
  1. E

    If you have a dog, please PLEASE get pet insurance!

    My take is that you NEVER know when an emergency happens, and you wonā€™t feel it until you're in a life and death situation. You think bad things like this donā€™t happen, but they actually do, accidents can happen, puppies eat everything they see and it can cause blockage. Itā€™s annoying having a...
  2. TxMom2

    Insurance for English bulldogs...??? Yay or Nay??

    Hi Fellow Bulldog LoVers!:heart: I recently got 2 new baby english bulldogs, 2 weeks ago. We have pet insurance through the AKC until June 4. I am looking at pet insurance options and wanted to ask my fellow bulldog lovers and experienced English Bulldog owners, what kind of vet bills do you all...
  3. H

    Pet Insurance ASPCA Pet Health Insurance

    We just brought Hank home about 3 days ago he is 10 weeks old. We are considering purchase pet insurance. So far we are leaning towards ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. Any experiences good or bad or suggetions? Nationwide review are horrible. Thank you
  4. A

    Please help me choose the best insurance for my English Bulldog puppies

    Hello everybody! I've brought home two lovely English Bulldog puppies. I know that they are very predisposed to have many health problems as they age if not taken care of properly. I would like to get insurance for them in case of injury, illness, accident, etc. I would be grateful if you could...
  5. KrysA724

    Best pet insurance for Bully

    Hey guys, I am shopping for pet insurance that covers everything possible with the best rate, but there are so many different providers and Iā€™m not sure which plan to go with. I know bulldogs require plenty of care and I want to be sure I choose a plan that will minimize my out of pocket costs...
  6. helsonwheels

    Pet Insurance. Do the Math!

    We get asked often what pet insurance is the best. I personally have a credit card for my 2 dogs as I believe itā€™s the way to go. Especially if you start off your puppy on a healthy diet n healthy treats, you shouldnā€™t be using insurances or credit card for a very long time. If you buy a dog...
  7. rjisaterp

    Rest In Peace Kobe

    Just heard Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash today in CA as reported by CBS while watching the Farmer's Insurance Open. RIP Kobe.

    Ollie's TPLO Journey

    I've decided that I'm going to try to document Ollie's experience with TPLO (tibial-plateau leveling osteotomy) surgery. I'm pretty much having to learn everything on my own. Maybe some time down the road someone might find this useful. If it needs to be moved, feel free Moderator/s. In the...
  9. H

    Pet insurance

    I'm trying to decide on which insurance to get and am hoping for some recommendations. Thanks!
  10. McPikie

    Are there any UK members here? Insurance?

    I know this is mainly a US forum, but I wanted to ask some fellow UK'ers about who they are using for pet insurance. I've had a few quotes from PetPlan, BoughtByMany and the like, but wondered if anyone can actually recommend one? Our staffie was insured with Animal Friends, but I point blank...

    Update on Ollie

    Ollie had his follow-up vet appointment on Monday. His injured leg was most likely muscle pull. After a week of crate and Rimadyl, it's fine. Now onto the bigger issue, the right hip dysplasia...We need to do the consult with the orthopedic surgeon. We have insurance. The best advice I...
  12. S

    New English Bulldog owner

    Hi I just picked up my pup on Friday and he is 11 weeks old. He is doing great crate training and potty training. The Breeder was feeding him Nutri-Nugget and thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been feeding him since heā€™s used to it but here are my questions. 1- how much and how many times a day should I feed...
  13. T

    English bulldog newbie..hi

    Hello everyone this is my 7week english female Harley. My first puppy ever and excited to learn more about this breed then I have lol I swear my internet search engine has english bulldog info everything and have gone to the pet store probably 15 times buying things we would need. She will...
  14. Mcleanb7

    Ear Ablation surgery

    Has anyone ever had an ear ablation surgery for your dog? How much did it cost (no insurance)? If you could tell me about your experience with the whole process, I would appreciate it!
  15. 2

    Help Needed! Soft Palate Surgery & Pet Insurance

    Hi. Iā€™m the proud new parent of the sweetest 16 mo EBD whom I got a month ago from a family that no longer wanted her. I immediately took her to an EBD recommended vet because she was literally skin/bones and as I suspected she WAS underweight - 10 pounds underweight, hadnā€™t had her heart worm...
  16. K

    Help Needed! Insurance help needed

    Hi could anyone in the uk recommend any good insurance companies please? Iā€™ve found a few and one that stands out is with 4paws insurance and gives lifetime cover of Ā£12000 per year and if the Ā£12000 gets used up in the year you have to wait till the policy starts again the following year which...
  17. M

    Vaccine Allergic Reactions

    Sorry for the long post in advance... So my poor little Hazel had her first DA2PP vaccination a few weeks ago. She had it at around 4pm and was fine until 10pm when she started shaking non-stop and was running a fever. The only side-effect I have ever noticed in my dogs is lethargy. We...
  18. M

    General Question insurance

    Any thoughts on purchasing pet insurance? I've never had it with my other dogs, but with the health problems that come with EB's is it a good idea? Does anyone else have it and used it? Just trying to see if it's worth buying. Thanks
  19. B


    Hello guys, I have an English Bulldog puppy who is 8 weeks old I would like to know what is a good pet insurance to get him? Thanks in advance.
  20. P

    New to forum and first time EB owner

    Hey EBN, Names Billy and I'm from Houston Texas. I brought home my new puppy last month, her name is Puma and she's 3 months and 5 days old to be exact born 7/20/17 :D. I'm a pretty young owner at 20 years old to most of you on the forum id say. I used this forum for research and guidance prior...
  21. rbourque314

    Successful Eye Surgery

    Hey all. Haven't posted in awhile, but last Friday Lincoln had bilateral distichiasis surgery. It all started about a month ago. He was referred to an eye specialist and he knew it right off the bat that he needed surgery. We got him in the next day and he is doing great now. All I can say is...
  22. oscarmayer

    Update: Biggie goes to his new home on Saturday. Cherry-eye fail...UGH!

