Debbie Young

New member
Apr 1, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Our white 7 year bulldog is suffering again with large sores on his body which is put down to allergies. The sores sort of crust over. He has been on prednacare tablets a very low dose 1 tablet one day and 1 and half next day for a few years to help with itchiness. He started with the sores last spring. He had allergy tests and was said to be allergic to Bermuda grass, dust mite and storage mite. The vet put him on some monthly injections which was supposed to help him towards when the spring started this year but he seems to have started suffering again. We live by fields so that does not help. We are trying to keep him in as much as possible to keep him away from pollen etc. We wash beds very regularly and are always hovering. We are trying an atopic cream the last few days but this does not seem to be helping. He is eating Royal Canin anallergenic dried food and no other titbits. Will try and add a photo any help with similar sores would be so much appreciated as hate seeing him suffer.


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Castor says hi to Brutus! Sorry, I don't have any suggestions but hope other will soon provide some help!
Our white 7 year bulldog is suffering again with large sores on his body which is put down to allergies. The sores sort of crust over. He has been on prednacare tablets a very low dose 1 tablet one day and 1 and half next day for a few years to help with itchiness. He started with the sores last spring. He had allergy tests and was said to be allergic to Bermuda grass, dust mite and storage mite. The vet put him on some monthly injections which was supposed to help him towards when the spring started this year but he seems to have started suffering again. We live by fields so that does not help. We are trying to keep him in as much as possible to keep him away from pollen etc. We wash beds very regularly and are always hovering. We are trying an atopic cream the last few days but this does not seem to be helping. He is eating Royal Canin anallergenic dried food and no other titbits. Will try and add a photo any help with similar sores would be so much appreciated as hate seeing him suffer.


Sorry but change vets. Monthly Injections till spring?? Ouch! Your poor dogā€™s immune system is shot. Royal Canin is absolutely crap. Dogs are carnivores n not cows :( You need to start over. If you want your boy healthy n back on track start with these steps to begin with. Get his gut cleaned out. So feed him on raw, yes raw. Rule of thumb one pound per day for a 50lb dog. He absolutely needs a good probiotics, get some fermented sauerkraut in the fridge section n feed him one to two tablespoon per day cause of these sores. Also another good probiotics is goats milk. Donā€™t use yogurt as itā€™s not strong enough for now. Get turmeric in a paste form or fresh, fresh ginger n a pinch of black pepper. Add to the food. Other members will suggest you with a good shampoo.
Our white 7 year bulldog is suffering again with large sores on his body which is put down to allergies. The sores sort of crust over. He has been on prednacare tablets a very low dose 1 tablet one day and 1 and half next day for a few years to help with itchiness. He started with the sores last spring. He had allergy tests and was said to be allergic to Bermuda grass, dust mite and storage mite. The vet put him on some monthly injections which was supposed to help him towards when the spring started this year but he seems to have started suffering again. We live by fields so that does not help. We are trying to keep him in as much as possible to keep him away from pollen etc. We wash beds very regularly and are always hovering. We are trying an atopic cream the last few days but this does not seem to be helping. He is eating Royal Canin anallergenic dried food and no other titbits. Will try and add a photo any help with similar sores would be so much appreciated as hate seeing him suffer.

Oh my.. poor baby! And you... get a new vet and new food, preferably raw.

Since he is allergic to dust and storage mites,,, kibble is not an option as mites live in kibble. As Helene stated.. RC is all fillers/grains it isnā€™t good for him to heal in.

A probiotic will help too.. raw really is a good option to help him heal

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Oh no!! Youā€™ve gotten great advice! Definitely get him off of the RC. If you really wanted to stick to kibble, you can get small bags and then portion each meal out into ziploc baggies and put in freezer. Raw would be the best option though.

A couple medicated shampoos I rotate between are Ketohex and Chlorhexidine.

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Have no experience of a Raw Diet so do you buy this in a pet store or do you just make up yourself? Is this fish, chicken or meat? Do you feed twice a day as normal with kibble? We are in the UK.
Have no experience of a Raw Diet so do you buy this in a pet store or do you just make up yourself? Is this fish, chicken or meat? Do you feed twice a day as normal with kibble? We are in the UK.

Yes, feed as normal but not as much as kibble.

I buy my raw locally... in U.K. Iā€™m not sure of any raw brands ā€” Iā€™m sure there is but you can also make it.
[MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] [MENTION=13737]1Chumly[/MENTION] [MENTION=15780]Lalaloopsie[/MENTION]

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Have no experience of a Raw Diet so do you buy this in a pet store or do you just make up yourself? Is this fish, chicken or meat? Do you feed twice a day as normal with kibble? We are in the UK.

