Essential oils

Luna bulldog

New member
Jul 24, 2023
Bulldog(s) Names
I am thinking on ordering Doterra brand Essential oils(Lavender for the dogs ears and topical for skin irritation) and Frankincense essential oil to have on hand for IF my dog had another seizure(I seen @helsonwheels post of how frankincense oil helps get the dog out of a seizure- amazing something can help so quick!!).
And I like how Frankincense has anti cancer too.

I see on Doterra page on each of those oils that says in Caution area- Donā€™t use in Inner ear.
I was hoping to use it for ear infections caused by excessive wax buildup(not yeast itā€™s regular wax) and lavender is anti inflammatory which he needs in his ears and overall on skin too.

So is it actually *SAFE * to use lavender essential oil IN the dogs ears for wax issues and ear infection and inflammation???

I try to go as natural as possible without resorting to medications.

I have some other questions though:

- Doterra has the diffuser, I am wondering whatā€™s actually SAFE for everyone in the house(us humans AND Both the dogs). I know for sure my dogs canā€™t be around tee tree, lemon, and Eucalyptus oils.

Iā€™m only thinking on getting these 2 oils for now-Frankincense and Lavender Essential oil -but are BOTH these oils SAFE to use in the diffuser?
-(do they need to be at different times in diffuser like do 1 oil in there per day??)
-For those that use diffuser, how often do you use it and how long is it safe to have it going for??
-Is there a potential to harm us or the dogs when doing this diffuser oil??

-What is Frankincense oil used for in dogs other than during seizure episodes-just apply to paws and ears to stop seizures that have already started?- just want to clarify and make surešŸ™‚

-Does Frankincense have many other benefits for dogs?, or is it just as needed like Lavender and only in certain situations? Can I put Lavender on my dog Hives?

-For Us humans in the house, is Both Lavender essential oil and Frankincense essential oil SAFE for us humans AND the dogs? Is there any risks for anyone in the house(us or dogs)??

-what do we humans use those 2 essential oils for? Is there any specific situations to use these oils for in humans ??

-what do we use those 2 essential oils for the dogs(what situations do you recommend each Lavender oil and Frankincense oil for and how is best to use them on dogs )???

What situations are these 2 essential oils NOT recommended for and whatā€™s the side effects??

Is it common for a dog or person to have a bad reaction to either of these oils?? If any, what does that look like if someone of either the dogs or us is sensitive to one of the oils??

Doterra oils are Very expensive- 15 ml bottle they come in,
*how many drops approximately is in the 15 ml bottle????

*How long do these oils last once opened- someone told me they evaporated, so how long do you have BEFORE they evaporate???

Is there a timeline once opened to use it up in?

I have never used Essential oils before but a holistic vet told me to use Lavender oil for skin irritations/allergy hives and fur loss from hives. Thinking/hopefully I can use Lavender in my dogs ears to help with constant wax buildup that creates ear infections and inflammation in ears.

So essential oils are all new to me and I want to make sure I do it safely and know how to use it Safely on my dogs and us.

I havenā€™t ever used any essential oil before, for why these questionsšŸ™‚

I wonā€™t order any of those oils until I know these answers.

I appreciate any help/advice and answers to all those questions. šŸ™‚
Most members knows me as an essential oil user. A lot of them do use EO. Iā€™ve been doing oils way before having Nyala n sheā€™s almost 8. I do have an EO thread and some recipes did change as I went through the yrs trying different recipes with same results. Meaning some will have less kinds of different types. Also if a member adventures making recipes I always make a point to ask me if theyā€™re not sure or see a holistic dog vet.

- Most oils are safe for dogs even Lemon oil.
- Diffusers you can have it on 24/7, a few hours a day, nights onlyā€¦..up to you
- Yes you can use lavender IN the ear BUTā€¦..yes a but, NOT in the canal.

Oil companies will discourage the people using oils internally as most people have no clue when it comes to oils what to d n donā€™t want to be sued. I would do the same.

You need to use a carrier oil n mix your oils in it. I use Fractionated Coconut Oil. Itā€™s the clear one. Some will use MCT but thatā€™s expensive for nothing. MCT it top notch as oil n you can use it in salads or take (human) a tablespoon per day to maintain your gut. You can also use Almond carrier oil or jojoba.