    His fur is coming back in and his gray skin is no longer visible. The 2 Nexgard treatments have worked well to combat the mites. We will recommend to continue monthly doses to his new owners. He's been neutered and at the same time his cherry-eye tacked. As is quite common with bulldogs, the...
  23. Vikinggirl


    DIY PET-FRIENDLY CLEANING PRODUCTS 03/14/17 Printer-friendly version 0 0 As a pet owner, you want to ensure your pets stay happy and healthy for many years to come. One way to do this is by ensuring they arenā€™t exposed to harmful products. Unfortunately, many common household...
  24. L

    Help Needed! soft palate surgery for Engish Bulldogs

    Hi Everyone - I am the proud owner of a 5 month old English bulldog (dottie). SHe is my first English although I do have a 4 year old Frenchie too. Dottie is having trouble with her breathing. It just seems labored for such a young girl. She also snores heavily. I am considered soft...
  25. M

    New Member

    Hello everyone, We don't have a bulldog yet but are looking to add one to our family but before we do I want to make sure we have as much information as possible. We are looking at getting a grown dog instead of a puppy. A few questions I have is are they expensive to keep ie food, vet bills...
  26. Biscuitsmom

    Been MIA

    Sorry August was just a whirl-wind for me! We did a refi on our house, had to get insurance and the house straight sold and bought another car, work was busy, the list goes on! As for Biscuit and the other pups all is well, we actually switched her to the grain free lamb vs the chicken she was...
  27. WaltsMom

    What's the best way to plan for vet bills? Insurance/wellness plans?

    Hi everyone:) So my 8 month old has gone to the vet once for dermititis and may need to go again soon. I'm wondering if insurance is a good option, id like to know pros and cons or anything i should keep in mind. Do i get an insurance plan, and a wellness plan from the vet too? Or are those...
  28. T

    Pet Insurance

    Does anyone carry insurance on your fur baby? If so which company and what are the pros and cons?
  29. Pennyblossom

    What is the sz of your EB- not wieght but measurements

    So Penny was a rescue; she is big but doesn't look like an OEB. The vets say nope she is just a big English bulldog. I don't think we noticed how big until we got Bristol and she didn't grow to the size we expected. The vets took blood test when we first had her evaluated for the soft palate...
  30. B

    General Question Health insurance

    Hello I am an on again off again member for a live a fairly busy life but when I was thinking about getting an EBD I called a few local vets to ask about the medical problems associated with EBDs. Well one vet told me if you want to get an ebd I would suggest obtaining health insurance and my...
  31. bullmama

    Off Topic.... but hoping for a little help!

    So this year I was introduced to a wonderful organization called the Tyler Robinson Foundation because my favorite band are the founders. Learning the story behind it and how it started is all very touching, but even more so is what they do to help families with children who are battling...
  32. A

    super excited

    Hello, My name is Alyssa and I am a army wife and mother of three children. We are picking up our first bulldog on Friday. We have been waiting for over a year to get one. I wanted to do all the research I could before we got one. We had a german shepherd 7 years ago and when she turned one...
  33. J

    Looking forward to my first bully!

    I've been wanting an English Bulldog for 10 years. I've got a friend that has always had them and I've been fortunate enough to dog sit for a week at a time, so I've understood a lot of the requirements for the breed. I recently applied and was approved for the next litter if they have at least...
  34. megdav

    Do you have to be "rich" to own a bulldog?

    The more I research, the more I realize how many health issues and/or expensive food bullies need. We don't have a ton of money. We're not poor but not well off either. Will pet insurance help a lot? Should I even be considering a bully? :cry:
  35. BuddercupKelly

    URGENT!!! Tail pocket

    Let me start this by saying, I've had bullies all my life and never had this kind of problem. My bully has a really tight tail and therefore, has a tail pocket. A few weeks ago, I noticed that when I clean his tail pocket there is blood. It is just progressively getting worse. Now, he is...
  36. E

    Banfield Wellness Plan (Insurance)

    Has anyone tried the Banfield Wellness Plan (insurance) for their dog? It is associated with Petsmart. I have heard good things from other owners. Dog Wellness Plans - Optimum Wellness Plans - Banfield Pet HospitalƂĀ®
  37. B

    How to find the best vet who specializes in English Bulldogs

    Hi, all: I received so many helpful tips the last time I asked a question (and i probably never replied to everyone saying Thank you. Please accept my much belated Thanks! How does one locate the best English Bulldog vet? One of the girls came to us with so many issues :( and while I really...
  38. V

    Help Needed! Vet Costs in Toronto Ontario area outrageous.. Any suggestions??

    Greetings All, My 5 year old EBD Harley is going through some health issues and we are trying to determine what is wrong with her. I took her to my current Vet today for some tests and I think these prices are WAY too expensive. Don't get me wrong, I WILL PAY ANYTHING to keep my girls happy and...
  39. karla9895

    Pulmonic stenosis

    Hi everyone,Raven is now 5 months and she's been diagnosed with pulmonic stenosis they recommend surgery, the prognosis depends on severity and is highly variable the cost is $3500 -$5000 depends on the case I have Trupanion insurance and I still don't know if I'm cover or not I have to travel...
  40. D

    Daily poll: Does your bulldog have health insurance?

    Does your bulldog have health insurance?