Gertie is a scardded-ie cat!

Gertie's Mom

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Community Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
SanTan Valley, Az.
Bulldog(s) Names
Gertie & Ida
Last night we were sitting in the family room watching the election results and I was crocheting. I had my bag of yarn next to me, it was sitting up on top of Gertie's crate. I don't dare leave it in Gertie and Ida's reach. Gertie started acting weird, coming half way across the room and then running back to my husband like something was scarring her. We couldn't figure out what her problem was! Turns out she was scarred of the yarn. Whenever I'd pull more out for my crocheting, the bag would jiggle and wiggle and it was really seemed to be frightening her. It was funny to watch! Didn't seem to bother Ida in the least. It's so interesting how totally different their personalities are.
LOL It is funny how different they are! Samson gets scared/alarmed by weird stuff too. Dave brought a trash can back in the backyard and for some reason just left it on its side by the back gate which isn't where it normally is. I heard Samson in the backyard barking like crazy and when I came out he was barking at the trash can and when I picked it up to move it he ran away LOL!
It would be great to be able to see what's going through their heads. Gracie has exhibited some very odd "quirks" like that. She wouldn't even walk past my garden cart outside. Acted like it was going to get her. She still won't go through the kitchen willingly. She still acts like something is going to get her in there. If anything some of the fears have gotten worse not better in the past 3 months it seems. Overall though when we are here in the den, our bedroom at night (she has her own bed in there, or if we take her to Pet Smart or out on a walk around the block she seems happy as all get out once we've gotten past that hurdle of going through the kitchen. She does not like to be outside alone though. and literally shakes when we say the words "outside" and "potty" because she knows what they mean.
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So cute! I love how tough :bully: look but are actually the sweetest and scared of alot of things! Silva is scared of everything!:lol:
LOL that is too cute!!! BAby joe is afraid of Dinosaurs ...stuffed or plastic she runs and hides like its going to eat her.
Thinking more about it, I think Gertie just doesn't like change. We had a storm here a few months ago and things blew around the back yard and she wouldn't go near the stuff that was out of place. A bottle of bug spray had blown on to the ground and she sat about 10 feet from it and barked her head off til I got it returned to the shelf she was used to seeing it on. Good thing I'm not one to rearrange my furniture!!
Yep it is change for us too. Cutty will do that with something that is new to him or in an odd place. Once I show him it is ok tho he wills top barking at it and be fine. lol

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