO I wouldn't let him on the bed until this resolves... obviously he's starting a power struggle, and he needs to understand WHO the alpha is.
I have this issue w/Walter, and he knows that once he starts... I say "GO to your room" and he hides in our bedroom.

IMO I wouldn't let him on the bed until this resolves... obviously he's starting a power struggle, and he needs to understand WHO the alpha is.

THIS ^^^^
I was so sad when i first encountered this. My boy Hank is such a sweetheart but danged if he didnt go through this and occasionally even now. but now when he gets pissy about doing something he doesnt want to do, but gives in after his grump, he lowers his head and walks between my legs in apology ....i think.
I have always lived by the motto that "no dog of mine is going to growl at me,and I will not be afraid of my own dog!" I have even rescued 2 and 3 yr. old Malanois. You should never show any fear,just confidence.
I have always lived by the motto that "no dog of mine is going to growl at me,and I will not be afraid of my own dog!" I have even rescued 2 and 3 yr. old Malanois. You should never show any fear,just confidence.

I’m like you, jump in n fix it ASAP. Also I never allowed pets in my room. But that’s me..
I’m like you, jump in n fix it ASAP. Also I never allowed pets in my room. But that’s me..

They are in my room at night but not on my bed.:babysleep:they have their own bed.

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