Woke up to Explosive Diarrhea and vomit.


Norwegian Rose
Community Veteran
Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Bulldozer and Blossom
Ugh poor Dozer and my poor nose. I woke up this morning at 6:00 am to an awful sour stench, and immediately knew that one of the fur babes must have been sick. I came out to,the living room and found Dozer had vomited up last nights kibble on one side of the crate, and he had diarrhea on the other side he was crouched at the end of the crate and looked so sad. The smell was something else.

I took him out of the crate and took him outside first to,see if he still had to go some more, but he just had a pee. I tied him up as his bum and back legs were all wet from the diarrhea and I took out his crate tray and washed it, then I gave him a bath ( which he just had one a few days ago), so he definitely wasn't happy about that. I just gave him water this morning, no breakfast. I just changed his food two days ago, after reading about how good Merrick food was, so I bought a bag of the Grain Free
Venison which is the only protein that Dozer can eat, he's allergic to everything else. I'm hoping his diarrhea is from the food change and not because he's sick or that he's eaten something he shouldn't have, which I really don't think he has, unless he got something I don't know about? I switched his food two days ago, can a food change cause diarrhea two days later?, doesn't it usually happen the same day? I'm going back to pet food store and exchanging his food back to the Performatrim Venison, which he was on before the switch. Maybe the Merrick is too rich for him, he had the same thing happen when we tried Go Natural dog food. They will exchange the food if you have at least half a bag left, so I'll exchange it for the previous food he was on. It seems that Dozer tolerates the less quality dog foods better than the higher quality ones. Performatrim is rated a 3 Star food, so not the worst, but I always try to feed the better quality foods like Fromms, which Blossom eats with no problems. Dozer is allergic to Chicken, Salmon, Beef, Lamb, Pork, we even tried Rabbit and Kangaroo.
He does well on Vegan kibble, but loses too much weight since there isn't enough protein, he does okay on Venison, but still licks his paws a little, just not as bad as he did, but he doesn't have all the other symptoms. He does better on the lower rated foods like Natural Balance, and Nutro, so I guess that's what I'll have to continue feeding him, and hope he doesn't develop an intolerance to them as well.

I've cleaned everything and washed Dozer, but I still have the sour smell in my nose. Ugh

I Love You Dozer, But Sometimes You Stink. Lol

I'll keep you all posted on how he's doing later, if the diarrhea stops when he's back on the old food, I'll keep an eye on him to am,e sure he improves and hopefully didn't swallow something he shouldn't have.
[MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION] Sounds like it is the switch. There is a saying-"if it ain't broke,don't fix it!" Since Dozer is sooooooo sensitive, If he is doing well on a food, don't mess (pardon the word:bad:) around. Hoping that's all it is,is the switch! Let us know-fingers crossed! Been there-I can smell it now-arrgh! holding nose.jpg
Unless something else is going on, the direct food switch caused the explosive episode. Try again with a more gradual change-over. Some dogs tolerate immediate switching of food and some do not. If a dog comes into rescue that is already exhibiting digestive issues we switch out right away. If not, then we make the switch over the course of a week. In your case, considering Dozer's recent reaction, you should consider transitioning more slowly, 10 days or so. And if at any time during the transition he shows loose stool, hold that mixture steady until it firms up...only then introduce a little more of the new food.
Poor Dozer -hope you feel better now!
oh boy,,, hope this straitens out and it's just the food... :(
Ahh yes Bentley can relate. He ate an acorn and man did he get the runs. So we sympathize with you for Dozer and a speedy recovery.
Well this is day two of the poops, although they are starting to be a little less runny, I exchanged his food back to the food he was on before the switch, so hoping it resolves itself soon. I'm going to go and buy some pumpkin tomorrow, and as long as he continues to do well on the current food Performatrim, I won't be changing him again anytime soon. I've been on poop clean up since yesterday, and woke up a poop smell again this morning even though I took him out at 5:00 am. I had to wash his crate tray 3 times today, but I take him out every 2 hours and try to anticipate when he has to go, I have to keep him crated right now to contain the poops, but take him out every two hours and give him water each time. I'm only feeding him 1/2 a cup twice a day instead of a whole cup so as not to overwork his tummy, I'll try a full cup tomorrow
and see how he does. He's had two baths yesterday, and two today, although his baths today were only from his middle down, his bum and his legs and paws. He keeps getting the runs going down his bum and in his fur and it smells so bad, and he's wet, so he has to be cleaned. I feel so bad for him, he looks so sad. I hope it resolves and he feels better soon.

