Woke up to Explosive Diarrhea and vomit.

wow,,, is anyone using the spot farms turkey right now?? it'sw 25$ for 8lbs at chewy right now..... wondering about the potatoe thing though hummmm

They dont use much potatoes its just to hold it together. My pups has no problem.
[MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION], how's Dozer today?
[MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION] Sure hope things are better for you-and Dozer. You poor gal-sure had a very rough day!
Yeah we've had a whole night and all day today poop free, and he had a normal bowel movement last night, it is just a little softer but much more firmer. Thank goodness. I hope he's all back to normal, and no more poops.
I spent the whole day today with my brother and my son we had to drive 2 and 1/2 hours away to visit him in the hospital, he has fainted 5 times this past few days, and they thought it was his heart, but his heart is fine, and it turns out he's had a bleeding ulcer for quite some time, and he's very anemic and his hemoglobin is very low, so he's getting blood transfusions, and on Monday they are doing a gastric scope to find out where he's bleeding from. He's on two blood thinners and one of them is Plavix, and the doctor said he shouldn't be on the two together, so his medication will be changed. It was scary because at first they said it was his heart, but the cardiologist, said his heart is absolutely fine, and his arteries are completely clear. He's never had a heart attack or blockage, and there is no heart disease in his family, so I'm glad it's nothing wrong with his heart, and they found out what was causing the fainting.

I'm going away with my mom and sister for three days next Friday, and I can't wait. I've been so stressed lately, and it's going to be nice to getaway for a few days. We are going on a bus tour to Montreal, leaving Friday morning, then on a boat tour of Montreal, then we are staying in a hotel overnight, then in the morning we go by bus to Quebec City, and we are doing a Historical Tour of Old Quebec City, then doing some shopping and exploring on our own in the afternoon. Then we go to another Hotel, and come home on Sunday. It's going to be fun to go on a Mother Daughter getaway and then Monday is Labour Day, so a Long Weekend to relax, and Tuesday is back to school for all our kids. I'm busy next week as well, I have a Doctors appointment on Monday, Tuesday I go to my Brother in Laws Hair Salon to have my hair cut and coloured for my trip, and Tuesday night to my sisters house for Birthday cake for my nephew, and Wednesday is my Grandsons Birthday, so another cake that day, Thursday night I'm sleeping over at my sisters house, because we have to meet the Coach bus at 5:00 am to go on the trip. We are doing this trip for my Moms Birthday which was on July 31st, my Sisters Birthday which is on August 30th , the same day as my Grandsons birthday, and for my Birthday which is on September 20th.

my Mom, my Sister and I


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Thank Everyone for your love, prayers and support, sometimes it's just nice to write it out and vent lol.
Dozer is doing fine today and eating a full cup of kibble and no poops. He's had 5 baths in the last two days, so my back is done too.
[MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION]... Thank God you're getting back on track and Dozer too. Born n raised in Montreal, in Quebec City, make sure you visit Plains of Abraham! Famous battle between the French and the English mid 1700. Make sure you have your runners on! In Montreal, go to the Old Port of Montreal and you'll have "cirque de soliel" tent there which you can buy tickets and see their lastest show, have supper as there's tons of patios and GREAT food for sure, the Mosaiculture which is sculpture of gardens...sooo beautiful! Dont panic most speaks english!!! Again dont forget comfy shows!!! Enjoy bella!!! Have fun!
@Vikinggirl... Thank God you're getting back on track and Dozer too. Born n raised in Montreal, in Quebec City, make sure you visit Plains of Abraham! Famous battle between the French and the English mid 1700. Make sure you have your runners on! In Montreal, go to the Old Port of Montreal and you'll have "cirque de soliel" tent there which you can buy tickets and see their lastest show, have supper as there's tons of patios and GREAT food for sure, the Mosaiculture which is sculpture of gardens...sooo beautiful! Dont panic most speaks english!!! Again dont forget comfy shows!!! Enjoy bella!!! Have fun!

