
  1. D

    How do you keep a young EB entertained when youā€™re working?

    This is my first post but I have been lurking on this site for some time after getting my dog Mayo last May. Mayo is a 15 month EB and I feel like he needs constant attention every time. I try taking him to daycare 2x a week when Iā€™m working or busy. I also try to walk him in the morning...
  2. 1Chumly

    Heat warning!

    This was just posted on my local bulldog group FB page here in Houston so I am posting it here as a warning to us all. So very sad. Everyone, please be careful this summer, it will be very hot. A week ago, my husband and I went out for a walk with our English Bulldog. It was about 8 PM and it...
  3. bulldogs1501

    Moose Growling All of a Sudden

    Hello!!! Some of you may remember we recently moved to a new house at the start of the summer. Moose has adjusted well and knows this is his home. I feel like he has become more cuddly in the last few weeks, but still the same stubborn bully we love. Ever since he was a puppy and could jump...
  4. sisters3

    Joey and Friend

    Hello to all my EBN Peeps !!! One more week and we'll be moved into the new house. Its been crazy but after we get settled I will have more time for my favorite things, including EBN :) Joey has been getting new toys because she has been SUCH A TROOPER through all of this. Anyhow she wanted to...
  5. EllieMay

    Summer for Cinder

    Just a quick hello to all of our Bully Comrades out there.. Cinder is doing great and hopes everyone else is too!
  6. EllieMay

    Ruff wear float coat

    Any one ever use this life jacket for your bulldog? I read that they are really good. If you have, please tell me what you think and your bulldogs size and the size jacket you have used.. I am wanting to gift one for a friend and maybe get one for Cinder this summer..
  7. mer55

    We are BAACK!

    Hello so many old friends and hopefully many new ones! It has been years since I was here- for those that remember, I had Bogey from 8 weeks, and at age 2, let my son take him while we traveled around the country in an RV which Bogey HATED! My son and Bogey bonded that summer and the rest is...
  8. C

    Urine Odor

    During the summer, my boys urine smelled horrible. I would describe it as smelling like "tar" (I think the chemical odor is actually called mercaptaina). It wasn't particularly dark in color. I would "lead him to water but..." he just didn't seem thirsty. Was this a sign of a dietary issue, or...
  9. B

    Help Needed! Reoccurring UTI

    Good day everyone, I hope you are enjoying the summer. Itā€™s me again asking for some opinions on a reoccurring UTI. Bella, an 80lb 11 year old female spoiled bully continues to have reoccurring UTI, here is where we are for 2019: January 6th she was on Amoxiclav for 28 days for a UTI February...
  10. cefe13

    Summer photos

    Been warm here lately so Castor has been enjoying outdoor life As usual, Castor looks like he's only got two legs. When we had a bbq, Castor snacked on a reindeer bone Perhaps some meat for me too?
  11. cefe13

    Tumbled into bed

    Castor came home yesterday after two weeks at summer camp (ie the boarding kennel he goes to when we go on holiday). They take good care of him and he really likes it there, but he is always really tired when he comes home. When he came into the house, he went straight to his comfy bed in the...
  12. sisters3


    Oh my goodness, what Joey? You haven't posted any photos of me recently to say hello to our EBN MOM could you please post me sitting on my awesome summer garage bed? Sure Joey..... Also MOM could you please tell everyone hello from me? Sure Joey, HELLO EVERYONE FROM MY GIRL JOEY :)
  13. ddnene

    Too hot to eat?!!

    SO I'm in the middle of a transition faze for the pups... going from Fromm's to Acana (and of COURSE that article came out!!!) Anyhoo... my long term plan is to switch them to raw/freeze dried raw when we get home from vacation, I don't want to put my dog sitter thru all the hassle. My pups...
  14. ddnene

    Wally pulled his hammy... Ugh!!!

    This weekend was my daughter's HS graduation... so we had family in for the last several days. Last night I noticed that Wally was not putting weight on his back leg, and ALL night long he kept growling and pacing. I luckily had some Metacam, so I gave him some of that and he slept for an...
  15. Cbrugs

    Cooling towels

    Anyone use those cooling towels or bandanas? It's going to be hot by the end of the week and we are expecting a hot summer. I saw this one on Amazon and am wondering if they actually work and are worth it.
  16. Ibrakeforbrachys

    Our beloved Bacon

    It is with a heavy heart that I have to write and say we had to help our boy over the bridge on Saturday. We got Bacon from an ad on Craigslist in September of 2017. I knew from the moment I saw him that he needed us. Little did I know how much we needed him. We were told he was 7 at the time we...
  17. cefe13

    Dreaming about spring

    We were looking at pictures from last summer and found this one of our boy.
  18. sisters3

    Is Joey Losing Her Girlish Figure?

    Question.....I see other bully photos taken from this perspective and they appear to have a rather well defined waste. Ummmmmm does Joey need to go on a diet? She weighed 65ish pounds at her well dog check up over the summer. The vet did say not to worry BUT to cut back on amount of kibble at...
  19. B

    Tremors and heat

    We got a 2 yr old bulldog in June. She had so many issues, including tremors. We've got her in much better health now, and tremors were almost nonexistent. We got new furniture, and now her new thing is to lay on my lap. Her head is right on my stomach, and cuddled up. It's the best. :)...
  20. M

    Toasty Eb Jake

    Does any one have a EB that loves the fireplace? Jake pants all summer long but once the fire is on its his favorite spot to snooze!!:rolleyes:

    Finally, a Harness Decision

    Iā€™m still here. Reading always, not saying much lately. After exhaustive research and much hemming and hawing, Iā€™ve decided on the Julius K9. Even though our heat index is still 100F+ every day, I am hoping for cooler weather maybe next month. It rains every single...
  22. C

    New Behavior- Peeing only on Bath Mat

    We have a 9 year old male. He has been completely housebroken since he was 4 months. Since returning from summer cotttage, he has started to mark on the math mats in both of our bathrooms. Totally new behavior. This is not due to UTI-- he will do this moments after the mat is placed down, he...
  23. oscarmayer

    Dog Days of Summer @ the National Museum of the Marine Corps...

