When is the government going to do something?


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I just read a very very very long posting by a breeder who bought from a broker. Surprise- the dog died. Then the second (replacement) died.

My question is, why or WHY does our government even ALLOW importing of litters? WHY?????


This NEEDS to stop!!! They are shipping these puppies when they are WAY too young, and you KNOW these puppies are not ready for this kind of a journey. Their immune systems are comprimised, if not their genetics. And we ALLOW these criminals to order puppies from puppy mills in other countries and have them shipped here. I just disgusts me!!! What can we do? We have to do something. Make a petition. Rally. Have a convention in Las Vegas to STOP PUPPY MILLS AND THE IMPORTERS WHO SUPPORT THEM!!!!


Sorry. Had to vent.


two paws up! We agree! Lets do something!!!
No go right ahead and vent all you want. Where would we start? PETA? AKC? We have to find out and stop it. I am with ya on this one.
We should start a list of known importers that are on public record. I bet there is one somewhere.
Yeah, I am starting to think AKC does not do enough to ensure the puppies they paper are legit. They need to demand DNA testing of each litter and charge more for papers. Simple as that. But they wont.

Too many know how to get through AKC loopholes. Do you know how easy it was for me to register my one litter? I don't want to give details and give anyone ideas, but it took 5 minutes. Done.
This is so tough. There will always be people that see animals as property. What else can we do but educate the public interested in bullys? People that want illegal drugs still get them from foreign countries, people still come here illegaly, etc. I don't think geovernment legislation is going to end this, public awareness will. But I agree about AKC. People find AKC very reputable, so they need to raise their standards.
I think whenever something living is looked at like a commodity, the tendency to not worry about the emotional element of the situation is marginalized. The government's interest in regulating what dogs are imported is to protect the US population from disease but not to protect the puppies or the consumers who invest their money, time, and love into them. I'm not sure what can be done? I know that Hawaii has more strict regulations for shipping animals and perhaps if the US adopted a similar policy, it would deter these criminals from shipping puppies. In a similar vein, it baffles me how airline travel for dogs has gone so unregulated for so long, especially when thousands of dogs die each year on airplanes. The government doesn't seem to care about the health of our pets but since pet care is a billion dollar industry, one would imagine pet owners could gather enough steam to make changes.

It's a difficult situation but if you think a convention in Vegas would help, I'm in!
I agree with you tessa, but at least if they get caught they go to jail. Nothing happens to the importers. Plus if it more difficult to get litters shipped, and they aren't making all that money, then it would surely make their business a lot more of a headache to do.

I am not saying getting a puppy from another country should be outlawed, but purchasing whole litters should be!
I think the people purchasing the puppies need to be educated. If no one went to these importers for their puppies anymore, seems to me they'd quit importing. Of course that's probably asking the impossible, I know. I just can't figure out why people get from puppy mills and importers. Aren't there litters available in their area? If I couldn't go see a litter, the parents, where these puppies have been raised, and in what conditions, I wouldn't have a puppy. Not the answer, just my 2 cents.
I really agree. But my views on puppies are a bit different.

I think that anyone breeding unregistered dogs without a usda breeders license should be fined heavily for the birth, and per pup. Facing heavy fines would encourage more people to spay and neuter their pets.
I think the people purchasing the puppies need to be educated. If no one went to these importers for their puppies anymore, seems to me they'd quit importing. Of course that's probably asking the impossible, I know. I just can't figure out why people get from puppy mills and importers. Aren't there litters available in their area? If I couldn't go see a litter, the parents, where these puppies have been raised, and in what conditions, I wouldn't have a puppy. Not the answer, just my 2 cents.

I do agree with this ... I think that the people who buy from these importers don't really understand what is happening. They just see it as a cheap way of getting an english bulldog. I would never get a puppy unless I could go visit the breeder and check that the mother is part of the family and not part of a puppy mill. In other words I'd do my research .... if everybody did that and knew what they should be checking then a lot of these importers would find their business going elsewhere to more reputable breeders! Just my thoughts ...
Rumor has it, in Florida anyways that within 2 years there will be fines for not spaying and neutering, I guess you would have to get a breeder permit for puppies that you do not spay or neuter. I have not heard it myself, but my co-worker told me the other day and since she has horses, goats etc...the are not exempt it is for all animals.

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]: I was going to ask you about the whole registering litters. Doesn't a vet have to sign off on the litter papers? For some reason I thought they did, that would mean that there are a lot of vets out there not being honest, I mean esp with Bulldogs and the need for C-sections. I would think that if they don't have to sign the papers, at least they would be suspicious for health certs etc...I wonder if they are obligated to report possible AKC fraud.

Also I noticed that the "breeders" getting caught with imports, they are finding out from Airport listings for puppy shipments. Is this public record? Can we check on our own airports and see who is accepting these shipments?
Everyone here has such amazing ideas! I really do feel that this is a topic that some just dont care about as much as other && turn there cheek the other way when seeing it happen or knowledge of it. Its so sad!! I wish EVERYONE could && would see the beauty of these amazing creatures! They're not just property or stupid pets with no feelings. It makes me mad.. some people feel that there are bigger problems out there that the gov needs to get a handle on before they deal with this.. tisk tisk. its really a shame. I say we all start somewhere && try to do something about this! Whether its more public awarness or protesting or Something!! It needs to start somewhere for other to see && realize the ugly in it~!
I agree with the education thought... take this video for example YouTube - English Bulldogs puppies for sale - www.mauiexpokennel.com call us @ 786-206-9330 , and read all the comments... I don't know the history of this kennel or puppy store, but seeing the volume of puppies should at least be raising some flags.. The comments are all about how cute they are, people wanting one, and people bragging that they bought one, but nobody asking about the parents or why there are so many.

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