Help Needed! My Bulldog keeps getting hives then her face swells. PLEASE HELP


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Nov 3, 2019
Pittsburgh PA
Bulldog(s) Names
I have A 7mo old female Bulldog named Lexi. I got her when she was 4mo old, the first month we had no problems. One Monday morning she started to act strange running around rubbing her face on the floor and tossing her bed around.Then she threw up bile that's when I noticed her face was extremely swollen to the point her eyes where almost shut. I took her to the vet they gave her Benadryl and a steroid they said it was an allergy. I was feeding her Stella and Chewey that had Chicken. After reading Bulldogs have allergies to chicken I switched to Nature’s Logic Distinction Pork. All was good for 2 weeks then she had another episode on Sunday same symptoms as before I rushed her to the hospital and same prognosis and same meds. I noticed some black flakes in her bile I figured she was eating the mulch I removed all the mulch hoping we found out what was doing this to her. One week later on Saturday same thing but no black flakes this time I noticed hives all over her face and neck and front legs then her face started to swell. since I was starting to know how this progresses I caught it early and gave her some Benadryl witched slowed the swelling and took her to the vet with the same prognosis. Trying to think what could be the problem I remembered that I put a Sorresto collar on her about a month before her first episode so I took it off hoping that was the Problem but it wasn't she had another episode on Saturday. This bring us to today witch is Sunday with another episode. I'M at whitts end trying to figure out what is doing this to her I have washed her bed a couple time during this in Purex detergent no softener cleaned her cage and room looked for any spiders or any bug for that matter. This only happens in the morning right after I let her out to go to the bathroom. I watch her like a hawk to make sure she doesn't get into anything while outside. Please Help me figure this out
Ugh!! I could literally be anything... this happened to my girl twice .. it was extreme like yours and we never were able to figure out what caused it— we still think it was something in the environment. She was highly allergic to chicken but these episodes I mentioned were not related to the chicken. Banks was also allergic to house flies and we THINK she may have eaten one once .. hives all over but no swelling that time.

Are they all happen on Saturday and Sunday or various days of week? Could it be something in the yard other than the mulch? Tall grasses ??

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First time on a Monday but it has been on the weekend only since then. we do have some ornamental grass but that she has attacked in the past but I never seen her touch it on one of the days this happens
First time on a Monday but it has been on the weekend only since then. we do have some ornamental grass but that she has attacked in the past but I never seen her touch it on one of the days this happens

The more I think of it... it must be something she ingesting for that level of reaction.

Are the two food you gave her both kibble, dehydrated raw or frozen raw

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I do give her 1 Whole Hearted biscuit every time I put her in her cage as she is heard to get her to go into the cage.
I do give her 1 Whole Hearted biscuit every time I put her in her cage as she is heard to get her to go into the cage.

What are the ingredients?

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I don't have the bag for the ones she is eating now but i think it was the bacon and cheese here are the ingredients Pea Flour, Tapioca Starch, Chickpeas, Bacon, Dried Cheese, Ground Flaxseed, Potatoes, Natural Smoke Flavor, Mixed Tocopherols (Preservative).
It is going to be a process of elimination.... and maybe even keeping a log of what, where, and when to find the culprit.

With the hives not being consistent, meaning daily, then my thinking is it is something she gets or gets into only at certain times.

I’m not sure if you asked your vet if they would do an allergy test at this young of an age.... our vet prefers to wait to after a year old.
[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION]. Anything to add?

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I can't think of anything that is done differently on the weekends that's what is driving me crazy. same food same treats same toys same everything other than she's out of her cage longer most of the weekend depends how busy we are. we don't take her out to stores or dog parks
A couple things here, one is stop using Sorresto collar as you’re wrapping your dog in pesticides. NOT good n dangerous. You’re not the first that will buy them collars. All made with pesticides. Is your mulch made with coconut beans shells? If so extremely toxic for pets. Purex detergent, start using organic detergent as my previous EB I had to us organic n perfumes. I still use it for my 2 I have now. Your kibbles can have mites in them. Sine this is a continuous issue, why don’t you try for one month raw. Or go dehydrate raw and see the results. I bet Skin issues will go away. But frozen raw will come out same price as a high quality kibble. If it’s kibbles you want to go with, buy Acana single protein bags. Easier to monitor allergies n eliminate them. I personally wouldn’t put him through trails n just go raw or home cook. His gut flora needs to get back on track. Get some frozen raw tripe in the freezer section at your pet shop for now n use it as a treat. Meds will also kill the good cells n the gut goes out of whack. Bad gut = allergy issues n more.
I don't have the bag for the ones she is eating now but i think it was the bacon and cheese here are the ingredients Pea Flour, Tapioca Starch, Chickpeas, Bacon, Dried Cheese, Ground Flaxseed, Potatoes, Natural Smoke Flavor, Mixed Tocopherols (Preservative).

Poor Lexi. Can it be the peas in the biscuits? Dogs can be allergic to peas.
Thanks for the recommendations. I took her Sorresto color off 2 weeks ago and never put it back on. As for the raw diet I have been also giving her raw goats milk. I would agree with all raw if it was a constant problem but this only happens once a week.
I have never heard of giving a bath in Purex, but that's me. As suggested, Get a food with one protein and start there. There could also be some kind of knats outside in the grass, and they would likely get her face,neck, and chest. There are also little bees here that you can hardly notice. Peas and potatoes are also and allergen to some. As for treats, get some with less ingridients. Was her beds and blankets in hypo-allergenic soaps, and give benedryl as soon as you see any sign of welts. 1 per 25 lbs.

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