Um wow this can't be real can it .

If it is the mother should be
swung from her limbs like that.
I couldn't watch more than 2
minutes of it.
I know that was horrible apparently it has become kind of a "thing" in russia to put videos like this on the internet
Wow. The baby is real, it moves a lot around 2:29 ..... I cannot believe anyone would do that.... you would think they would dislocate the legs, or what if they dropped the baby????? I am horrified to even think about it.... but as read in the article, the customs in other countries are far different than our own and in Russia this is a common practice I guess?
Hmmmm.... several reasons I don't think it's real... 1. A baby that little can barely hold it's head up, how can the arms and legs NOT swing around and stay stiff through all of that? 2. Can a person really sustain all of that without red marks on the body, shaking or trembling when (at the end) she puts the baby on the ground? 3. Although a baby is very limber at birth, grabbing a toe like she did after she threw the baby in the air and cought her with a toe... the weight of the baby would be too much... I would think... there is many more, but that's all I want to write.
I only watched until 3:30.. It seems like a real baby. I wish I could enlarge the video... But that is horrible... OMG I would love to take her out and swing her by her hair...
even if this IS a joke. Why ? what would possess someone to do this.
Even if you just watch the very end. The baby is moving around ALOT. I don't get it.
good point about what is acceptable in other's cultures [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]. other countries find genital mutilation (circumcision) horrific, but we seem to do it to most all male babies.
How can a baby be so stiff? They usually flop around alot. It could be just some great editing and used a real baby at the end.

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