To to top it all off I had a day of hell yesterday, I wish I could have gone back to bed and rewound the day. It started with Dozer and the runs and vomit, then I had to get ready for a doctors appointment which takes me 2 and 1/2 hours to get to by bus and Go Train, hubby was going to pick me up after work. I left the house on time to catch the bus, and as I got to the top of my complex to cross the street to the bus stop, the bus went by, ugh had to wait 45 mins before the next one came, got to the Go Station 7 minutes before the train was due, bought my ticket, and ran through the station, through the tunnel to the tracks and made the train. It took about 20 minutes to get to my stop, and I had one more bus to catch, it was supposed to come at 2:50, which I would have made my 3:30 appointment, but something happened to the bus driver, and she came off the bus crying hysterically and shaking. I don't know if she got some bad news or not, or if something happened to her on the bus, but a transit supervisor came by and took the bus out of service because she said the driver wasn't safe to drive. We had to wait for the next bus which was 1/2 an hour later. This made me late for my appt., and to top it all off, the instructions that the receptionist gave me when I Calle door their location were wrong, she had me get off two bus stops after the office, and I had to walk back about 20 minutes in the heat and already late. I got there all hot and sweaty and frazzled and they couldn't see me, because I was the doctors last appointment, and she had left, so I had to reschedule. Hubby was waiting for me, and by this time I was starving and I hadn't had lunch which isn't good because I'm diabetic, so had to stop for something to eat, we went through the the Tim Hortons Drive Thru and I ordered a BLT on a bagel and asked for light on the Mayo. We start driving and I open my sandwich, and it was a toasted bagel with tons of Mayo and nothing else, No Bacon, No Lettuce, and No Tomato. Lol. I couldn't go back because I had to drive to the Burlington Go Station because my son had an appointment at the Oakville Hospital with his Doctor, and he got on the wrong bus, and was going to be late. Lol. It's either a theme or it runs in the family. He told us he would be on the side of the station where the taxis come in, but when we arrived, he wasn't there, he was on the other side of the station, so had to come through the the tunnel to the other side. We then had to drive to the Oakville Hospital and we hit rush hour and traffic, so he was 1/2 an hour late for his appt, but luckily his doctor still saw him. I came home and then still had to make dinner. I had planned on going to bed early, but was up many times with Dozer, and the never ending pop, so I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep tonight.
My goodness gracious Monica! Holy cow and all that stuff! I'm glad this day is done for you and I do so hope that you are sleeping right now. I hope your pup holds it in for the night and is on a better track so that you can have a better day tomorrow . Some days are just unbelievable. Prayers for a good night for all!!!

and let tomorrow please be better.
Monica, I just been through the exact same thing with Duke less than 2 weeks ago. I finally decided to kennel him at night cause want him out of my room. I woke up, he vomited all his supper kibbles (he eats raw in the morning n lunch snack, supper is kibbles). It was like a paste texture and of course he had diarrhea. I stopped the raw immediately just in case was the meat. Vomit once only but diarrhea stayed for a few days, turned a tad thicker for another few days. Gave him pumpkin, but to this day its still on the soft side. He is back on raw. I have no clue why as nothing has changed in his meals.
Well this is day two of the poops, although they are starting to be a little less runny, I exchanged his food back to the food he was on before the switch, so hoping it resolves itself soon. I'm going to go and buy some pumpkin tomorrow, and as long as he continues to do well on the current food Performatrim, I won't be changing him again anytime soon. I've been on poop clean up since yesterday, and woke up a poop smell again this morning even though I took him out at 5:00 am. I had to wash his crate tray 3 times today, but I take him out every 2 hours and try to anticipate when he has to go, I have to keep him crated right now to contain the poops, but take him out every two hours and give him water each time. I'm only feeding him 1/2 a cup twice a day instead of a whole cup so as not to overwork his tummy, I'll try a full cup tomorrow
and see how he does. He's had two baths yesterday, and two today, although his baths today were only from his middle down, his bum and his legs and paws. He keeps getting the runs going down his bum and in his fur and it smells so bad, and he's wet, so he has to be cleaned. I feel so bad for him, he looks so sad. I hope it resolves and he feels better soon.

