Help Needed! Repeated infection on Rear Right Leg


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Dec 5, 2016
North Carolina
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So the situation is as follows. My Male Bully Bowser seems to get this infection (maybe staph) on his right rear leg and this has been an off and on occurrence for the last few years. I have attached a photo. I have put antibiotic cream on it so that is why it looks wet. It seems that the vets I have taken him to for this and other health issues don't seem to have specific knowledge in English Bulldogs but just rather general knowledge in all dog breeds. Thus far these are the steps I have taken to remedy previous health issues and this one:

1) Had vet perform an allergy test. He is currently on Spectrum Labs allergy shots given once a month.
2) Based on his allergy test, he is on food that doesn't have foods or ingredients that he is allergic to. He currently eats The Honest Kitchen Preference Base Mix along with home made pork, green beans, and 2 egg yolks. He has allergies to poultry so I cannot feed him chicken or turkey. Each meal equates to about 1 1/2 cups of food per meal. He also had a boat load of environmental allergies, which is to much to list. I live in the North Carolina and my house is surrounded by these things that he is allergic to. There is no way around this nor can I afford to move. I also keep my house clean and immaculate.
3) I currently give him baths approx once every 2 weeks. Since he is lazy and sleeps most of the time, he does not get dirty alot. I also wash his beds and sheets.
4) For this particular problem my vet has him on and off again on antibiotics. To my knowledge I have tried Cephalexin 500 mg 2x daily and also another one called Cipro-something at 750mg 2x daily when not giving Cephalexin. They seem to help a little short term, but after discontinuing it seems to come back. The vet has recommend long term antibiotics but I am looking for a permanent solution.

Frankly, I am tired of repeated visits to the Vet only to be told to "Give him this drug" and schedule a return visit. I am reaching out to the bulldog community to try and get some valuable feedback from knowledgeable owners that may have encountered this problem. Thanks in advance for your time and input.



EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you are having to deal w/this... I have a few questions to begin with.

1. I'm assuming that the vet did a skin scrape, and what did he conclude? Is it staph?
2. Does Bowser seem bothered by the spots... does he try to scratch or dig at them?
3. Is it only on that one area of his leg?
4. Do you give Bowser any supplements or probiotics to boost his natural immune system? ALL of those antibiotics are probably doing a number on his natural immunity...

I'm NOT an expert by any means, but it does seem strange to me that if this was considered an environmental or food allergy that he would have this in more than one area. Also I would be careful about all of the bathes that you are giving him... I only have my bulldogs bathed once every 6 to 8 weeks if that much. MANY of the shampoos listed as sensitive contain oatmeal and grains can cause a LOT of problems for bulldogs in general.

I agree that the med train is probably a bad idea... hopefully we can give you some new insight on what is going on w/Bowser.


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Dec 5, 2016
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Thanks for the quick response.

1. I'm assuming that the vet did a skin scrape, and what did he conclude? Is it staph? ***** I called the vet and they only have done a culture to determine what antibiotics are best for the current issue. I did make an appt. for this week to do a scrape. Its a shame that they have not done this with all the return visits and I had to request one, and I am not even a vet.
2. Does Bowser seem bothered by the spots... does he try to scratch or dig at them? ***** No. Does not bother him or cause pain when touched.
3. Is it only on that one area of his leg? ******* Yes. Just that area. I have not seen anything similar anywhere else on him.
4. Do you give Bowser any supplements or probiotics to boost his natural immune system? ALL of those antibiotics are probably doing a number on his natural immunity... ***** Currently I give him FortiFlora by Purina once a day in his food. No other supplements that I know of. Do you have some recommendations that have shown good results with your bullies?

Oh. By the way. I use Zymox LP3 Enzyme System Shampoo to bathe him. It seems that this does not inflame or irritate his skin. I did not know that bathing him once every two weeks was going to be an issue. It seems that when I wait longer than that he smells musty, not yeasty. But I will take that into consideration.

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you are having to deal w/this... I have a few questions to begin with.

1. I'm assuming that the vet did a skin scrape, and what did he conclude? Is it staph?
2. Does Bowser seem bothered by the spots... does he try to scratch or dig at them?
3. Is it only on that one area of his leg?
4. Do you give Bowser any supplements or probiotics to boost his natural immune system? ALL of those antibiotics are probably doing a number on his natural immunity...

I'm NOT an expert by any means, but it does seem strange to me that if this was considered an environmental or food allergy that he would have this in more than one area. Also I would be careful about all of the bathes that you are giving him... I only have my bulldogs bathed once every 6 to 8 weeks if that much. MANY of the shampoos listed as sensitive contain oatmeal and grains can cause a LOT of problems for bulldogs in general.

I agree that the med train is probably a bad idea... hopefully we can give you some new insight on what is going on w/Bowser.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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That looks like a hotspot to me... have you shaved the area during at any time? With it having all that moisture it seems the fur may be trapping all the dirt and crap which continues to bring the problem back.

I tagged Lynn, she swears by stuff called NuStock, she can explain the product and maybe that will help.

Everything else you are doing is great and I would not change it. Could also be, the allergy shots are not helping and may be adding to the problem.... just a thought. I did them for two of my bulldogs and never really did see any improvement. Benadryl seemed more helpful than the shots --- just my opinion.


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Thanks for the feedback. I will check into NuStock. I have not shaved the area. Would you suggest that? Anything topical I should apply? As far as the allergy shots, I did see an improvement in terms of skin condition, IMO. I try to give them every 45 days now since they are expensive to me. I have used Benadryl in the past for other issues but never considered for this issue. I will give it a whirl. Do you give it just when there is a potential allergic reaction or do you give it daily? What is your dosage and for how long? Once again, thanks for the feedback. Keep them coming.

