Traveling in style!!


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Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
we were in Ft Lauderdale airport and there were SEVERAL dogs that were flying Southwest! Apparently for $75 each way, you can take them. Anyway.. one woman had her ?schnauzer in a stroller type thing for dogs. With the way Chester won't walk :eek: I'm thinking this may be the answer for Mr. Stubborn!! >.<
Wow, I didn't know they allowed dogs now. Of course, the bulldog would want to sit in his or her own seat. :)
So cute! I know of someone that put his bulldog with arthritis in a little red wagon and would pull her around so she could be out and about but not have to walk around in pain. She passed away but he carried on the tradition with his younger bully, I don't think this bully has arthritis just enjoys not having to walk LOL
My old bulldog had arthritis and I ttok him everywhere in a red radioflyer. I have pictures of it and we even made the newspaper.
we were in Ft Lauderdale airport and there were SEVERAL dogs that were flying Southwest! Apparently for $75 each way, you can take them. Anyway.. one woman had her ?schnauzer in a stroller type thing for dogs. With the way Chester won't walk :eek: I'm thinking this may be the answer for Mr. Stubborn!! >.<

Wow that is cheaper than luggage these days. We have a wagon for Abby. She doesn't like it that much, she gets restless, but it helps when she gets too tired to walk.
I am certain there is a weight limit however. I think it is 20lbs. ?
When we got Cadence, we got her in Texas. So we flew down there and got her. We had her in a carrier under the seat as a carryon on the way back. Well, being a puppy...she went poo in the carrier. We cleaned it up as soon as we realized it. One of the "not so nice" stewardess told us she had to be in the carrier and under the seat at all times. We explained that she "got sick" and we were just cleaning it up. The not so nice lady with toddler in front of us started complaining that she could smell the dog. She literally was throwing a fit (while her little boy was running up and down the isles playing) She made her husband change seats with her. He told her "I don't smell anything". She told him, "they have a smelly dog back there". When the plane landed, I stood up and apologized if the puppy smell offended her. I told her that I was sorry if her flight was made uncomfortable by our cute carryon. I also proceeded to tell her, "It's an 8 week old English Bulldog puppy, wanna see?" To which she basically turned her nose up and sniffed. I then explained to her that English Bulldogs were notorious for passing gas, but I thought the smell was actually better dealt with than a dirty diaper. (at this point I could have sworn she turned red, having a disagreement with her hubby as to which of them was going to change their sons mid-flight) Yeah, lady...that's right. We all smelled your kid when he had a dirty diaper!
Ok where did you get the poster of Vegas and baby O????? I love it......Kisses to them both from Gammy
Oh I love the airplane carryon story! Some people go thru life complaining about EVERYTHING!! Her loss, she could have been nice and gotten to see a wonderful baby bully.:mad:
As for the stroller idea... I think they're a little too "fu-fu" for a Bullie. I like the wagon idea way better. And I think the strollers are for tiny dogs, you'd have to get him a real baby stroller, I think. The only one I know with a dog stroller is our neighbor who has a 3 pound Chihuahua with a bad heart murmur. She gets strolled so as not to over exert herself.
Oh my goodness that is too funny! I didn't know you can take them around flying with you? Do they have to go in a cage under the plane or can they sit next to you?? lol Idk if I would like my little ones in a cage under the plane.. I think they'd get scared. :/

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