
New member
Mar 19, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi, I'm new here and I've searched the threads but can't find anything related to the problem my rescue bulldog is having. According to his previous owner he's almost 5 yrs. old. I've never had a bulldog so I read up on as much as I could but I haven't found an answer to the problem I'm having, or rather he's having.

The problem he has is that he poops so much. Today he went 14 times so far. No, that is not a misprint. Fourteen times. They're normal looking, well formed, not discolored or runny. just normal poo. He does about... and I hate to compare his poo size to this so I hope you're not eating dinner, but his stools are about the size of a small meatball. There's usually 3 or 4 each time he goes. 14 times is way too much. He's a bit overweight too. He get's about 2 and a half cups of his dry food per day.

His previous owners have been feeding him Holistic Health Extension so I've continued using that. Can anyone suggest something that won't make him go as much? I can't believe how many times he goes to the bathroom.

Also, is it normal for a bulldog, or maybe it's just because he's a rescue but he follows everyone in the house. I went to the bathroom and he plunked himself right outside the door. When I was cooking on the stove, he laid right in front of it and then followed me to the table. He didn't beg for food or anything. He just laid at my feet. When my husband went upstairs Roscoe waited right at the steps waiting for him to come down.

Thank you!
Yes! Bulldogs love to be where you are, which is usually at your feet.

I think it could be a good issue, I'll have to look up the good you are feeding but many here feed Fromm, Taste of the Wild, Acana, Orijien. There is many others. We have recommended dog foods under the bulldog information tab.

Remember to switch food slowly, because it can irritate their tummies badly if you don't.

Pictures please! Would live to see your rescued baby!

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i know my rescue dog did not like going outside and when he did go out to poo he seemed to rush and i dont think he would finish because he always would have to go twice.. he's better now but still not crazy about going outside.. now he isn't going as often as your dog is but his is much bigger piles... sounds like yours isnt really pooping a lot just going much more often.. if this makes sense.. maybe he hurries and dont want to be left alone .. I think my Rocky was afraid i was going to leave him out because once he finished he would coming running very fast back into the house, only to go back out again and finish.. sorry not much help, i hope you figure out whats going on with him.. and yes pictures please.. lol. good luck. oh, and yes, Rocky is at my feet everywhere.. he will even rest his head on my foot when he sleeps.. i love it..
:welcome3: to EBN ...... which Holistic is he on? i am looking it up and wanted to make sure I read the right list of ingredients.

At 5 yrs old, i would lessen his food to 2 cups per day.... 1 AM and 1 PM.

How long has he been with you?

As for the following , being at your feet and at the bathroom door...... ALL typical Bulldog behavior. they are velcro dogs and LOVE their humans more than anything.... at least your let you close the bathroom door -- i have two that need to be in the room with me so I rarely get to close the door at all.
I agree with [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION], cut his food intake to 2 cups a day, and cut it in two feedings, morning and evening. Not familiar with that food, it could have a lot of fillers in it. As far as them following you around, that is typical bully. They love to be with their humans.
I feed my guy the same brand (he gets the red Allergix bag). Last year we found that we fed him too much and he got pretty fat, and also pooped A LOT too - though not 14 times a day! :eek:

Hopefully cutting it will help, if not look into the others on the site. Lots of food help threads. :)
I agree with what others have said...but 14 a day is a lot especially when it doesn't seem you're over feeding that much. Is he big on getting treats throughout the day?
I was thinking that perhaps he needs more fiber in his diet to help push the poop through,so that he can eliminate more at one time. You could try adding some PURE canned pumpkin to his diet,make sure it is not pie mix-just pure. [MENTION=15651]roscoesmom[/MENTION]
It would seem that if he is pooping that much, he isn't digesting much (common sense guess here--not a vet). Knowing that I have read a lot about bully farts and digestive problems, what about putting him on a probiotic? Or adding coconut oil (I have heard a lot of good things about its yeast fighting properties). Something to talk with a vet about.

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