Well-known member
Dec 29, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
King Ollie
It's impossible to keep this short. As everyone knows ad nauseam, Ollie(neutered) has played daily with Bigly(intact) for over a year. I have had concerns over Bigly continually humping Ollie, penis out, full bore on. [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] gave me some advice I should have followed better. My dog trainer told me it was my responsibility to stop this for Ollie's sake. I didn't listen. Bigly is 16 months old and Ollie is 22 months old. Bigly is as big as ollie, but he's built short and stocky compared to Ollie's athletic build. Ollie weighs 54.4lbs and Bigs weighs 48lbs. Anyway, I knew I needed to stop this, but I didn't. Bigly's parents are the world's nicest people. This is their first dog. They were always C-A-T (we spell it at our house) people. Bigly is out of control in many ways. On walks, he'll go away from home, but he refuses to go of them gets the car. He bites them and does other bad things. He eats all the towels. They hired a trainer and they didn't like what she said so they never called her back. They had the underground fence put in, but the guy couldn't train Bigly to it because he refused to do the leash work and he kept jumping on the guy and bit him. So they have and paid for the fence, but Bigly has never worn the collar.

Fast forward to last Friday. Bigly just would not stop humping Ollie, pinning him down and poking him with his stealth weapon. He had Ollie splayed out on the ground and his back legs were straight back with all of Bigly's weight on Ollie's back end. I said, "he's really hurting Ollie...get him off. It took the husband to drag him off. They apologized over and over. I was pretty sure Ollie was hurt. By about 2 hrs later, Ollie was not putting weight on his back left leg and was dragging the foot. I figured I'd give fit the weekend. Today (Monday) it was better, but only by about 50%. We went to vet. X-Rays, manipulation etc. Bad news...dysplasia in right hip (not caused by Bigly, but I'm sure he didn't help it) and either tendon or muscle issue in left hip area. He's on Rimadyl 100m, half twice a day. He has to stay in crate.

I asked if Ollie could work with trainer on Service skills tomorrow. We were supposed to meet at the big Mall tomorrow to work on elevators, lots of doorways and people etc. Vet said no.

I asked if Ollie could go Wednesday to take his test for Obedience 1 and get his diploma...No

All Ollie can do is crate, pee, poop and eat. We have recheck in 7 days. If no improvement, We see the vet orthopedic specialist.

Ollie is supposed to have a weekend in Orlando on the 24th. He is supposed to fly to Niagara Falls, Canada on May 14th so we can say goodbye to my dying 93 year old father. I am absolutely the worst dog mother ever to the very best dog ever. I sacrificed my dog's health and probably his psychological well being (Being a sex slave to Bigly) because I didn't want to hurt someone's feelings about their dog.
First of all I hope Ollie gets better very soon, poor boy. Now if I were you, Bigly would never come over again since he acts that way. I would never let any dog hump another without stopping it, I don't care who's dog it is. That behavior is NOT allowed. If the owner will not stop it, I will. I don't mean to sound harsh, but that's the way it is. Anyway please keep us posted on his progress and hopefully he will be back to his normal self soon. Plus when he flies, I hope he is in the cabin with you. Never ever put one in cargo, but I'm sure you know that already. :)
I recall in another post you mentioned that humping issue. Like mentioned previously, them owners needs to learn to respect your wishes. If not, I sure would be the first to tell them to leave. Whatā€™s done is done. Right now Ollie needs to rest for sure so he can resume his new job helping you in the future. Bigly n the owners needs to stay away so you donā€™t stress yourself n especially Ollie. You donā€™t need this right now. Youā€™re a smart cookie n know what you need to do. Just do your steps. :yes:

Sorry about your dad. :hug2:
First of all I hope Ollie gets better very soon, poor boy. Now if I were you, Bigly would never come over again since he acts that way. I would never let any dog hump another without stopping it, I don't care who's dog it is. That behavior is NOT allowed. If the owner will not stop it, I will. I don't mean to sound harsh, but that's the way it is. Anyway please keep us posted on his progress and hopefully he will be back to his normal self soon. Plus when he flies, I hope he is in the cabin with you. Never ever put one in cargo, but I'm sure you know that already. :)

Ollie will be in Cabin with me. He is now my service dog in training. And Bigly will not be here again. I told his people that already.

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Oh Iā€™m so sorry! Poor Sir Ollie! It is such a difficult situation with your friends, on the one hand you donā€™t want to spoil relationship with neighbors and cannot tell them what to do even if you know they are wrong, but on the other hand I would say it is a kind of violence from their side to make you and others to see lewd behaviour like this (not even talking about physical damage to poor Ollie). I personally find it absolutely inappropriate, extremely ugly to see and when my Tank started humping (he jumped only his bulldog brother Charlie), I was not excited to do so but I took out electric collar and used it to stop it. Used it just for 2 days and problem was solved, it is now one year after and he doesnā€™t hump, if I see him getting ideas (sniffing Charlieā€™s ears) I say NO and he listens. The trick is to stop humping behaviour early, because when it is n full swing dog hears nothing.
To be honest with you I noticed some people kind of enjoy behaviour like this in their dogs and are somewhat proud of it - ā€œoh, he is such a stud etcā€.
Please donā€™t be hard on yourself, it is not easy to tell your friends ā€œdonā€™t come here because your dog cannot behaveā€. I remember myself, when our friend from Holland with his American girlfriend came and wanted to stay for couple of nights, we invited them, they arrived with their Dachshund and without cage. That Dachshund was absolutely mean and bossy, was really eating poor Tank alive, chasing him, barking and trying to bite. It was extremely difficult for me to tell them that their dog has to go to the hotel, and I felt guilty....but I hated to think that Tank wonā€™t have peace for two days, so we sent away their dog to to the dog hotel for 2 days. I felt bad but you know what? In the end it is me who will pay vetā€™s bills if my dog is hurt. And it is not my fault their dog is not socialised...and where was the cage?..
I think that people like this just donā€™t realise that not educating their dog to behave properly will create problems for themselves in the future.
Please donā€™t worry, Ollie should get better soon! Our poor babies have bad joints and get hurt from time to time, but usually it is temporary.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you... unfortunately I think that your friends are in for an awakening moment. YOU have to be in charge of your dog at ALL times... with friends/family/strangers. Willow likes to hump (to include the hubby) and I immediately put a STOP to it. Hopefully Ollie will feel better soon...
Ollie will be in Cabin with me. He is now my service dog in training. And Bigly will not be here again. I told his people that already.