2oz of FCO (4oz for maintenance)
10 drops of lavender
You can also use EcoEar (on Amazon) n simply add lavender oil in it. Use it as maintenance.

I use my diffuser more from fall to winter when you open less windows. I also DO use Tea Tree BUTā€¦ā€¦ half of whatā€™s recommended as oils. Tea Tree kills airborne pathogens. Dogs are still alive.

Is there a timeline once opened to use it up in? NO
ALL oils even a high quality extra virgin olive oil needs to be store in a dark place n not on a counter. Thereā€™s a reason why the bottles are dark. When it comes to oils there is no expiration date but legally companies have to put one. Itā€™s basically like canning your grandma did back then. You can open a jar 10yrs later n it will still be good.

Diffuser that holds one cup of water, you can add in your case buying 2 oils for time being, 5drops of each lavender n Frank.
Most members knows me as an essential oil user. A lot of them do use EO. Iā€™ve been doing oils way before having Nyala n sheā€™s almost 8. I do have an EO thread and some recipes did change as I went through the yrs trying different recipes with same results. Meaning some will have less kinds of different types. Also if a member adventures making recipes I always make a point to ask me if theyā€™re not sure or see a holistic dog vet.

- Most oils are safe for dogs even Lemon oil.
- Diffusers you can have it on 24/7, a few hours a day, nights onlyā€¦..up to you
- Yes you can use lavender IN the ear BUTā€¦..yes a but, NOT in the canal.

Oil companies will discourage the people using oils internally as most people have no clue when it comes to oils what to d n donā€™t want to be sued. I would do the same.

You need to use a carrier oil n mix your oils in it. I use Fractionated Coconut Oil. Itā€™s the clear one. Some will use MCT but thatā€™s expensive for nothing. MCT it top notch as oil n you can use it in salads or take (human) a tablespoon per day to maintain your gut. You can also use Almond carrier oil or jojoba.

2oz of FCO (4oz for maintenance)
10 drops of lavender
You can also use EcoEar (on Amazon) n simply add lavender oil in it. Use it as maintenance.

I use my diffuser more from fall to winter when you open less windows. I also DO use Tea Tree BUTā€¦ā€¦ half of whatā€™s recommended as oils. Tea Tree kills airborne pathogens. Dogs are still alive.

Is there a timeline once opened to use it up in? NO
ALL oils even a high quality extra virgin olive oil needs to be store in a dark place n not on a counter. Thereā€™s a reason why the bottles are dark. When it comes to oils there is no expiration date but legally companies have to put one. Itā€™s basically like canning your grandma did back then. You can open a jar 10yrs later n it will still be good.

Diffuser that holds one cup of water, you can add in your case buying 2 oils for time being, 5drops of each lavender n Frank.

Thanks for your detailed response!

Since you say to NOT put Lavender in the ear canal, if I apply it Above ear canal OR in the ear cleaner, it will end up in the ear canal where it shouldnā€™t be???

Im hesitant to use it in the ears cause it will eventually go into ear canal.

**What is the risk if it does end up in the ear canal??(ear damage?)

The questions I have:

1- Is it best to use 1 oil in the diffuser at a time than to have both oils in diffuser at once? How many drops in diffuser if Iā€™m only using 1 oil in it at a time?

2- -Is there a potential to harm us or the dogs when doing this diffuser oil??

3- What is Frankincense oil used for in dogs other than during seizure episodes-just apply to paws and ears to stop seizures that have already started???-just want to clarify and make sure IF it happens I do it correctly to stop the seizure. šŸ™‚

4- what else is Frankincense oil used for in dogs??

5- What do people use Frankincense oil for??

6- What is Lavender good for in dogs?

7- What do people use Lavender oil for??

8- Can I put Lavender oil on my dogs hives/skin irritations?

9- How dilute with Fractionated coconut oil do I use for topical on the dogs with each oil???

I have FCO at home, so I will use that as carrier oil.

