Tutorial: @ Mentions and Tagging Users


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack

Have you ever responded to someone in a thread and they never responded back? Perhaps they never read your response?

Have you ever put up a thread and wanted someone in particular to read it?

Well now you can!


Well, now they can be notified with @(username)!

Similar to twitter, you can @(username) a user while mentioning them in a topic.

For example, you a user uploads a great photo, and you want to make sure they read your response.

You can say @(username), that photo is great!

Then the user will get a notification that you have responded or mentioned them in a thread.

When you use the @(username), it is called a "Mention". Meaning, of course, that you mentioned them in a post.

Another cool part about @(username) is that if you do, it will create a link to their profile!

Here is an example: @desertskybulldogs

If you want someone to read a thread, you can tag them. The tag users box is right above the first post on the thread over the "Reply to thread" button.

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I get the notification at the bottom left of my screen. I just click on the notification box, and it takes me to my profile page. On that page you can see mentions and reputations. :) Sometimes you have to scroll down a bit to find the correct section.

Hope it helps [MENTION=7749]ChrisRN[/MENTION]

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)

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