I buy already made and balanced patties but I am in the US. You can definitely do it yourself as long as you do the proper meat/bone/organ ratio. With raw, you would want to rotate between at least 3 different proteins as each protein has different nutritional values. But when first starting, you would want to do 1 protein a month to see if there are any issues.

And yes, you would feed twice a day. Feeding guide is usually 2-2.5% of their body weight to maintain current weight. But all dogs are different so some need more and some need less.
I wish I could help but the dog food in the UK has changed drastically since I left. There is a much better selection available. Check out Dog Food sites and research like mad! I checked a site of best food in the UK and 9 out of 10 had a ton of chicken and we all know a lot of bulldogs are allergic to chicken.

The following site looks like it has pretty good info. You can put in what you are looking for and it will give you a selection. Good luck!
Have no experience of a Raw Diet so do you buy this in a pet store or do you just make up yourself? Is this fish, chicken or meat? Do you feed twice a day as normal with kibble? We are in the UK.

Most of the time if youā€™re going to start raw, I always suggest raw fish first as itā€™s a protein that has less issues for allergies. You do get the exceptions which happens. Then gradually change to another protein. Stick to one protein so you can monitor allergies. Rule of thumb 1lb for every 50lb dog.
This looks like an advanced staphylococcus infection of the skin.
Guys are right, it is important to get a vet who is really knowledgeable in Bulldogs. Allergy could be initial cause of skin problems, but at the moment it is infection in full swing. What he is getting wonā€™t help at this moment. Get rid of any steroids, especially in shots, as they work repressing immune system, it only helps infection to develop.
My suggestins are
1) skin scrape - made by knowledgeable vet, who will diligently take multiple scrapes and diagnose if it is Staphylococcus or may be even mange. Mange is less likely in my opinion, but I cannot judge without scrape.
2) what are you using for tick/flea? If it is mange, switch his preventative to Nexgard. Monthly dose prevents tick/flea and treats mange
3) if it is Staph he will need antibiotics, long course several weeks. I guess at the moment his spots anyway definitely need antibiotics as whatever caused the lesions, they look rotten
4) at the spots you should use Chlorhexidine plus Ketokonazol ointments or sprays, check with vet what is available in UK. For shampoo use shampoo with the same above mentioned antiseptics, need to check what is available in UK.
5) food - go raw, or home cook. Amount usually is recommended 2-3% of body weight or 1 pound of food per 25 pounds of dogs weight.
6) supplements- fish oil with high DHA and EPA content and probiotics.
This looks like an advanced staphylococcus infection of the skin.
Guys are right, it is important to get a vet who is really knowledgeable in Bulldogs. Allergy could be initial cause of skin problems, but at the moment it is infection in full swing. What he is getting wonā€™t help at this moment. Get rid of any steroids, especially in shots, as they work repressing immune system, it only helps infection to develop.
My suggestins are
1) skin scrape - made by knowledgeable vet, who will diligently take multiple scrapes and diagnose if it is Staphylococcus or may be even mange. Mange is less likely in my opinion, but I cannot judge without scrape.
2) what are you using for tick/flea? If it is mange, switch his preventative to Nexgard. Monthly dose prevents tick/flea and treats mange
3) if it is Staph he will need antibiotics, long course several weeks. I guess at the moment his spots anyway definitely need antibiotics as whatever caused the lesions, they look rotten
4) at the spots you should use Chlorhexidine plus Ketokonazol ointments or sprays, check with vet what is available in UK. For shampoo use shampoo with the same above mentioned antiseptics, need to check what is available in UK.
5) food - go raw, or home cook. Amount usually is recommended 2-3% of body weight or 1 pound of food per 25 pounds of dogs weight.
6) supplements- fish oil with high DHA and EPA content and probiotics.

yes yes yes...

3) yes! and here in the states Cephalexin is what we use mostly for Staph. And like stated...this is advanced...6 weeks minimum
5) yes! we've had very good luck with Douxo Mousse applied directly to the spots and rub in...4-5 times a week
Debbie Young....i have 2 bully's and both suffer with allergies and break out with the same sores at least 3 times a year. Most of the time it clears up on its own after about a week or so. At least once a year my older bully needs antibiotics and predisone to help heal. This last time i was given a prescription of apoqual. We also bath them as usual with medicated shampoo. Vet has advised us they will continue to suffer with allergies, unless they are taking something daily, like benadryl or zirtex. Both of which we are looking in to. Hope your pup gets better soon.

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