
  1. D

    Raw Food Safety Tips?

    Hey Bully Lovers! Long time lurker, first time posting to the forum. I have a few questions for you about raw food safety. Iā€™ll ask them first and then give a little background info about us after for those who are curious. 1. How do you clean up your dog after a raw meal? 2. Any tips or...
  2. mer55

    Need Some Advice

    Hi all! I have popped in once in awhile, but just can't find the time to spend what I would like here! Jackson is now almost 11 months old, and is just a love!! He has been very healthy and happy- until the past several days. He started 4 days ago with one episode of vomiting during the night...
  3. helsonwheels

    Benadryl linked to dementia

    And I figure this would be the same for dogs.....
  4. E

    Help Needed! Is this a yeast infection due to an allergy?

    Hello I have a 14 month old EBD named Bella. I noticed on Saturday night that she had been scratching her face and licking her paws. At first I thought that maybe she had scratched herself too hard that caused fold to get red. The following day I noticed the fold a little swollen and still red...
  5. K

    Help Needed! My Bulldog keeps getting hives then her face swells. PLEASE HELP

    I have A 7mo old female Bulldog named Lexi. I got her when she was 4mo old, the first month we had no problems. One Monday morning she started to act strange running around rubbing her face on the floor and tossing her bed around.Then she threw up bile that's when I noticed her face was...
  6. W

    Hives & Swollen Nipples

    This is my baby girl Nala 10 months old. She has had this happen 4 times in the last 2 months. The first time they thought it was a bee sting. 2nd and 3rd time, she had just gotten a bath with some special medicine shampoo, and immediately broke out, so we thought it was the shampoo. We got...
  7. Utley

    Help Needed! Hives Hives Hives

    Update: Today is day three since her last hive flare up. The Benadryl and prednisone were both to be cut back. Benadryl went from every 8 hours to every 12. The prednisone went to every 24 hours. She was itchy s little last night and then more so this morning. A small flare up but it is around...
  8. ddnene

    Ugh... I'm running a vet hospital!!!

    Most of you already know about Wally's pulled hammy... NOW Willow is having issues. I was on the phone w/my mom, and I noticed that Willow was pushing ALL of the dining room chairs across the room. Her face was swollen... call the vet and luckily I had the meds on hand. Her face swelled up...
  9. B

    General Question Car Travel

    My female EB Bella doesnā€™t enjoy car rides, she gets all worked up so I avoid taking her in the car. I have tried sitting in the car with her parked in the driveway with the engine not running and with the engine running but that hadnā€™t worked. The problem I have now is that we have a tiny home...
  10. E

    Help Needed! Hives/allergies

    Hi! My English bulldog Bella is almost 8 months old. She is my first English Bulldog. She has been on Purina Pro Plan. I recently came across this site and read about Purina not being a good choice. So I tried changing her dog food to Fromm Grain free Heartland gold. I started the transition on...
  11. B


    I am back regarding Bellaā€™s ON GOING ā€œapparent staphā€™ skin infection that she gets one or twice every year usually between December and April. She started showing signs of reoccurring about mid April. The first thing I did was bath her using Nizoral shampoo to kill the bacteria and get the loose...

    Help Please

    Everything here is covered with yellow pollen dust. My allergies are the worst ever. Ollie's nose is running and hie eyes are gunky. Can I give him a 10mg loratadine (generic for Claritin). I don't want to make him sleepy with a Benadryl. Thanks in advance.
  13. D

    Stinky Bulldog

    Louie stinks so bad within 2-3 days of a bath!!! I can't figure out why. Here is what I do & feed. Bath with Zymox shampoo & conditioner. I've bathed him as often as every other week. I've gone as long as 8 weeks per my vet. He still smells. Food: Last Sept. I switched to primarily frozen...
  14. E

    Hives won't go away?

