Canine Influenza (Flu) Vaccine gave Baxter Head Tremors and Shaking

Baxter Tiberius

New member
Apr 16, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Roughly 3 hours after being administered the new Flu vaccine for Dogs, baxter developed significant head tremors and bobbing / shaking that would not stop.

This qualifies as one of those "unnecessary" vaccines because dogs don't typically die from the Flu and this doesn't even prevent it. It just reduces the severity.

So I fought letting him get it for nearly 3 months, but his favorite place on earth (daycare with waterfalls, outdoors, and a bunch of other dogs) was now requiring it. He was facing a life of boredom and loneliness otherwise.

So I gave in and this happened. English Bulldogs seem to have a propensity for head tremors anyways, and baxter weirdly seemed to get them only once a year, but I never connected the dots with his yearly vaccine schedule. This one was just extremely obvious.

Doing some research, for some reason, giving ice cream seems to relieve the symptoms for a few hours, but this time unlike all the other times, it returned, and he struggled all night with the tremors while I slept. When I woke up seeing him still tremoring, I gave him some more ice cream, and he knocked out like an exhausted baby. Finally able to sleep.

This is not a low blood sugar problem as his blood sugar has been tested while in this condition several times. There is just some correlation between tremors and being resolved by sugar intake. Sugar does many things in the body. Something about the vaccine just sent it into overdrive.

If anyone is Googling and finds this thread, try sugar of any kind, but ice cream seems to help the quickest. The actual CAUSE of it is unknown (idiopathic), but there are many reports of vaccines in general causing epilepsy and other central nervous system problems. I myself got very sick from a Hepatitis B vaccine and developed a permanent inflammatory immune condition.

I just wanted to create this thread for other dog owners out there who encounter this and have to deal with the clueless medical community telling them "its not the vaccine" :no: or "I haven't ever heard of that" :no:

They've never heard of anything usually. That's kind of their "thing". :no:

The hope at this point is that after 3-4 days things will calm down a bit. Fingers crossed.
So sorry to hear this. My guys would have to get the Bordetella vaccine every 6 months for daycare but thankfully neither ever had a reaction. Now that they don't go to daycare anymore, I choose not to do it. As you said, it doesn't prevent anything. Hopefully your baby starts to feel better soon.
Roughly 3 hours after being administered the new Flu vaccine for Dogs, baxter developed significant head tremors and bobbing / shaking that would not stop.

This qualifies as one of those "unnecessary" vaccines because dogs don't typically die from the Flu and this doesn't even prevent it. It just reduces the severity.

So I fought letting him get it for nearly 3 months, but his favorite place on earth (daycare with waterfalls, outdoors, and a bunch of other dogs) was now requiring it. He was facing a life of boredom and loneliness otherwise.

So I gave in and this happened. English Bulldogs seem to have a propensity for head tremors anyways, and baxter weirdly seemed to get them only once a year, but I never connected the dots with his yearly vaccine schedule. This one was just extremely obvious.

Doing some research, for some reason, giving ice cream seems to relieve the symptoms for a few hours, but this time unlike all the other times, it returned, and he struggled all night with the tremors while I slept. When I woke up seeing him still tremoring, I gave him some more ice cream, and he knocked out like an exhausted baby. Finally able to sleep.

This is not a low blood sugar problem as his blood sugar has been tested while in this condition several times. There is just some correlation between tremors and being resolved by sugar intake. Sugar does many things in the body. Something about the vaccine just sent it into overdrive.

If anyone is Googling and finds this thread, try sugar of any kind, but ice cream seems to help the quickest. The actual CAUSE of it is unknown (idiopathic), but there are many reports of vaccines in general causing epilepsy and other central nervous system problems. I myself got very sick from a Hepatitis B vaccine and developed a permanent inflammatory immune condition.

I just wanted to create this thread for other dog owners out there who encounter this and have to deal with the clueless medical community telling them "its not the vaccine" :no: or "I haven't ever heard of that" :no:

They've never heard of anything usually. That's kind of their "thing". :no:

The hope at this point is that after 3-4 days things will calm down a bit. Fingers crossed.

Hope he's ok !!! [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] likes frankincense for minor seizures. She can put her two cents in hopefully.
Poor Baxte.... we also never had any issues with the shots. Thanks for the information and hopefully Baxter is doing better

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I hope Baxter will be well, and A ok very soon. My dogs all caught the Flu at the Vets office, and were sick for 16 days. It was horrible. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't!!
Out of all vaccines, flu is second worst for side effects after rabies. Last year my Tank got it and he lost appetite for couple of days and was sleepy and aggressive with me for 3 days. Never ever I’m going to get it again. The same with Bordetella, tens of serotypes, and vaccination is only against one type. No use for us, just money for producers and clinic.
But I must admit we never go to dog care. When I travel, I hire a lady to come and take care of him. Vaccination protects only from one serotype of flu, and there are tens of them.
Oh poor Baxter!!! I pray that he gets rest and BETTER!!!!!! How awful and frightening !!
I"m so sorry to hear this... I've never given my guys the flu vaccine. My vet is backing off the constant yearly dosage of vaccines now, especially since here in TN we get the 3 year rabies.
Out of all vaccines, flu is second worst for side effects after rabies. Last year my Tank got it and he lost appetite for couple of days and was sleepy and aggressive with me for 3 days. Never ever I’m going to get it again. The same with Bordetella, tens of serotypes, and vaccination is only against one type. No use for us, just money for producers and clinic.
But I must admit we never go to dog care. When I travel, I hire a lady to come and take care of him. Vaccination protects only from one serotype of flu, and there are tens of them.

Lyme and leptospirosis are bad vaccines too.
Yes frankincense will stop tremors. Rub One drop in each ear n NOT in the canal just above it, one drop between each paw pad. A member video taped his dog having tremors, did the frankincense n took a few seconds n tremors stopped. Can't get better proof than a video taped. The other thing is if doggy daycares insists on any shots like flu, go elsewhere. The more people accepts such terms that absolutely have no proof or data to backup the theory, the more you're putting a dog at risk for health issues. People need to stand up n say no n go with your gut. Eventually daycares n even vets will mellow down their doses n even these so called theories.

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I hope Baxter will be well, and A ok very soon. My dogs all caught the Flu at the Vets office, and were sick for 16 days. It was horrible. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't!!

This sounds like my dog. How going on 5 days since initial vaccination, and I took him in because he hasn’t been himself since idk what they put in those vaccines but I had rabies bortadella and dhpp
This sounds like my dog. How going on 5 days since initial vaccination, and I took him in because he hasn’t been himself since idk what they put in those vaccines but I had rabies bortadella and dhpp

All three in one visit?

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I have always had the rabies shot done alone-not combined with other shots. have never(so far) had any reactions.

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