10- For Us humans in the house, is Both Lavender essential oil and Frankincense essential oil SAFE for us humans AND the dogs?

11- Is there any risks for anyone in the house(us or dogs) when using either of these oils??

12- what do we humans use those 2 essential oils for? Is there any specific situations to use these oils for in humans ??

13- what do we use those 2 essential oils for the dogs(what situations do you recommend each Lavender oil and Frankincense oil for and how is best to use them on dogs )???

14- *What situations are these 2 essential oils NOT recommended for and whatā€™s the side effects??

** what health issues/situation do you NOT use either of these oils in(dogs and humans)??

15- Is it common for a dog or person to have a bad reaction to either of these oils?? If any, what does that look like if someone of either the dogs or us is sensitive to one of the oils??

Once those questions are answered, I will be less nervous about using the Essential oilsšŸ™‚

Thank you so much @helsonwheels I appreciate it.

Good to know the oils wonā€™t go bad if kept in cupboard!
@Luna bulldog whoaā€¦..lolll

Since you say to NOT put Lavender in the ear canal, if I apply it Above ear canal OR in the ear cleaner, it will end up in the ear canal where it shouldnā€™t be???

Oil will seep on its own in the canal. When you clea ABOVE the ear oil shouldnā€™t be dripping. Basically itā€™s sitting on a cotton swab or qtip. It will go partial down with the body/ear heat. And no itā€™s not dangerous. Oil stings why you dilute it n donā€™t need a lot either.

Of you look up Lavender n Frankincense benefits under Dr Axe, it will be the exact same benefits for dogs.

Dr Axe knows šŸ’Æ his oils n you can also use his search box for his other oils. Most of your questions will found on Dr Axe. Bear in mind, not all oils for humans are for dogs.

btw you related to @Bulldog2001 cause it seems same questions as his private messages šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
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@Luna bulldog whoaā€¦..lolll

Since you say to NOT put Lavender in the ear canal, if I apply it Above ear canal OR in the ear cleaner, it will end up in the ear canal where it shouldnā€™t be???

Oil will seep on its own in the canal. When you clea ABOVE the ear oil shouldnā€™t be dripping. Basically itā€™s sitting on a cotton swab or qtip. It will go partial down with the body/ear heat. And no itā€™s not dangerous. Oil stings why you dilute it n donā€™t need a lot either.

Of you look up Lavender n Frankincense benefits under Dr Axe, it will be the exact same benefits for dogs.

Dr Axe knows šŸ’Æ his oils n you can also use his search box for his other oils. Most of your questions will found on Dr Axe. Bear in mind, not all oils for humans are for dogs.

btw you related to @Bulldog2001 cause it seems same questions as his private messages šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

Thank you SO much for the help, and for the links. I will look at those links.

Iā€™m new to essential oils for why I asked these questions as I want the best for my dogs.
@Luna bulldog whoaā€¦..lolll

Since you say to NOT put Lavender in the ear canal, if I apply it Above ear canal OR in the ear cleaner, it will end up in the ear canal where it shouldnā€™t be???

Oil will seep on its own in the canal. When you clea ABOVE the ear oil shouldnā€™t be dripping. Basically itā€™s sitting on a cotton swab or qtip. It will go partial down with the body/ear heat. And no itā€™s not dangerous. Oil stings why you dilute it n donā€™t need a lot either.

Of you look up Lavender n Frankincense benefits under Dr Axe, it will be the exact same benefits for dogs.

Dr Axe knows šŸ’Æ his oils n you can also use his search box for his other oils. Most of your questions will found on Dr Axe. Bear in mind, not all oils for humans are for dogs.

btw you related to @Bulldog2001 cause it seems same questions as his private messages šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

The Reason why I did PM you before on Essential Oils cause I couldnā€™t find any of the answers here and I know you mention sometimes you use Essential oils for why I asked you.
some website have not good info, Some on google says those oils are toxic and some say to use it. For why itā€™s best to ask someone who knows what they are talking about(you know what your doing cause you use them and have experience with using it).

just cause someone else has some of the same questions doesnā€™t mean they are related. šŸ™‚

Again, thank you for the help in the PM on essential oils.

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