    My 9 month old bully has had hives for 4 days now. I've been giving him Benadryl twice a day which calms the swelling but they don't go away. By the morning he is covered again and itching like crazy. About a month ago he had hives for the first time and as a new bulldog owner I rushed him to...
  15. D

    Reoccurring hives /skin infections

    Hello all I have a 1.75 year old lilac tri English bulldog nmed Dora. Since she was a puppy she has had these reoccurring breakouts on her back that consist of large welts that appear overnight that turn into scaly itchy bumps. She is on a raw diet of ground beef zucchini carrots red apples and...
  16. Hanks dad

    Help!! Cherry Eye? Pics

    Hank has just turned 5 months and yesterday a reddish, little protruding under eye and if you would take a look and see what you think. Yesterday there was lot mucus and gave he Benadryl and this morning it was stuck shut from dried mucus. It looked better this morning once I cleaned up eye...
  17. Bottii12


    Hi my name is Mirijane i have a 4 mon english bulldog name Botti. Since yesterday i started noticing that his having like running nose its clear but i didnt see that before till yesterdy and today. someone told me to give him Benadryl but i dont know if i should? And how much? I have benadryl in...
  18. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Mona~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in New York

    Everyone loves a girl who knows what she wants, right? Well Mona, a four-year-old English bullie, knows what she wants, so keep reading to see if you can give Mona her perfect forever home! Mona came to SNORT after she was not getting along with the resident dogs in her home; combined with a...
  19. M

    Vaccine Allergic Reactions

    Sorry for the long post in advance... So my poor little Hazel had her first DA2PP vaccination a few weeks ago. She had it at around 4pm and was fine until 10pm when she started shaking non-stop and was running a fever. The only side-effect I have ever noticed in my dogs is lethargy. We...
  20. K

    Help Needed! Bit of a snotty nose

    Hi everyone First post here and just looking for a bit of advice, we have a 5 month old bully and yesterday and today weā€™ve noticed a bit of a snotty nose on a few occasions, to me it seemed clear but my girlfriend said it had a bit of green in it Iā€™ve seen people saying could be an allergy...
  21. GusterandMabel


    Looking for some advice! My girl, Mabel, has been battling a systemic yeast infection lately. In an effort to help kill off the bad bacteria naturally, I picked up Tomlyn pre & probiotic yesterday for her. I sprinkled a packet on her food at dinner and a few hours later, she had hives on her...
  22. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Oscar~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Florida

    Oscar Age: 10 UPDATE: Oscar is 10 1/2 and a complete love! He likes to hang out on his bed and gets along very well with other dogs. He is on Apoquel & also benadryl for his skin allergies as he is quite an itchy dog without these.INTAKE...
  23. Vikinggirl


    Top 10 Allergy Fixes For Dogs Dog Allergies / By Julia Henriques Allergies affect lots and lots of dogs. Just try googling ā€œdog allergiesā€ and youā€™ll get over 20 million results. It can be really disheartening trying to solve your dogā€™s allergies. You can spend many months...
  24. M

    Rashes for 3 monthsšŸ˜­

    I am new on this forum, and this is my first posting. I have enjoyed reading all the information here since we got Henry 11 months ago. We have been on biweekly visits to the vet since December trying to figure out source of his rashes. They showed up at the time we have a lot of bees and...
  25. Bhaverstock1

    Please Help! Home cooked diet for Cancer!

    As Iā€™ve posted before Ms Stella was diagnosed with bladder cancer a couple of weeks ago. Finding out Stella has inoperable bladder cancer was the worst news! The answers I got for this cancer is every 3 weeks having chemo!! This chemo WILL NOT get rid of the cancer just keep it from growing. Why...
  26. Maximus

    Nasal Congestion .....

