My dogs shedding like crazyšŸ˜­

So Iā€™ve had my dog for 4 months now, heā€™s 6 months old heā€™s been on RC since he was with the breeder, he recently stopped wanting to eat it, like heā€™s not even enthusiastic like how he used to be he just smells it and walks away, heā€™s never been like that at all and I think heā€™s so over the food, I also noticed heā€™s been shedding so much, like to the point where heā€™s half laying on me and Iā€™m petting him and his hair is flying on my faceā€¦ he has a vet appointment on 7/12 and Iā€™m gonna talk to vet but I wanna switch his food I know he doesnā€™t like it anymore.. he doesnā€™t eat people food either other than an occasional treat like watermelon, apples, blueberries and baby broccoli.
My dog has been the same way I give him royal canin he occasionally gets sick what food do you give yours

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