Hives?…Allergies?…… Please Help!


New member
Apr 25, 2022
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone

Since last Saturday 7/15 our boy 1.5 years old has developed what you see in the photos also white specs/bumps throughout his back no missing hair(The two spots on his head are the ones that scabbed up no where else) also seems like Hives on his back legs

We haven’t changed his food or treats since we first got him back when he was several months old. He’s not itching or going after or biting his legs acting normal seems more tired though but breathing and eating is fine playing is fine bathroom time is fine wants to go on walks. He’s on a monthly program for Flea/Tick/Heart Worm.

Since last Fri we stopped any/all extra foods (Fruits/Veggies) to rule that out along with Ear cleaner and Paw Lotion there was weed killer I put down a week prior but didn’t allow him to go until at least 3-4hrs after, since then I stopped that in the backyard/anywhere he walks.

I’ve cleaned his bed in Sensitive Skin detergent and bathed him today in Douxo S3 PYO Shampoo we also started giving him Benadryl 2.5 pills daily on Friday

Any help or calming words will be helpful 😞 we have a vet visit this Thursday… In March he was given a Cytopoint Injection for excessive itching and pawn biting/licking


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Hi everyone

Since last Saturday 7/15 our boy 1.5 years old has developed what you see in the photos also white specs/bumps throughout his back no missing hair(The two spots on his head are the ones that scabbed up no where else) also seems like Hives on his back legs

We haven’t changed his food or treats since we first got him back when he was several months old. He’s not itching or going after or biting his legs acting normal seems more tired though but breathing and eating is fine playing is fine bathroom time is fine wants to go on walks. He’s on a monthly program for Flea/Tick/Heart Worm.

Since last Fri we stopped any/all extra foods (Fruits/Veggies) to rule that out along with Ear cleaner and Paw Lotion there was weed killer I put down a week prior but didn’t allow him to go until at least 3-4hrs after, since then I stopped that in the backyard/anywhere he walks.

I’ve cleaned his bed in Sensitive Skin detergent and bathed him today in Douxo S3 PYO Shampoo we also started giving him Benadryl 2.5 pills daily on Friday

Any help or calming words will be helpful 😞 we have a vet visit this Thursday… In March he was given a Cytopoint Injection for excessive itching and pawn biting/licking

Yes that’s hives/allergies.

My frenchie gets those during allergy flare.

I don’t recommend giving Benadryl(side effects like kidney issues) Apoquel or cytopoint as it’s suppressed immune system leading to disease and lets viruses and cancer take over.

Bovine colostrum I give my frenchie is very helpful and effective, omega 3 too is good.
I highly recommend that. I buy the Four Leaf Rover brand bovine colostrum powder. He has been on it for 2 years now. His allergies required a vet dermatologist cause the hives got infected.

You can give Quercetin which is antihistamine the natural version of Benadryl.

You should give him a bath with Legendary canine Healer shampoo bar, or 4 Legger CALM shampoo.

There is chemicals in the Duoxo pup shampoo which is why I use the healer bar by legenary canine.

My frenchie was 10X worse from the Benadryl during a allergy to vaccines.

Flea and tick and heartworm treatment can cause this too.

What do you feed him???

Dogs can develop allergies to what they eat everyday, my frenchie became allergic to pork from eating it 60 days only in a row without variety, very common.

Rotate proteins prevents that from happening, avoid chicken as it’s the most common allergy.

Too many carbs in diet create yeast which causes these hives and allergies too.

I feed him Raw diet and rotate thru 4-5 different raw diets and proteins in a week, but very bag or box of food can be a different protein for example.

Avoid these brands- Purina, Hills, Eukanuba, Iams, science diet Royal Canin, and anything from vet and grocery store should be AVOIDED cause low quality food can cause these issues.

Pet Well-being brand itch Support gold is also good.

What do you feed him?

Probiotics are also helpful for allergies and immune system.
I use Four Leaf Rover or Adored Beast Brands.

For the bovine colostrum you give it 39 minutes BEFORE breakfast by itself in dish so they lick it up and it’s absorbed better on empty stomach. Wait at least 30 minutes before feeding him.
You can safely give benedryl, 1mg per lb with some slop is perfectly safe. Don’t stop doing this. You can also switch to cetirizine (zyrtec) and save benedryl for immediate relief if you want. Both are safe.

Do you link the weed killer to this breakout? Have you had much rain since? What does the bag say about pets and children?

The pictures look like common seasonal allergies

Avoid baths. You can pick up some chlorhexidine in a gallon container from the internet. It use to be $20 on Amazon but they switched to 32oz jugs. My last order was through chewy. It should be 2%. Instead of a bath, mix an ounce of this into a gallon of water and soak him in it being careful to keep it from his eyes. I just avoid the whole head. Let it soak 5 minutes then towel off. Dont rinse. Blow dry on cold to make sure he’s totally dry.

You can do this every day if he’s having sores otherwise the bald spots you can dab the straight chlorohexidine onto with a cotton swab. Just make sure you dry him off very well after the bath.

I recommend adding salmon oil and/or coconut oil to his food.

Edit: this post is directed to mdaniel1984.
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You can safely give benedryl, 1mg per lb with some slop is perfectly safe. Don’t stop doing this. You can also switch to cetirizine (zyrtec) and save benedryl for immediate relief if you want. Both are safe.