    My EB is having a lot of Nasal Congestion. I give him a Benadryl daily, it does not seem to be helping. Does anyone have any suggestions ? Thanks.
  27. rjisaterp

    Freakin' Yeasty Paws

    Well in a recent thread, I posted that Bentley and Jewel were pretty much in good health. I guess I spoke too soon. Bentley has come down with the worst case of yeasty paws that he is constantly licking the skin off of his paws. So bad that he woke me up while he was gnawing and licking his...
  28. D

    Help Needed! Thought I was on the right path.... ugh

    So, my rescue, Sumo was on beniful when I got him. I switched him over to Purina one ( lamb and rice) without knowing much about dog food to be honest. I never realized how different and unhealthy it can actually be, especially for this breed. Ive been researching for weeks on what food to go...
  29. 4WHLN

    Irritated Eye

    :help: Short summery here: Dooley is having a rough summer this year it seems. Couple weeks ago we were at the vet for his bi-annual right ear infection.I tell ya, these Louisiana summers play hell on a EBD ear canal no matter how clean you keep them. I guess one is better than both am I...
  30. D

    Urinary infections

    So my Bruno was using Benadryl for his allergies and after a month of use he ended up with a urinary infection. He was put on antibiotics to clear up infection. Then our vet told us to use anothet allergy med called Chlorpheniramine. After a month of being on that he now has another urinary...
  31. Chevysmom

    Does this sound like allergy's

    OK first I have noticed for a for a few days chevs eyes have been watering and sometimes red and then night before last chevs poop was a little loose so I gave him a little pepto to ease his tummy then yesterday I came home from work and after his usual dance of running around me and wallering...
  32. Hankster

    Anyones dog have reaction to Benidryl?

    I 'think' and so did the vet think it was possible that Hank got itchy inside from Benadryl... He's taken it before but always during the day and I hadn't noticed this. I had given it to him because of the bumps and both nights he got quite weird with acting like he couldn't relax. If this...
  33. J

    Insect bite/sting ---reactions

    Saturday my bully came inside after going out to potty and shortly after she was freaking out and rubbing her face. Closer inspection she was swollen. We went to the vet and she got a steroid shot and Benadryl. Remainder of Saturday and Sunday she seemed fine. Sunday late night she begins...
  34. ddnene

    OK this is really weird...

    As most of you know, Wally has been a mess... he has a double ear infection (which I had packed last week) he is gaining weight and losing his hair. My vet is in a transition faze to a mobile unit, so she is going to check his thyroid in a week when her meds come in. I have him on a regime of...
  35. helsonwheels

    Benadryl Chart

    Attached is a chart of "How Much" Benadryl you can give your dogs. We get asked this often so I figured post it. Benadryl Dosage For Dogs Chart - Benadryl For Dogs
  36. TooTooMommy

    Worried about bee stings/ respiratory arrest !!!

    Our sweet Meaty has had THREE incidences in his 8 years where something (?)** stung him, and his face swelled quickly, which we all know can lead to the throat closing. Each time, we gave him Benadryl immediately and RUSHED him to the closest emergency vet. Thank God, his throat never...
  37. ddnene

    Help Needed! Wallygator is losing hair... seasonal alopecia

    I just gave the pups a good brushing, and Lily had told me the other day that Wally had some thin spots. His entire one side is almost bald, and I guess we didn't notice it because his skin is dark and it looked like his fur. When he was out in the sun you can really see the bald areas...
  38. OpieRay

    Itchy Rear End

    Okay guys, at first I figured it was just Opies tail pocket that was giving him itching issues today. Well I'm going to say it's not. All day today Opie has had issues, he'll be laying down or sleeping than he just jumps up takes of running and parks his rear end up against something hard. It's...
  39. S

    How much Zyrtec to give

    Hi Since Red had is entropian surgery his eye has been looking good with very few tear stains. In the last week his eye started watering again and looks like yeast is coming back. He also rolls to scratch, licks his paws. I'm thinking he may have some airborne allergies and don't like giving...
  40. K

    Clean bill of health šŸ¤—

    Had our first well puppy vet visit and Cash is very healthy and doing very well. He's 17 pounds (13 weeks old) and other than needing Benadryl for rash on tummy (not sure if it's food or environment, he loves playing in the grass) no other problems :D. The visit made him tired and he slept the...