My cousins baby Trinity, born 16 weeks early, prayers needed

With every day she will get stronger and stronger ...
Oh my gosh I am so sorry and saddened to see this. :*( Nothing worse than worrying about a new baby. Surely makes me feel guilty for my Paige now. I agree with everyone tho medicine is amazing these days and the fact that she has pulled thru this long gives hope. Very heartbreaking tho, can only imagine how hard this must be. Please keep us updated!
I was just thinking about her this morning when I
woke up. Thanks for reminding me [MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION].
She is now on 21% oxygen (that is what we breathe) so she is doing great! I just posted on her wall that she should make her a fan page of facebook :up:
That is such good news ... and I am thinking that most of the danger is now over because Trinity has made it this far!!!! :heart:
Oh, such great news!! I was thinking of her last evening. My neice in Mich. had her first baby last night. She had to have a c-section because she got to 5cm and wouldn't dialate further. He was only 6 lbs. 5 oz. so not a big guy. Anyway, thru all that, which had our family plenty concerned!, I was thinking of Baby Trinity and thinking how lucky we are that Baby Joseph is such a healthy little boy. I'm so relieved to hear she's doing so well! I will continue to pray for her, please continue to update us often.
Many prayers to baby Trinity and her parents..... She may be small but she is a true fighter.
WOW!!! Super tiny! I will pray for Trinity! keep the faith, my friend had preclampsia and had her baby about 12 weeks earlier than her due date. The baby was tiny and had blood transfusions but today she is a very healthy little baby!!! I ask God to bless Trinity and make her a healthy strong baby!! give us updates on her,please :pray:

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