
Well-known member
Community Veteran
Nov 16, 2012
Venice, FL.
Bulldog(s) Names
Jackson, Bogey (granddog) Ruger (granddog)
Hi all! I have popped in once in awhile, but just can't find the time to spend what I would like here! Jackson is now almost 11 months old, and is just a love!! He has been very healthy and happy- until the past several days. He started 4 days ago with one episode of vomiting during the night. He seemed fine in the morning, so I fed him, no problems, stools normal all day. Ate dinner, no problem. 2 days later he started with soft stools, no vomiting. Still eating. Then out of the blue he started with EXPLOSIVE diarrhea. I mean, explosive, yellow watery. Several times. I took him to vet yesterday- she kept him all day- gave him IV's, did xrays to r/o obstruction ( he IS a goat and eats EVERYTHING, so I was fearful of that), did lots of bloodwork. Everything was ok. No Pancreatitis. Phos was high, she felt the dehydration was the cause. The xray showed LOTS of gas, no obstruction. He was found to have a hiatal hernia of undetermined size. After hydrating him all day, giving him meds for the diarrhea, I took him home on Carafate ( to coat the esophagus and stomach) and flagyl ( to control diarrhea). I started him on boiled chicken and rice in very small amounts. He scoffed it down and seemed fine. I gave him the dose of carafate before he went to bed-he slept all night. This morning he woke and he was HIVES from head to toe. HIs eyes were almost shut- huge hives ALL OVER. I gave him chicken and rice- he loved it. NO vomiting or diarrhea. Took him back to the vet, she gave him IV cortisone and benadryl, and a shot of pepcid. WE think he MIGHT have had a reaction to the carafate. I have him on benadryl oral and flagyl oral and pepcid oral. My questions: Any one dealing with a hiatal hernia in their bully? Vet seems to be blaming that on his vomiting, but does not explain the diarrhea. He has not ever thrown up after eating and playing before. How long would you give the boiled chicken and rice- and what amounts? I am giving about 1/2 cup 4 times a day. He looks hungry. He licks the darn bowl dry! No more vomiting and he has not had a BM since his last bout of diarrhea yesterday. Suggetions?????


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I'd be leaning to what we see most of and that's Giardia...especially this time of year when the weather warms and we get a lot of rain. How's the weather been there? Wet?

Since he seems to have made a quick turn around I would attribute that to the antibiotic that is commonly used to treat parasitic infections. It acts quickly. The Carafate likely caused the hives. If you stopped the Carafate and the hives have not returned then you have answered one of the questions. Continue the Flagyl until it's gone. Do not stop it because the symptoms have subsided...unless you suspect other undesirable side effects. If this happens, call your Vet right away.

Hope Jackson makes a quick recovery! He sure is cute.
I'd be leaning to what we see most of and that's Giardia...especially this time of year when the weather warms and we get a lot of rain. How's the weather been there? Wet?

Since he seems to have made a quick turn around I would attribute that to the antibiotic that is commonly used to treat parasitic infections. It acts quickly. The Carafate likely caused the hives. If you stopped the Carafate and the hives have not returned then you have answered one of the questions. Continue the Flagyl until it's gone. Do not stop it because the symptoms have subsided...unless you suspect other undesirable side effects. If this happens, call your Vet right away.

Hope Jackson makes a quick recovery! He sure is cute.

Giardia and parasites were negative. He has taken flagyl before(post op neutering) and had no problems. Really thinking it was the carafate. I certainly hope so! Thanks.
Parasitic infection test(fecal test) can come up Neg, especially after a MAJOR BLOWOUT...
just something to be mindful of.
Poor little Jackson. I hope he soon feels better. Castor sends his best regards too!
Parasitic infection test(fecal test) can come up Neg, especially after a MAJOR BLOWOUT...
just something to be mindful of.
Hmmmm.......very interesting!! It HAS been HOT and WET here. Jackson does not spend a lot of time outside, but we certainly walk twice a day through wet grasses. Definitely food for thought.... thanks!
Hmm... it does sound like the meds are causing the issue, poor baby. Have you tried giving him the pure pumpkin to keep the stools firm?!! What about using rice/sirloin instead of the chicken?!! Good luck and please keep us posted...
Parasitic infection test(fecal test) can come up Neg, especially after a MAJOR BLOWOUT...
just something to be mindful of.
[MENTION=7064]mer55[/MENTION] I had a GS n had the same issue as Jackson. GS are know for fragile stomach/intestines issues. The Fecal test came out neg. like Chip said. After a few more test, yes it was parasites. I kept Major on rice , beef n homemade broth. Does Jackson take any probiotics? If not, wait till his stomach settles n start giving him some. As most knows I prefer the food way like sauerkraut or fermented veggies in the fridge area. Put all your dogs on a probiotic. A good gut flora will avoid a lot of stomach/intestinal issues. Or use raw organs as a topper on their meals. Green smelly tripe is the top. Can’t go wrong with that. Pet shop freezer section.
Thank you!! I am really leaning toward some bacterial infection was the cause. He is completely normal today. He had a small but very firm BM last night. How long should I keep him on the chicken and rice before slowly reintroducing his food? I will try the fermented veggies for gut flora down the road when he is back on a regular diet with no issues. Just curious- what is a "GS"?
@mer55 I had a GS n had the same issue as Jackson. GS are know for fragile stomach/intestines issues. The Fecal test came out neg. like Chip said. After a few more test, yes it was parasites. I kept Major on rice , beef n homemade broth. Does Jackson take any probiotics? If not, wait till his stomach settles n start giving him some. As most knows I prefer the food way like sauerkraut or fermented veggies in the fridge area. Put all your dogs on a probiotic. A good gut flora will avoid a lot of stomach/intestinal issues. Or use raw organs as a topper on their meals. Green smelly tripe is the top. Can’t go wrong with that. Pet shop freezer section.
Jackson gets pure pumpkin in his breakfast and greek yogurt in his dinner. Have always done this.
Thank you!! I am really leaning toward some bacterial infection was the cause. He is completely normal today. He had a small but very firm BM last night. How long should I keep him on the chicken and rice before slowly reintroducing his food? I will try the fermented veggies for gut flora down the road when he is back on a regular diet with no issues. Just curious- what is a "GS"?

GS = German Shepherd

Since it’s only one solid poop, keep him on bland diets a good week. Also for piece of mind I would do another test. Then slowly go back yo his regular food. :)
Hey Mary! I hope he is doing better. The gang gave great advice... at least a week on the bland diet.

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