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New member
Sep 18, 2010
Plainfield, IL
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello my name is Brandi and I have 1 female Bully named
"Moo Shoo Pork" aka Porky! She is 1 year and 9 months.
She is my baby girl.:heart: Since she is the only female in my household. I have four sons ages 8,4,2 and 7 months.
I look forward to meeting all of you and getting all kinds of useful info.

Hi Brandi and Porky! I love the Moo Shoo Pork, how did that name come about? I must know! :D

I have also been blessed with many boys, but got a girl on the fourth. She was the only one not planned- we were done at 3. :eek:

I will be looking forward to getting to know you and Porky better, and we love pics plz. L)
Hi, Brandi. Welcome to the group. If we can help you in any way, please just let us know!

I, too had boys...but stopped with two, and my Otis (the bully) makes 3, but my skin kids are 36 and 35...empty nest syndrome, and we filled it with bully kids!

Boy home here too, I have only skin-sons, but all my "babies" are female: Sophie, Abby and Bella. okay off subject

Welcome to the group Brandi. You will love this place! You will get great information, advice and connections to all your bully needs.
Welcome Brandi and Porky.....You have found the right place for lots of info on bullys
Welcome Brandi and Porky! That is a cute name for a lady bully! I can't wait to see some pics!
Welcome Brandi and Porky, I too would love to hear how you came up with that bully name.
Welcome and I too LOVE the name! Cant wait to see pics to match the name up to. :) You have your hands full with 4 2-leggers, wow!
Hi and welcome!!! You will soon be addicted to this place like the rest of us!!! Can't wait to see pics of your family!
Hi Brandi,
Welcome to our group! You will love it here! This site is addictive! So much useful information! I love Porky's name! I can't wait to see some pictures!
Hi! I recently joined the site and absolutely love it! I have a bully named Silva she is also 1 year 9 months old. I got her from a breeder in Kingsville Canada! Take care!

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