Help Needed! Tumor on tail


New member
Apr 8, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Dearest all,

Ulysses and I are back :) so happy to be here but not so happy about the circumstances.

Here's the story:

So about a year ago, Ulysses started having skin issues on his tail. It was permanently dry and seemed to be itchy. The fur fell off but came back so it was a sort of an on and off again issue. So I took him to his usual vet close to our house and she said it was an inflamed sebaceous gland and that it was nothing serious. She gave him a Manuka honey ointment and that was that. So in that visit she squeezed it, just as if it was a pimple, and some white stuff came out so her diagnosis made sense.

Since then we've had other issues (cruciate ligament rupture, hot spots, arthrosis) so basically usual ageing bully stuff (7&1/2). So the tail issue was in the back of my mind but I kept postponing it because I thought all the other stuff needed immediate attention.

Today we went to the vet again for a general check up and tooth cleaning (the best vet from his puppyhood who is 3 hours away from us). I only go there for anything requiring sedation because I trust them more than anyone else. So as soon as he saw his tail he said, that's a tumor. I was shocked and asked could it be cancerous? and he said yes. I am devastated. It seemed to become a bit more inflamed over the past weeks and therefore I thought okay time to get a second opinion.

But honestly I didn't expect this. Now he is having a biopsy to see what's up and what kind of tumor it is. The vet said unless we get very bad results he wouldn't recommend cutting his tail because it is so close to the spine and so risky. So we have to wait for the results and see.

Does anyone has experience with this? I'm at a loss. I only want my baby to be fine and healthy and I couldn't forgive myself if he was misdiagnosed a year ago and I waited so long to take him to a bully professional.

Thank you so much for reading the long post and for any comments, suggestion, ideas :)

Love to all!
[MENTION=4663]Maife[/MENTION] Oh so sorry that Ulysses is going through this, and you of course. I'm sorry, I don't have any experience with this issue but hang in there one or more of the more knowledgeable folks will be along. Again, sorry I'm no help except for support and complete prayers that this is an easily addressed issue.
Castor says hi to Ulysses! Great to see a fellow European bulldog! I have no experience so am afraid I cannot offer any advice, but wish to say you mustn't think of blaming yourself for not seeing something a professional vet did not see. You are clearly a very caring and loving bulldog owner and that is all a bulldog ever wants.
I have no experience and send tons of positive thought. You are doing what you can now that you know and you know he is in great hands with this experienced vet.... please keep us posted.

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I'm so sorry to read this, and I'm praying for good results for your baby...
If found to be cancerous there isn’t anything especially dangerous about removing the tail. It’s not an uncommon procedure with Bulldogs. However, my concern would be focused on the type of cancer and whether it’s metastatic.
It could be that tail removal is the best shot at cure.
Hoping biopsy reveals that it’s not a malignancy.
Please report the report.
Thank you so much to for all the lovely messages and the prayers :heartsign: It warms my heart and the support makes such a huge difference. We are now waiting for the results of the biopsy. He is currently a very happy boy with his clean pearly white teeth :D. He did quite well after the anaesthesia. The vet gave us something called Tyrosur to locally threat the wound/inflamed area on his tail. It seems to hurt him a bit when I apply it so its a bit of a challenge but he is a brave bully :drawheart:.
Thank you so much [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]. I will definitely keep you posted on the results.

If found to be cancerous there isn’t anything especially dangerous about removing the tail. It’s not an uncommon procedure with Bulldogs. However, my concern would be focused on the type of cancer and whether it’s metastatic.
It could be that tail removal is the best shot at cure.
Hoping biopsy reveals that it’s not a malignancy.
Please report the report.
Castor is such a handsome boy :heart: Ulysses and I say hello and send you both a big bully hug :angelhug:

Castor says hi to Ulysses! Great to see a fellow European bulldog! I have no experience so am afraid I cannot offer any advice, but wish to say you mustn't think of blaming yourself for not seeing something a professional vet did not see. You are clearly a very caring and loving bulldog owner and that is all a bulldog ever wants.
[MENTION=4663]Maife[/MENTION] any update on the tail issue?

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