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So very sorry about your father. Safe travels for you all.

I hope Ollie heals up soon and he will be back to work with you for sure. Sad this had to happen as I know you love having the pups play, but the owners need to get control of Bigly before he hurts someone or himself. They are not being good dog parents and need to be firm with him, they are not doing him any good being so 'free' and it really is not fair to Bigly.

Sending you some big hugs
Safe travels and give Ollie a big ol' hug from Texas. He will be okay and so will you. Just one step at a time. :D
Firstly, I hope Ollie gets better very soon. I'm thinking he's pulled a muscle or aggravated his wonky hip. He's young and strong and will likely recover in time...that's what I'm hoping. You are also hurt in this situation, not by your actions but by the actions of others. You have done your best, bent over backwards, to make this scenario work. Now, for the safety of you and your loved ones, you have had to cut off the interaction. Sadly, that is the correct decision. Bigly's owners are responsible for you having to take this uncomfortable stand. They are playing a dangerous game allowing him to rule their roost. Eventually, someone will be seriously injured...please don't let that person be you.

...because he refused to do the leash work and he kept jumping on the guy and bit him.

I think that Bigly is well on his way to becoming a rescue dog if he's not reigned in RIGHT NOW. Given what you have reported, he may not be recoverable. Reputable rescues will not take on a dog that has bitten a person...the liability is simply too great. I know that we would not take him on if asked to do so.

As a rescue group we have had quite a few dominant males come through. We neuter all males that come through. In his case, exhibiting his aggressive and dominant behavior, I recommend neutering if he's not already. IMO, he's got a 50/50 chance for improvement just by cutting off that testosterone supply. There's only one way to find out. He also needs a come to Jesus intervention from the Alpha in the home. Unfortunately, it appears that the Alpha in the home is not human. I hope there are no children in this picture.
This is a very sad state of affairs.
[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]. Bigly is not neutered. He is not neutered because some half-a**ed breeder lady around her told them if he was neutered he wouldnā€™t physically develop properly. I donā€™t know, not my problem anymore. Itā€™s sad for Bigly, heā€™s like the obnoxious neighborhood kid no one wants to be around.
Ollie in solitary confinement.

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[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]. Bigly is not neutered. He is not neutered because some half-a**ed breeder lady around her told them if he was neutered he wouldnā€™t physically develop properly. I donā€™t know, not my problem anymore. Itā€™s sad for Bigly, heā€™s like the obnoxious neighborhood kid no one wants to be around.
Ollie in solitary confinement.

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Look at that sad little man... hugs buddy, youā€™ll be up and running in no time

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[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]. Bigly is not neutered. He is not neutered because some half-a**ed breeder lady around her told them if he was neutered he wouldnā€™t physically develop properly. I donā€™t know, not my problem anymore. Itā€™s sad for Bigly, heā€™s like the obnoxious neighborhood kid no one wants to be around.
Ollie in solitary confinement.

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Neutering a bulldog before a bulldog's growth plates and joints are done growing isn't ideal but neutering after that is just fine. This is why it's recommended to wait until at least 1 year old before neutering and Bigly is beyond that so it wouldn't hurt his growth.

Sorry you are going through this and I hope Ollie recovers quickly!
Agree with guys, Bigly needs immediate neutering and training. But sadly we cannot tell his parents what to do and you did right thing to stop interaction. And absolutely true that this dog is unfortunately on the way to rescue dog. Many people donā€™t understand that bulldogs despite being cute and goofy have tremendous power in their body and joints. Never ever neither I nor my 220 lbs 6ā€™10ā€ husband were able to take away rope in tug of war from 50 pound Tank unless he releases his grip.
I truly hope that nobody else besides from his not very smart owners will be hurt one sad day.
This is very sad for you and Ollie who have suffered from Bigly's owners' lack of responsibility and also sad for Bigly who hasn't been trained from start.

Castor sends a kiss (he's a gentleman!) to Ollie, and we hope you and Ollie will soon be back in training and having fun together.
[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]. Bigly is not neutered. He is not neutered because some half-a**ed breeder lady around her told them if he was neutered he wouldnā€™t physically develop properly. I donā€™t know, not my problem anymore. Itā€™s sad for Bigly, heā€™s like the obnoxious neighborhood kid no one wants to be around.
Ollie in solitary confinement.
That sad little face. I wish I could scoop him up and give him a big ole hug. Please give him a big sloppy kiss from me...I know you can do it!!!!

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