That's so Awesome Helene. Thanks for all the suggestions. I've been to Montreal and Quebec City many times as a child, but haven't been in many many years. My dad used to take us camping every summer in a Volkswagen Bus, and we would start in Toronto, and go through each Province, until we reached PEI. We would camp each night in every Province along the way, unless it rained, then he would get a hotel. We would end up in PEI, near the beach, and we would camp for two weeks, and then do it all backwards until we came back home to Toronto. I have lots of pictures of my siblings and I sitting on the old cannons in Quebec City. We are so excited to be going and getting away together, it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm so glad that Dozer is better, and my dad is on the mend, and we know what's wrong with him, we were debating whether we should cancel, but my dad is going home on Wednesday, and his girlfriend takes really good care of him, so he wants us to go with our mom and have a good time, plus my brother is here to help my dad, so he's in good hands. Thanks again for all the suggestions, we will definitely try to see as much as we can, I wonder if the Historical Tour of Quebec City will include the Plains of Abraham? I'll take lots of pictures and post them when I come back.
That's so Awesome Helene. Thanks for all the suggestions. I've been to Montreal and Quebec City many times as a child, but haven't been in many many years. My dad used to take us camping every summer in a Volkswagen Bus, and we would start in Toronto, and go through each Province, until we reached PEI. We would camp each night in every Province along the way, unless it rained, then he would get a hotel. We would end up in PEI, near the beach, and we would camp for two weeks, and then do it all backwards until we came back home to Toronto. I have lots of pictures of my siblings and I sitting on the old cannons in Quebec City. We are so excited to be going and getting away together, it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm so glad that Dozer is better, and my dad is on the mend, and we know what's wrong with him, we were debating whether we should cancel, but my dad is going home on Wednesday, and his girlfriend takes really good care of him, so he wants us to go with our mom and have a good time, plus my brother is here to help my dad, so he's in good hands. Thanks again for all the suggestions, we will definitely try to see as much as we can, I wonder if the Historical Tour of Quebec City will include the Plains of Abraham? I'll take lots of pictures and post them when I come back.

PEI is beautiful!! The Quebec Tour, I dont see why Plains of Abraham wouldn't be included. It's athe main attraction.. Beautiful city a lot like little European cities. If you have a whole day to kill takes 3hrs from QC city, go to Tadoussac qc. Same hwy. Whale watching it fantastic there. There's a big Bay where all whales meet. Baie Saint Paul. Biggest river in Canada the Saint Lawrence River falls into the ocean. Montreal on the other hand is the party city. Tons to do. Biggest underground shopping in the world. Smack downtown. You were a lucky young girl to have traveled like you did at such a young age!!! Good job!
PEI is beautiful!! The Quebec Tour, I dont see why Plains of Abraham wouldn't be included. It's athe main attraction.. Beautiful city a lot like little European cities. If you have a whole day to kill takes 3hrs from QC city, go to Tadoussac qc. Same hwy. Whale watching it fantastic there. There's a big Bay where all whales meet. Baie Saint Paul. Biggest river in Canada the Saint Lawrence River falls into the ocean. Montreal on the other hand is the party city. Tons to do. Biggest underground shopping in the world. Smack downtown. You were a lucky young girl to have traveled like you did at such a young age!!! Good job!

Im sure the Plains of Abraham would be part of the tour, since it is a Historical Tour, but we are going on a package trip on a coach bus, so we won't have a car of our own to drive, so I don't know if we will be able to go to the whale watching, it would be too far, unless we rented a car. In Montreal, we are going on a boat tour, then the Historical Tour in QC.
Yes we were very lucky to travel each year, we also had a cottage that we went to mostly every weekend, plus my sister and I went to Norway to visit my Grandparents every summer until we were teenagers. Norway is my second home, I love it there.
Wow great life [MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION] ... sometimes I think I was born in the wrong area :) California has lots of pretty, but being the weather is so great ALWAYS it seems, that families don't venture out too far as they figure its all right here. I am loving the sound of Canada :) and glad your boy is doing better!! Enjoy your travels :)
Wow great life @Vikinggirl ... sometimes I think I was born in the wrong area :) California has lots of pretty, but being the weather is so great ALWAYS it seems, that families don't venture out too far as they figure its all right here. I am loving the sound of Canada :) and glad your boy is doing better!! Enjoy your travels :)

Thank You Hun. I'll post pics when I get back.

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