
New member
Apr 28, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Sorry for the long post in advance...

So my poor little Hazel had her first DA2PP vaccination a few weeks ago. She had it at around 4pm and was fine until 10pm when she started shaking non-stop and was running a fever. The only side-effect I have ever noticed in my dogs is lethargy. We rushed her to the vet ER and they confirmed she was having a severe allergic reaction to the DA2PP vaccination. They gave her a shot of Benadryl and we were able to take her home where she rested for a few hours but ended up throwing up so I took her to our regular vet the next morning. They ended up giving her a steroid shot and some IV fluids and she was back to her normal self in a few hours.

This vaccine allergic reaction is now considered a pre-existing condition for her health insurance. And when I called to get full info on this it just so happened the customer service rep has an english bulldog and recommended we stay at the vet for an hour after shots because her bulldog went into anaphylactic(sp?) shock and they almost didn't make it back to the vet in time to save her.

Hazel has her next DA2PP vaccination in a few weeks and I am obviously very worried about it. I switched her appointments so they are always the first appointment of the day when my husband is off for 2 days so she is never alone that first day. The vet said they would give her a Benadryl shot and steroid shot before vaccinations in the future.

Has anyone dealt with this before with their dog, bulldog or other breed? Was it a reaction they always had or did they grow out of it? I've been reading up on dog overdosing so I'm starting to understand it's becoming a more prevalent issue. Any advice would be much appreciated?

Hazel with her brother, Louis. Hazel 4.jpg
I've never seen it with any of my dogs

I've been a nurse for 33 years, I now work in Interventional Radiology, and our protocol for administering IV contrast to patients with previous reaction is almost the same, except it start about 72 hrs before the procedure with oral steroids and benadryl, then the injection just before procedure

I'm not familiar with the vaccine,
Is it absolutely necessary?

Is he ever boarded?

Where I live, the only vaccine required by law is rabies

If he's never boarded, goes to a groomer or is around other strange dogs, I wouldn't take the chance of getting a repeat
[MENTION=18274]mgnipp16[/MENTION] take a break from that 2nd shot. Way toooo close especially after what Hazel went n going through. Iā€™m not a fan of shots like most knows cause of all these reactions n giving same dose to a 10lb dog to a 100 pound dog. Vets are finally going to court to go against the government for the same amounts of dosage given to different size dogs. Thatā€™s what probably happened to Hazel as side affects. This is MY opinion, I simply donā€™t believe in shots. None of my dogs Iā€™ve ever owned had shots. Nyala had her first ones cause I got her at 3months old n Duke the same. Again this is me. Any vet that pushes for the following shots especially after any reactions, I sure would looking for another vet.
oh how horrible! and i agree with [MENTION=14954]Clermont[/MENTION], And then i also think you have a valid reason NOT to continue. I know some think thats irresponsible, but i believe Many shots are OVER given. ( I really dont know about those though) OR, can they make specialized shot and do each separately so it's not so concentrated ? I 'think' thats possible.
omg!! Go to [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] last post on the Holistic ............... haha i just had to stop to go back and look it up and i see It's posted here as well.. Good job Helene ;)
How terrifying for you! My son was allergic to the DPT vaccine when he was a baby - actually just the "P" and they were able to give him just the DT for the rest of series. Do you know which part of the vaccine Hazel is allergic to? Maybe they have an option to give them separately and remove that part?

Let us know what you & the vet decide.

I am sorry to hear about your pup. I went through the same experience when my Dinah got her Rabies shot.
My Boss' Terrier is 16 weeks old, and he went into shock last week due to a vaccine reaction, so this isn't breed specific.
Please check out this link:

YES! We are over vaccinating our dogs!!! Please check out this link of Dr. Karen Becker discussing vaccines -
I love that you said this! Dinah has been vaccine free for over a year -- we just do a titer test to check her anti-bodies and she is 100000% healthy.
I never experienced with any of my babies, but this is not uncommon or breed specific. You'll doing everything right with the appointments and make sure the vet or tech know what happen before they give the shot. Regardless, makes sure you mention it in the room

keep us posted on how she is doing
Over vaccination of pets is a fact, but I must warn you about two of these infections- vaccination against distemper and parvovirus is an absolute MUST, distemper is almost sure lethal ( even if dog survives it is left usually with disabilities) and parvo is 50-70 percent lethal. My Tank contracted parvo back in China and barely survived. It was hard time and treatment was EXTREMELY expensive, even in China, in the US it will be even more expensive.
Both infections are quite wide spread.
I would recommend you to refuse multiple vaccines like DA2PP etc, but opt for single vaccines, against distemper, against parvo.
Adenoviral hepatitis is not a nice disease too, especially in puppies.
Rabies is a very nasty vaccine, not easy for puppies to endure, but according to law you must vaccinate your dog. This you cannot skip. Do it once and after that check titers.
Parainfluenza, flu and kennel cough are not so dangerous infections and I think you can skip them. The only problem is that probably your dog wonā€™t be accepted to boarding facility without them.
Titer blood work wont work for you now, until she is fully vaccinated. But in the future instead of yearly vaccination against rabies you can check her titers of antibodies and some dogs have enough up to 7 years after vaccination.
Oh, just read somewhere that in the US rabies titers not acceptable in lieu of every 3 year vaccination :( tell me itā€™s not true!!! In Europe they accept titers, and basically when you import dog into EU they require titer test and donā€™t care when is the date of last vaccination :(
At least, non-mandatory vaccines like parvo and distemper you can check titers in lieu of vaccination.
oh how horrible! and i agree with [MENTION=14954]Clermont[/MENTION], And then i also think you have a valid reason NOT to continue. I know some think thats irresponsible, but i believe Many shots are OVER given. ( I really dont know about those though) OR, can they make specialized shot and do each separately so it's not so concentrated ? I 'think' thats possible.

No way in hell I would be going back for any 2nd shot in a situation like so.
Oh, just read somewhere that in the US rabies titers not acceptable in lieu of every 3 year vaccination :( tell me itā€™s not true!!! In Europe they accept titers, and basically when you import dog into EU they require titer test and donā€™t care when is the date of last vaccination :(
At least, non-mandatory vaccines like parvo and distemper you can check titers in lieu of vaccination.

It is true.. titer is not used for rabies

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