Oh my..what did we do to poor Chester..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
the poor baby.. we put a snow fence up in the winter.. yes, I know :eek: And we put it up today..this means that the baby bully can no longer going behind the pool or greenhouse and do his "business", :poo: and he must do it on the drive with NO PRIVACY for this personal matter. I think I may need to put him on valium when nature calls.. he's very confused right now :crazy: Poor baby bully.
If he is anything like Vegas, he hates change, Vegas likes everything in place and if it's not he will bark, I think he caught my OCD. ANYTHING out of place in our house he stands and barks this is really the ONLY time he barks, this includes all holiday decorations, but he does get used to them after a couple days,
AWW I hate it when a bully is frustrated. Beefy would much rather :poo: where he can be seen lol. Maybe poor Chester has stage fright!!!
Unfortunately, little Daddy will :poo: wherever the urge to :poo: takes him. He also seems to think that his :poo: smells like :heart: cos he does it often and publicly. As somebody who usually ends up cleaning up the :poo: I wish he would do it outside .... anywhere ... including the drive. Cos cleaning up after Daddy every day is really a piece of :poo:!

Poor baby..kept walking around in circles tonight..looking back at me like "is here okay?"
That's really kind of funny. Poor boy. My girls aren't shy at all, ANYWHERE in the whole yard is their toilet!

Gracie is the same way...... she piles it up nice and tall, and then KICKS it all over the yard!! Do NOT be standing behind her when she :poo:s.

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