Do you link the weed killer to this breakout? Have you had much rain since? What does the bag say about pets and children?

The pictures look like common seasonal allergies

Avoid baths. You can pick up some chlorhexidine in a gallon container from the internet. It use to be $20 on Amazon but they switched to 32oz jugs. My last order was through chewy. It should be 2%. Instead of a bath, mix an ounce of this into a gallon of water and soak him in it being careful to keep it from his eyes. I just avoid the whole head. Let it soak 5 minutes then towel off. Dont rinse. Blow dry on cold to make sure he’s totally dry.

You can do this every day if he’s having sores otherwise the bald spots you can dab the straight chlorohexidine onto with a cotton swab. Just make sure you dry him off very well after the bath.

I recommend adding salmon oil and/or coconut oil to his food.
why are you telling her to NOT bath the dog???? I know for a fact that bathing the dog gives relief and it WORKS and what I mentioned to use will NOT dry out the dogs coat and oils. I know many people who DO bath the dogs ti get rid of hives and allergy issues and it WORKS, that’s what the Original Poster is dealing with.

I still recommend you give your dog a bath for those hives with the shampoo I mentioned in my original response @Mdaniel1984 and it’s completely up to you as the dog owner of him with his hives I recommend you try the baths with the shampoo I mentioned in my last response as I know it works for the hives and allergy reactions and fur loss.

You can do both the baths I mentioned and chlorhexedine like @benny said ,
But coconut oil I would definitely AVOID- see the link.

The chlorhexedine is a chemical and I don’t recommend using it.

If the original poster wants to continue giving the dog Benadryl, let her decide and my comment about Benadryl not being very good for the kidneys and can be harmful doesn’t mean they won’t continue giving Benadryl, it’s not 100% safe, there is risks after using it often.
But again the original poster decides for her dog.

@benny -You have basically told the Original Poster to NOT take any of my recommendations! Very rude actually as I’m being helpful here, I have dealt with the exact same issue!

@benny -Does your dog have allergies???

My dog with allergies, he had the EXACT Same Hives/bumps and fur loss that he seen a vet dermatologist for, the dermatologist told me to bath my dog DAILY for 2 weeks and it WORKED, now I bath him 1 time every 1-2 weeks for maintenance preventative with the supplements and diet that help maintain him. FYI the vet dermatologist says blow drying is the WORST for dogs skin hives no matter the temperature and to only towel dry.

I highly recommend AVOIDING coconut oil for these reasons(can cause cancer and inflammation which is what your trying to get rid of and leaky gut, and inflammation):

The truth on Benadryl link:

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@Bulldog2001 just because you think you are right about things doesn’t mean people are being rude to you when they give the opposite advice. I was responding to Mdaniel1984, not you. And to be honest I never read your posts through because they’re mostly nonsense at best and often rude to the OP… anyway, so you never have to worry about me being rude to you, the chances are I wasn’t talking to you.
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@Bulldog2001 just because you think you are right about things doesn’t mean people are being rude to you when they give the opposite advice. I was responding to Mdaniel1984, not you. And to be honest I never read your posts through because they’re mostly nonsense at best and often rude to the OP… anyway, so you never have to worry about me being rude to you, the chances are I wasn’t talking to you.

I asked you a question. Why are you saying do NOT bath the dog???

And does your dog have allergies???

And FYI- I know I’m right and also the helpful info i provided originally was also vet dermatologist recommended(bath the dog and NO blow dry or Benadryl).

Im NEVER rude to the OP, it’s helpful info I give and you call it ‘nonsense’- how is that NOT being rude to me??

I know you were not responding directly to me, but the fact is YOU told the OP Basically to NOT take any of my advice as it’s wrong basically is what you were doing.

That IS RUDE of you Benny!
Do you have a bulldog?
IMO, there's nothing wrong with offering Benadryl for hives. Hives are always short-term in our experience. Long term dosing of Benadryl is not advised as noted in the article previously posted.
We've been using Benadryl for short term relief of allergy symptoms for decades and have not observed a single adverse side-effect that can be attributed to it. That's literally hundreds of rescues. For short term, it's effective.
I have also given Benadryl short term as well and sometimes it is needed and will help.
You didn’t answer my 2 only questions!

I did 2 years ago and it lived to 12 yrs.

I am gonna get a bulldog in near future IF I can find a good breeder where I am.
Sorry about that.
Why are you saying do NOT bath the dog???
The OP didn't mention it but I'm counting on baths having already made the situation worse. The reason I said "Avoid baths." is because a bath strips what little the dog has protecting their skin away. When you do that you are introducing a situation which can make the problem worse and creating the possibility for new skin-fold issues. A minimal approach is best. A five minute soak in chlorhexidine will kill any staph and other surface issues off without removing all of the coat's oils. The problem with a soak is now you have a wet dog, the solution to that is get the dog as dry as you possibly can, a cold blow after you towel the dog off is the way to achieve that.
And does your dog have allergies???

My dog has had exactly what is pictured in the OP. It is a common way skin allergies present themselves on bulldogs. When Millie had this occur, I: did chlorhexidine soaks, stopped giving baths, and switched to Purina ProPlan Sensitive Skin and Stomach. The result was immediate relief, eventual clearing of the problem spots with hair regrowth, and nearly a full year without the issue. When it started to come back this spring, I immediately started the soaks and the issue went away, without going full-blown.

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