That looks like a hotspot to me... have you shaved the area during at any time? With it having all that moisture it seems the fur may be trapping all the dirt and crap which continues to bring the problem back.

I tagged Lynn, she swears by stuff called NuStock, she can explain the product and maybe that will help.

Everything else you are doing is great and I would not change it. Could also be, the allergy shots are not helping and may be adding to the problem.... just a thought. I did them for two of my bulldogs and never really did see any improvement. Benadryl seemed more helpful than the shots --- just my opinion.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Thanks for the feedback. I will check into NuStock. I have not shaved the area. Would you suggest that? Anything topical I should apply? As far as the allergy shots, I did see an improvement in terms of skin condition, IMO. I try to give them every 45 days now since they are expensive to me. I have used Benadryl in the past for other issues but never considered for this issue. I will give it a whirl. Do you give it just when there is a potential allergic reaction or do you give it daily? What is your dosage and for how long? Once again, thanks for the feedback. Keep them coming.

You can use Vectrycin hot spot spray or the NuStock... hopefully Lynn will be along soon and can give more info on the Nustock. if it were me, I would shave the area and clean it with peroxide... if it is a hotspot, it needs to dry out and stay clean for it to clear up. My boy, Lambeau is allergic to all things green and has gotten least twice during the spring... shave, clean and it is gone in about a week

Benedryl -- I give it daily during spring/fall... summer is as needed. 1 mg per pound up to 3x a day. Zyrtec and Claritin are options too, but that is one pill per day.


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May 2, 2013
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[MENTION=16602]aliasamw[/MENTION] sorry you have this problem with your Bowser. As 2BullyMama mentioned, my first go-to for skin problems is NuStock. It comes in a large tube, and you need to "squish" it around to try and mix it up. Apply it and rub it in as best you can. Follow directions on tube. It has never failed for me,and I hope it helps your boy! It is certainly worth a try. You can buy it where they sell horse supplies,or you can order it directly from NuStock. Hope this helps!


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Thanks for the feedback. I will order some of the NuStock this week. Looks like great reviews on Amazon.


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
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Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
I've used Nustock as well. Just a fore-warning. It has quiet the smell, lol. But, it has worked for us as well in the past. :)


Thanks for the feedback. I will order some of the NuStock this week. Looks like great reviews on Amazon.


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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You can use Vectrycin hot spot spray or the NuStock... hopefully Lynn will be along soon and can give more info on the Nustock. if it were me, I would shave the area and clean it with peroxide... if it is a hotspot, it needs to dry out and stay clean for it to clear up. My boy, Lambeau is allergic to all things green and has gotten least twice during the spring... shave, clean and it is gone in about a week

Benedryl -- I give it daily during spring/fall... summer is as needed. 1 mg per pound up to 3x a day. Zyrtec and Claritin are options too, but that is one pill per day.

:goodpost: I agree w/Christine... I would treat this as a hotspot, so that means keeping it dry is crucial. I would still insist on the scrape, and I honestly can NOT believe that they didn't do that first thing. Everything else you are doing is great, Forti Flora is a great supplement from what I have heard. You could also add some plain fat free greek yogurt to his kibble daily. I give that to both my bulldogs in their morning kibble... Bulldogs DO smell musky, but I just make sure to give them a good brushing at least once a week, and clean those folds daily. On our home page you can see several threads on daily home care for your bulldogs, and there are some great tips on how to keep the allergies and smell at bay.

Mutsch Harvesting

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Jan 1, 2016
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Wow this looks like staph celluitis, seen it on people but not on a bulldog. antibitics don't work on SC for people after awhile, so maybe that is why antibiotics are not working anymore??? Hey try some tree oil and/ coconut oil look up turmeric for staph celluitis I do know this can turn dangerous might quick. I don't know if this is what bowser has but looks like it. Hope you find out soon and good luck


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Sep 12, 2013
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Poor Bowser and poor you! Good to hear it doesn't seem to bother him, though.

I agree it looks a bit like hotspots. Castor had that a few months ago and vet shaved the area and told us to wash with chlorehexidine daily (a shampoo called TrizCHLOR). Castor has also had a staph infection (not at all as bad, though). We have never got antibiotics for his skin issues - just been told to wash with chlorehexidine. This Trizchlor shampoo is quite strong so don't use without having talked to your vet. You apply it and wait for ten mins before rinsing. Hotspots healed within a week.

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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After rinsing shampoo out really well, get a plastic pitcher and put 1 cup vinegar
then fill with warm water and slowly pour from neck down to tail, leave in. This
really helps with dog odor until next bath. I wash my Cami once a month, no odor
at all. You can dip washcloth in mixture, rinse out & wipe face & ears out in between
baths, even a complete body wipe down if needed.

I might try another Vet, a skin scrape should have been done 1st, not simply culture
to see what antibiotics best for him. Tells me they are treating the symptom and not
looking for the cause. A bully experienced Vet if possible.

Please let us know how your bully does with the NuStock, etc...Good Luck!


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Apr 18, 2016
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Dear aliasamw, I know how you feel. Very sorry that your baby is not well. Does Bowser get good fish oil with high content of EPA and DHA? My boy is also getting antibiotics now bcs of allergy that caused a lot of skin problems, but doctor also gave us South African produced Efazol, which is combination of high level EPA and DHA essential fatty acids and Zn. And his skin improved a lot.

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