To to top it all off I had a day of hell yesterday, I wish I could have gone back to bed and rewound the day. It started with Dozer and the runs and vomit, then I had to get ready for a doctors appointment which takes me 2 and 1/2 hours to get to by bus and Go Train, hubby was going to pick me up after work. I left the house on time to catch the bus, and as I got to the top of my complex to cross the street to the bus stop, the bus went by, ugh had to wait 45 mins before the next one came, got to the Go Station 7 minutes before the train was due, bought my ticket, and ran through the station, through the tunnel to the tracks and made the train. It took about 20 minutes to get to my stop, and I had one more bus to catch, it was supposed to come at 2:50, which I would have made my 3:30 appointment, but something happened to the bus driver, and she came off the bus crying hysterically and shaking. I don't know if she got some bad news or not, or if something happened to her on the bus, but a transit supervisor came by and took the bus out of service because she said the driver wasn't safe to drive. We had to wait for the next bus which was 1/2 an hour later. This made me late for my appt., and to top it all off, the instructions that the receptionist gave me when I Calle door their location were wrong, she had me get off two bus stops after the office, and I had to walk back about 20 minutes in the heat and already late. I got there all hot and sweaty and frazzled and they couldn't see me, because I was the doctors last appointment, and she had left, so I had to reschedule. Hubby was waiting for me, and by this time I was starving and I hadn't had lunch which isn't good because I'm diabetic, so had to stop for something to eat, we went through the the Tim Hortons Drive Thru and I ordered a BLT on a bagel and asked for light on the Mayo. We start driving and I open my sandwich, and it was a toasted bagel with tons of Mayo and nothing else, No Bacon, No Lettuce, and No Tomato. Lol. I couldn't go back because I had to drive to the Burlington Go Station because my son had an appointment at the Oakville Hospital with his Doctor, and he got on the wrong bus, and was going to be late. Lol. It's either a theme or it runs in the family. He told us he would be on the side of the station where the taxis come in, but when we arrived, he wasn't there, he was on the other side of the station, so had to come through the the tunnel to the other side. We then had to drive to the Oakville Hospital and we hit rush hour and traffic, so he was 1/2 an hour late for his appt, but luckily his doctor still saw him. I came home and then still had to make dinner. I had planned on going to bed early, but was up many times with Dozer, and the never ending pop, so I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep tonight.


I so hope things are better today.... did you get some sleep and how is Dozer?
It can be hard for puppies to tolerate raw food and kibble same day, since they produce different pH in the gut. Probably Duke would be ok with all Acana or all Spot Forms.

Monica, I just been through the exact same thing with Duke less than 2 weeks ago. I finally decided to kennel him at night cause want him out of my room. I woke up, he vomited all his supper kibbles (he eats raw in the morning n lunch snack, supper is kibbles). It was like a paste texture and of course he had diarrhea. I stopped the raw immediately just in case was the meat. Vomit once only but diarrhea stayed for a few days, turned a tad thicker for another few days. Gave him pumpkin, but to this day its still on the soft side. He is back on raw. I have no clue why as nothing has changed in his meals.
It can be hard for puppies to tolerate raw food and kibble same day, since they produce different pH in the gut. Probably Duke would be ok with all Acana or all Spot Forms.
He just ate one of the zucchini in the garden and has diarrhea. If i put the zucchini puzzle together he needs not to eat zucchini.

Very hard for any puppy to have normal stools 24/7 for the rest of their puppyhood life. They get into everything. Duke constantly chews on wood, or eats grass, bugs, neighbour's cherries when they fall on my side cause it was a windy night, flowers, he removes my plastic caps that covers the screws in my new swing and I find them.in his poop... and I can list more. There is so much you can supervise as u personally cant stand by him 24/7. It is what it is. He was raised in acana n raw. He's growing well and he's healthy. He'll grow out of it eventually. Wishful thinking eh? Lol

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wow,,, is anyone using the spot farms turkey right now?? it'sw 25$ for 8lbs at chewy right now..... wondering about the potatoe thing though hummmm

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