
New member
Oct 11, 2017
Houston TX
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey EBN,

Names Billy and I'm from Houston Texas. I brought home my new puppy last month, her name is Puma and she's 3 months and 5 days old to be exact born 7/20/17 :D. I'm a pretty young owner at 20 years old to most of you on the forum id say. I used this forum for research and guidance prior to getting Puma. Especially BullyMama she has a lot of info here.

I moved to live in Nigeria for about 7 years of my life and had only guard dogs ranging from Bull Mastiff, Presa Canario, Rotweiler and German shepherds all were trained for protection (Parents into politics) and did not get to play or even come out till night plus they only eat twice every 3 days:(. Although I had a Dalmatian before I moved to Nigeria which I gave to my cousins and recently passed. Ive adored English bulldogs all my life but couldn't get one due to weather and other issues esp vets down there. I never really knew too to much about the health caution of EBs till last year when I started looking into getting one which only made me prepare and want one more id say.

Im committed to giving Puma the world and hope with your help we have a greta life together. Im switching over form Royal Cannin to Fromm once this bag is done. I recently signed her up for Healthypaws Insurance. Im so glad I finally have a dog that I can treat well I hated the way the guard dogs lived. I was the only one who so them as pets.

Also randomly one of my neighbors had a EB for 14years so is of great assistance. Heres a couple pics and a snapchat with love filter.

Thanks in advance to all.:heartsign:

What a cutey pie... :-) You're already a step ahead of most new bulldog owners by doing your research first. Good luck with Puma... this site has been a valuable source for me and my pups.
Castor says hi to Puma! Welcome to the forum - this is a great place.
welcome and so glad you finally got the dog you wished for. they're a kick! cant wait to see more :)
WELCOME PUMA!!!! And congrats buying a home at such a young age. Photo #4....keep an eye out...kind of high! Regarding RC, I would start immediately the transition. Dont wait! BTW we're not all old....just young at heart! :w00t:
Welcome Billy and welcome Puma! You will get lots of good information here. There are a few of us from Houston so if you need a good Bully vet, we can steer you in the right direction (and a good bully vet is very important). The pics are lovely, keep them coming!
:welcome3: to EBN!!! Puma is adorable and seems to have a great new Daddy!

Happy you found us and the information here has been helpful to you.... it is what we are all about - healthy bullies and lots of fun/love along the way.

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