    On the Rebound Bulldog Rescue will have their Bulldog Kissing Booth set up and will be well-represented by several of our best support personnel/bulldogs. If you've never visited this museum, please drop by and have a look. It's well worth a long trip. The event runs from 10:00am - 2::00pm...
  24. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Roxy~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Indiana

    Roxy is Adoption Ready Intake type: Owner Surrender Intake date: 07/12/2018 Age: 8 years Gender: Female Weight: 75 lbs Energy level: Low Good with other dogs: Some (see bio for more information) Good with cats: No Good with kids: Older kids only Object aggression: None noted Special needs: None...
  25. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Tank~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in California

    Meet Tank, 6 years old! Tank is a super loving boy that wants to spend every moment by your side. He walks well on a leash, and is very active! He loves hiking for a few miles, but due to his size, will need some of those cute little booties to protect his paws on hills. He does well with dogs...
  26. Cbrugs

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Scooby~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Indiana

    Scooby is Adoption Ready Intake type: Owner Surrender Intake date: 08/30/2018 Age: 2 years Gender: Male Weight: 55 lbs Energy level: Medium High Good with other dogs: Yes Good with cats: Unknown Good with kids: Yes Object aggression: None noted Special needs: None noted Medications: Monthly...
  27. BeasleysMom

    Beasley's 'rocketship'

    Hey guys! Haven't posted in a while, it was a busy summer!! Beasley is 6 months old now, doing great! He's starting to chill out and demonstrate a more typical bulldog persona, my husband jokes that he sleeps 22 hours per day! Beasley has entered what I would assume is his teenage boy...
  28. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Roxy~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Indiana

    Roxy is Adoption Ready Intake type: Owner Surrender Intake date: 07/12/2018 Age: 8 years Gender: Female Weight: 75 lbs Energy level: Low Good with other dogs: Some (see bio for more information) Good with cats: No Good with kids: Older kids only Object aggression: None noted Special needs: None...
  29. ddnene

    Update on my Wallygator...

    Wallygator is having a rough summer... Ugh!!! I've been giving him Fromm's forever, so I decided to do a slow switch to Acana Red to see if he liked it. He absolutely hated it, in fact he would push around his mixed meals so he didn't have to eat it. I'm still giving him NuVet supplement...
  30. sisters3

    Joey Girl's Adventures

    Just had to share! I had a business trip last week and luckily was able to take Joey, we stayed at my brother's house, she's been there many times. Well in the summer I always take her pool with me BUT THIS TIME she made it very clear that she was perfectly fine in the big pool. She actually...
  31. V

    Allergic to grass?

    Our bulldog has just turned one and this summer and last she has struggled with allergies. It got quite bad last summer which ended up with us taking her to the vet to have an injection. She has been scratching behind her front legs, chest and stomach (drags her stomach on the floor to scratch)...
  32. helsonwheels

    A Must ā€œReadā€

    As we say..... Many years ago I read on Dr Weston Price. Personally I find heā€™s a smart cookie. Since itā€™s summer and you feel you want to be healthier and get back on track or thereā€™s that something missing, 2 cool books which I came across for free online...yes free!!! Free is da best! Just...
  33. helsonwheels


  34. D

    Summer boredom

    It's super hot here. Will be 112 next week. Doesn't cool off much at night. My 8 mo. EB loves to be outside and active. Obviously he can't be with this heat. He gets so bored being cooped up all day. I take him on a short walk in the evening but that's not cutting it. Got him a kiddie pool, he...
  35. Mutsch Harvesting

    Yep keeping cool

    Brosco tops 86 pounds as you can see this XXL has plenty of room Happy summer everyone
  36. rjisaterp

    To Our Canadian Friends

    Happy Victoria Day! I hope you get the day off. It is also the unofficially beginning of summer as well in Canada.
  37. M

    Optimal Summer and Winter Thermostat Settings

    So prior to getting my bulldog I definitely went with energy saving settings on our thermostat so that it was pretty chilly in the winter and during the day in the summer it is kept pretty warm in the house. But what is the optimal temps to stay between to keep my bulldog comfortable? I live...
  38. LoveBug

    For those without central AC

    We live in NW Washington state (on an island) and for the most part it doesn't get very hot here in the summer. But when it does - we are miserable. No one has central AC and it often doesn't cool down very much at night during those few days or weeks (our house stays 80+) :roasted: This will...
  39. MamaAndi

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Jenny~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Hey, all you beautiful Bulldog friends. Itā€™s me, Skinny Jenny, and I have joined rescue! That cracked me up because I am not skinny at all. In fact, I think the word skinny needs to be taken out of the dictionary forever! I consider myself ā€œthick,ā€ which means if I trip and fall, I will have...
  40. MamaAndi

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Gracie Irene~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Please welcome Gracie Irene to our rescue family! As cute and smart as they come, Gracie is a rather fluffy lady, even though her photos make her look thin. Maybe it was the camera angle, or maybe she was holding in her stomach, but she really is thick and perfect.Gracie has no sad tales to...